Journal of awareness, Feb 3, 2023
Izmit Bay is in the Marmara Region and belongs to one of the most developed and modern parts of T... more Izmit Bay is in the Marmara Region and belongs to one of the most developed and modern parts of Turkey. Izmit Bay is near Istanbul where most of the private ports are concentrated. Since the late 1980s; the central government, metropolitan municipality, district municipalities, industrial companies, port authorities and high court have been the key actors in creating a process to transform the waterfront in Izmit Bay. Recent port developments illuminate the relationship between decision makers and the capital flows. Economic challenges for waterfront planning enhance the land use competition among port areas, industrial areas and housing areas. It raises the question of how to integrate the port with the city. The decision-making tradition emphasizes a highly intertwined waterfront planning process with international, national and local stakeholders. No developments in Izmit Bay can be isolated from Istanbul's spatial development strategies. There is a strong relationship between new port investments in Izmit Bay and the industrial decentralization process of the Istanbul Metropolitan Area. In this paper, the most recent port developments of Izmit Bay are evaluated in the context of sustainable development strategies, metropolitan plans, broader economic trends and legislative and institutional frameworks. This study is based on a technical research report prepared for the directorate of circulating capital of the university. The focus of the research case is the Evyap Port enlargement. Evyap Port is directly adjacent to the urban neighbourhood of Izmit, on the border between the industrial harbour area and the housing areas, where logistics and other commercial lands are situated. This area has been proposed for further industrial development within Development Plans, Regional and Metropolitan Plans, because of a high expected demand for space for new logistics and distribution facilities. During the relocation of ports and logistics areas, strong opposition from residents has been observed. Creating port functions and land uses will re-image the city and have effects on the local labour market, transportation facilities, and cause challenges to communities in the new location. As a result, port projects in Izmit Bay support regional and urban economic development activities. Nevertheless, the port does not just serve an economic function. More importantly, the port areas should be considered as a part of the urban planning agenda.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 2017
Urban regeneration projects in Turkey are the most important urban issues discussed and have soci... more Urban regeneration projects in Turkey are the most important urban issues discussed and have social, economic and environmental aspects. In the last 10 years, many legislative regulations have been created by the national government in order to achieve urban regeneration. Today, urban space is produced by urban regeneration projects in Istanbul as it is in many other cities in Turkey. Urban regeneration practices are prepared not only for the former brownfield areas of the city but also for the historical urban environment. This raises heritage conservation issues for urban regeneration. The Fener and Balat district is one of the heritage sites located in the historical peninsula of Istanbul. This historical district has important features such as cultural enrichment, maintaining the urban identity and unique urban patterns. The EU-supported 'District Fener Balat Rehabilitation Program' was developed for the district after the 1996 Habitat II Conference in Istanbul. Urban regeneration projects have also been prepared for this historic district since 2006. In this paper, the urban regeneration projects for Fener Balat district will be analyzed, and the results will be discussed based on the technical expertise reports of administrative court proceedings and related to some results of the graduate theses supervised by the authors in the last 10 years. The spatial continuity of the Fener Balat regeneration project is discussed along with weak governance, disconnection with the socioeconomic context and the lack of modern conservation principles for the protection of historical urban patterns. The study argues that the project risks spatial fragmentation, degeneration, disidentification, alienation and gentrification.
The aim of this study is to present arguments showing that on the port heritage area, underground... more The aim of this study is to present arguments showing that on the port heritage area, underground cultural inventory should be considered from the historic landscape point of view within the framework of the conservation plans. This study focuses on the Yenikapi region, whose settlement history of the Historical Peninsula changed following the rescue excavation performed at the end of The Bosphorus Rail Tube Crossing Project (Marmaray). The area covering the Port of Theodosius, whose multi-layered urban formation started in the Neolithic period and which was one of the most significant grain trade ports in the Byzantine era, and the port heritage within the background of this area consist of important spatial formations. However, waterfront regeneration projects have disrupted the spatial continuity of cultural heritage under the effect of neoliberal policies. The methodology of the study, which involves the use of the Geographical Information System (GIS), is based on the overlappi...
Sustainable Development and Planning X, Sep 4, 2018
In the metropolitan city of Istanbul, the conservation of historic sites that are under the influ... more In the metropolitan city of Istanbul, the conservation of historic sites that are under the influence of tourism pressure is one of the central challenges of management planning. This study aims to perform a critical review, within the framework of the current conservation legislation of Turkey and ICOMOS decisions, of the conservation master plan prepared for Beyoğlu (Istanbul), particularly focusing on conflicts between cultural heritage conservation and culture-led tourism decisions. The review starts out with an analysis of Beyoğlu district in Istanbul, based on the technical expertise reports drawn from the administrative court decisions, followed by a discussion of the results. The study includes four main parts, with the first part discussing and then conceptualizing the cultural heritage conservation and culture-led tourism, the second part examining the definition of the conservation site and the conservation master plan process, the third part addressing the analysis and evaluation of the site within the context of cultural heritage, and the final part discussing the findings and drawing conclusions. Some of the findings derived from the evaluations conducted on the Beyoğlu conservation master plan are given: (a) due to the lack of a holistic planning approach, the conservation master plan boundaries fail to incorporate other historic areas in the same district; (b) the decision to reconstruct former historic buildings damages the present use of public space; (c) car-oriented transport designs increase vehicle traffic in the historic centre of the city; and (d) the existing cultural structure is undergoing "touristification" in the form of culture-led tourism development, and cultural functions are being rapidly "commercialized". The results of the study show that the Beyoğlu (Istanbul) conservation master plan produces negative effects on the tangible and intangible heritage, publicness, public participation, culture-led tourism, and culture-led urban regeneration.
International Labor and Working-Class History, 2003
Gecekondu (squatting) has been the dominant form of urbanization in the major cities of Turkey, e... more Gecekondu (squatting) has been the dominant form of urbanization in the major cities of Turkey, especially Istanbul, just as it has been in most developing countries. Istanbul receives an estimated 500,000 migrants each year from the rural areas of the country, most of whom become squatters. The old city is surrounded by gecekondu settlements, which include sixty-five percent of all buildings in Istanbul. In these areas the dominant economic activities are as informal as the housing. Most of the gecekondu settlements have evolved in time from the original definition of "housing with poor conditions in order to survive" into areas where lower-middle-income apartments predominate. This evolution not only made gecekondu an economic investment, but also the subject of daily politics. Continuously, there have been populist attempts of various political parties to legalize these settlements. These attempts encouraged new gecekondu investments, and in turn the new gecekondu areas came to depend on such populist policies, creating a vicious cycle. Mainstream urban policies had the tendency to see both gecekondu and their informal economic activities as unwanted, and thus did not include the considerations of such populist groups in their content. The organic tie between gecekondu and politics, together with these unsuccessful urban policies, allowed urban politics to establish in gecekondu areas before urban culture and economics. By 1994 their population had increased to the point where it constituted a majority, and gecekondu areas began to determine local election results. By this token they ensured that urban policies would no longer exclude them. The rise of the Islamic Political Party in these areas is thus not coincidental, but strongly related with the internal dynamics of gecekondu and informal economic activities.
The Sustainable City VIII, 2013
Istanbul has always been the core of different civilizations in history. As the capital city of t... more Istanbul has always been the core of different civilizations in history. As the capital city of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul's modern place within the world economy began in the late eighteenth century with the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and the growth of modern European capitalism. Istanbul Metropolitan Areas has been experiencing a massive pressure to transform itself into a "World City" with the help of emerging neo-liberal urban policies after the 1990s. Radical changes in the world politics after 9/11 and increasing energy demand have made Istanbul a candidate for a regional hub to financial flows and energy corridors. International capital sees Istanbul as likely to be the command and control centre for the Balkans, the Middle East, the Black Sea Region, and some of the Central Asian Republics of the former Soviet Union. From this point of view, it has a strategic geographical location which promotes competitive economy at EU level. This paper initially contains an analytical perspective. This perspective informs the analyses of the evolution of urban regeneration legislations in Turkey. Also, a literature review was made about the transition in Istanbul under the process of globalization. The results of dynamics of urbanization have come up for discussion. In this paper the relationships between the Central Business District in decentralization process and the vision of the Istanbul Metropolitan Plan for 2023 are discussed. The focus of the research case is the Zincirlikuyu-Maslak Axis; a new enterprise site in the Istanbul Metropolitan area. These kinds of urban projects in the Zincirlikuyu-Maslak area should be seen as a means not only to convert the areas into more attractive spaces but also to regenerate the economy of both the city and the local region.
Kıyı alanları, sunduğu fırsatlar ile insanoğlu için her zaman vazgeçilmez bir yer olmuştur. Beşer... more Kıyı alanları, sunduğu fırsatlar ile insanoğlu için her zaman vazgeçilmez bir yer olmuştur. Beşeri faaliyetler için sosyal ve ekonomik anlamlar içeren kıyı alanlarının, kaynakların hızla tüketilmesinden dolayı büyük baskılara maruz kalmış ve sürdürülebilirlikleri tehlike altına girmiştir. Kıyı alanlarının sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanabilmesi için mekânsal planlamanın yanı sıra çevresel, ekonomik ve toplumsal boyutların holistik bir yaklaşımla ele alındığı, iyi organize edilmiş bir bütünleşik kıyı alanları yönetimine de ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çalışma kapsamında İzmit Körfezi ve Bursa İli Bütünleşik Kıyı Alanları Planları üzerinden Türkiye’de bütünleşik kıyı alanları planları ve mekânsal planlama ilişkisi bütünleşik kıyı alanları yönetimi ilkeleri çerçevesinde karşılaştırmalı bir tablo şeklinde değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda antropojenik etkilerin yoğun yaşandığı İzmit Körfezi ve Bursa ili bütünleşik kıyı alanları planlarında, sadece kara bölümleri için kara...
Journal of Awareness, 2020
Yeşil alanların alansal olarak yeterliliğinin, donatımının, niteliğinin ve kent içerisindeki dağı... more Yeşil alanların alansal olarak yeterliliğinin, donatımının, niteliğinin ve kent içerisindeki dağılımının ekolojik bütünlük içerisinde, şehircilik ilke ve prensipleri ile kamu yararı gözetilerek planlanması gerekmektedir. Bu kapsamda konu ile ilgili yürürlükte olan ve mevcut İmar Mevzuatı'na ait uyulması gereken kanun ve yönetmelikler bulunmaktadır. Yetkili kurumlar, mekânsal planların yapımında söz konusu yasal mevzuata uymakla yükümlüdür. Ancak bazı durumlarda; uygulama süreçlerinde birtakım karışıklıklar olmakta ve yönetmeliklerdeki tanımlar net olarak dikkate alınmamaktadır. Buradan hareketle, çalışma kapsamında birbiriyle sıklıkla karıştırılan "rekreaktif alan" ve "rekreasyon alanı" kavramları karşılaştırmalı örnekler üzerinden incelenmiş ve mekânsal planlar yapım yönetmelikleri çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir. Bu makale ile amaçlanan özellikle nazım ve imar planı ölçeğinde plan yaparken ilgili kamu kurumlarının rekreaktif alan ile rekreasyon alanı kavramları arasında tanımlar ve yasal statüler yönüyle farkındalığını sağlamaktır. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda, mevcut yasal çerçeve açısından, rekreaktif alan kavramı ile rekreasyon alanı kavramlarının birbirinden farklı tanımları ve anlamları olduğu görülmüştür. Rekreasyon alanlarında özel mülkiyete konu olabilecek şekilde belli koşullarda yapılaşmaya olanak sağlanmakta, buna karşın kıyı kullanımına ait bir kavram olan rekreaktif alanlarda yapılaşmaya olanak verilmemektedir. Sonuç olarak, özellikle idari yargıda bir çekişme konusuna yol açmamak için mekânsal plan yapım süreçlerinde, tanımlardaki bu farklılıklara dikkat edilmesi gerekmektedir.
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2018
Dair Kanun, tüm ülkede metropoliten kentlere ilişkin önemli değişimler yaratmıştır. İstanbul Metr... more Dair Kanun, tüm ülkede metropoliten kentlere ilişkin önemli değişimler yaratmıştır. İstanbul Metropoliten Alanı'nda kentsel gelişmenin bir göstergesi olarak idari sınırlar sürekli değişse de uluslararası sermayenin yönlendirmeleri ile kentsel bölgedeki dinamikler daha çok etkili olmaktadır. Bu haliyle idari sınır değişiklikleri, kentsel gelişmenin yönlendiricisi olmaktan çok, mekânsal değişimin yasallaşmasına olanak sağlayan bir fırsat olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Sonuç olarak, İstanbul'u içinde bulunduğu bölge içinde bir finans merkezi yapma yolundaki değişim hedefleri ile kentin bütüncül planlama çalışmaları arasında doğrusal bir ilişki bulunmadığı, yasal mevzuat ve planlama sürecindeki parçalanmışlığı destekleyecek şekilde idari sınır değişikliklerinin yapıldığı, ülkedeki birincil metropol kentin salt kendi il sınırlarında değil, içinde bulunduğu kentsel sistemin bir parçası olarak planlanması gerektiği, idari sınırlara bağlı bir planlama anlayışından ziyade, stratejik planlama bölgelerine dayalı idari sınırların geliştirilmesi gerektiği vurgulanmaktadır.
Journal of Awareness, 2020
İstanbul gibi bir metropol kentte, küreselleşmenin de etkisi ile alınan göç nüfusuna bağlı olarak... more İstanbul gibi bir metropol kentte, küreselleşmenin de etkisi ile alınan göç nüfusuna bağlı olarak kentsel hizmetlerin görülmesinde eksiklikler oluşmaktadır. Ülkemizde kentleşme sürecinin bir plan disiplini altına alınmasına yönelik çalışmalar önce 1956 tarihli 6785 sayılı İmar Kanunu, daha sonra da çeşitli değişikliklerle bugüne gelen 1985 tarihli 3194 İmar Kanunu çerçevesinde mevzuatta karşılığını bulmuştur. İmar mevzuatı ile mekânın üretim süreci arasında etkileşimi yönlendiren önemli bir etken de idari yargı kararları olmuştur. Düzensiz ve kontrolsüz kentleşme sürecinin mekânda yarattığı uyuşmazlıklar, idari yargı kararları ile çözülmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu makalede imar planlarının yargı denetiminde karşılaşılan zorluklar, örnekler üzerinden tartışılacaktır. Özellikle İstanbul Beyoğlu İlçesi'nde son dönemde yargı denetimine konu olan, Beyoğlu, Perşembe Pazarı ve Okmeydanı koruma amaçlı imar planlarının, planlama esasları, şehircilik ilkeleri ve plan yapım yöntem ve teknikleri kavramları üzerinden karşılaştırmalı bir inceleme ve değerlendirmesi yapılacaktır. Yargı denetiminin imar planı sürecine etkisi, plancıların yanı sıra karar vericiler için de önemli farkındalıklar sağlamaktadır.
A/Z : ITU journal of Faculty of Architecture
This study presents a new planning approach within the context of the integration of archaeologic... more This study presents a new planning approach within the context of the integration of archaeological and geological data in the planning process conducted in multi-layered cities. The modern urban physical space in multi-layered cities requires greater integration of natural elements through the use of the new advanced technology. Even though the archaeological cultural heritage/inventory is more recognizable in the urban space, the construction of modern cities increases the developmental pressure on the underground cultural heritage/inventory. This study seeks an alternative method for transferring the archaeological and geological data for the Preservation-Oriented Zoning Practice Plan by using the Geographical Information Systems (GIS), in accordance with the decisions on registering the cultural assets in Turkey. With this approach, the aim is to change spatial planners' perception of three-dimensional space and to propose a model for integrating archaeological data with the decisions based on the preservation plan. The effect of the elevation details of both the archaeological and geological data discussed on the integrated planning analysis and synthesis stage. The GIS were used for the spatialization of the archaeological data, while for the assessment and transfer of the obtained data by using ArcGIS software and "georeferencing" and "overlay analysis". In addition, a field study was performed in Historical Peninsula, Tahtakale Region, and in-depth interviews and structured meetings were conducted with thirty-eight people to secure the contribution of different disciplines to the planning.
EXTENDED SUMMARY Research Problem: The purpose of the study is to understand the relationships be... more EXTENDED SUMMARY Research Problem: The purpose of the study is to understand the relationships between legalization of urban development and spatial transformation. Since the 1980s, features of the spatial transformation in the Istanbul Metropolitan Area has been changed and this spatial transformation tried to be controlled by upper scaled spatial plans approved in the years of 1980, 1995, 2006 and 2009. While spatial planning studies continue, on the other hand, there are also significant changes in the administrative structure in the metropolitan area. As an indicator of urban development in the Istanbul Metropolitan Area, the administrative boundaries are constantly changing, due to dynamics in the urban region are very influential driven by national and international capital. Research Questions: Do changing administrative borders solve the metropolitan planning problems? Do changing administrative district boundaries support holistic planning process? How effective are the plan...
Journal of Planning
In urbanism and architecture, the concepts of the public sphere, publicness, and public space hav... more In urbanism and architecture, the concepts of the public sphere, publicness, and public space have been used either as separate domains or as substitutes. However in a democratic society, these 3 concepts actually constitute a holistic whole. This point of view can only be advanced in an atmosphere of productivity that is not only non-consumerist, but which also differs from the contemporary capitalist production environment. When the art of theater is examined in relation to the development of publicness, it is possible to find spaces that may be tools of this different productivity that vitalizes the public sphere. There is quite a strong philosophical and historical connection between the development of publicness and the art of theater. In this article, the argument that theater is an influential tool in the relationship between urbanism and publicness is supported by the findings of field surveys conducted in the historic city center of the Kadıköy district of Istanbul. The findings suggest that the productivity of the rapidly increasing and accepted "alternative stages" of new generation theater spaces have characteristics that are different from the contemporary capitalist system. This productivity, which is visible in the environment of the new generation theater spaces nourishes publicness. This form of productivity that has emerged in the environment of the alternative stages observed in the field research is termed "culture cultivation" or "culturevation." This article provides a definition of culturevation and a discussion of the effective dynamics in the context of culturevation using data obtained in the field. Attention is drawn to how the existing publicness of local administrative structures, where the entirety of the public cultural production dynamic can be addressed, can be evaluated from a different perspective as sociocultural spaces that serve publicness.
SPOOL, 2021
The aim of this study is to present arguments showing that on the port heritage area, underground... more The aim of this study is to present arguments showing that on the port heritage area, underground cultural inventory should be considered from the historic landscape point of view within the framework of the conservation plans. This study focuses on the Yenikapı region, whose settlement history of the Historical Peninsula changed following the rescue excavation performed at the end of The Bosphorus Rail Tube Crossing Project (Marmaray). The area covering the Port of Theodosius, whose multi-layered urban formation started in the Neolithic period and which was one of the most significant grain trade ports in the Byzantine era, and the port heritage within the background of this area consist of important spatial formations. However, waterfront regeneration projects have disrupted the spatial continuity of cultural heritage under the effect of neoliberal policies. The methodology of the study, which involves the use of GIS, is based on the overlapping of the archaeological surveys from the Istanbul Archaeology Museum, geological structure data from the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, and historical maps. The conservation planning approach in a metropolitan city like Istanbul, whose archaeological layers reflect the port heritage, should be developed by applying the concept of historic urban landscape.
AIZ ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 2020
This study presents a new planning approach within the context of the integration of archaeologic... more This study presents a new planning approach within the context of the integration of archaeological and geological data in the planning process conducted in multi-layered cities. The modern urban physical space in multi-layered cities requires greater integration of natural elements through the use of the new advanced technology. Even though the archaeological cultural heritage/inventory is more recognizable in the urban space, the construction of modern cities increases the developmental pressure on the underground cultural heritage/inventory. This study seeks an alternative method for transferring the archaeological and geological data for the Preservation-Oriented Zoning Practice Plan by using the Geographical Information Systems (GIS), in accordance with the decisions on registering the cultural assets in Turkey. With this approach, the aim is to change spatial planners’ perception of three-dimensional space and to propose a model for integrating archaeological data with the decisions based on the preservation plan. The effect of the elevation details of both the archaeological and geological data discussed on the integrated planning analysis and synthesis stage. The GIS were used for the spatialization of the archaeological data, while for the assessment and transfer of the obtained data by using ArcGIS software and “georeferencing” and “overlay analysis”. In addition, a field study was performed in Historical Peninsula, Tahtakale Region, and in-depth interviews and structured meetings were conducted with thirty-eight people to secure the contribution of different disciplines to the planning.