Papers by Славинский Вячеслав
The article reviews data on the use of the method of raw material units in the study of Palaeolit... more The article reviews data on the use of the method of raw material units in the study of Palaeolithic industries. In
scientific literature, this method is also called transformation analysis (TA) or minimum analytical nodule analysis (MANA). This approach is aimed at the identification from a broad technological context of industry groups of lithics produced from the same raw material blocks on the basis of their color, texture and another macro- and microscopically seen petrographic
attributes. The method of raw material unit analysis finds application within the framework of several derections in the study of archaeological complexes. The first of them is the study of the structure and taphonomy of cultural deposits. The second
one deals with the reconstruction of human mobility and subsistence systems on the basis of raw material transportation and transformation patterns.
Initial Upper Palaeolithic industries of South Siberia and Central Asia are dated to 35,000—50,00... more Initial Upper Palaeolithic industries of South Siberia and Central Asia are dated to 35,000—50,000 14C years BP. They have been identified in Russian Altai, Eastern Kazakhstan, Transbaikalia, Mongolia, Dzungaria and Ordos in the north of China. This paper deals with the materials from Mountain Altai (Kara-Born and Ust-Karakol 1), Eastern Kazakhstan (Ushbulak-1) and Northern Mongolia (Tolbor 4). The traceological analysis and the stydy of core platform morphologies have shown
that the technology of large blade production included a combination of several methods of fracture zone preparation. The preparation of striking platforms and flaking surfaces was done by means of consequtive overhang removal and/or reverse plarform reduction and picketage. This technique is characteristic of the Initial Upper Palaeolithic industries of South Siberia and Central Asia and can be regarded as a feature specific for this ultural unity.
The Afontova Gora II archaeological site located within two geologically and geomorphically diffe... more The Afontova Gora II archaeological site located within two geologically and geomorphically different areas has been studied in terms of geology and Quaternary deposition history. Both areas lie upon alluvial terrace II of the Yensei River. At the time when terrace I alluvium was deposited, aeolian and slope-wash facies accumulated on the surface of terrace II and a slope-wash apron formed on the gently sloping surface of terrace III. It is at these different levels of the Yenisei River bank that the latest Paleolithic Afontov culture of Siberia has been found. At the Late Glacial–Holocene boundary, the slope-wash apron upon terrace III was involved in landsliding and thrust over terrace II, which deformed the subaerial deposits over both terraces II and III. As shown by detailed analysis, the landslide deposits are either strongly deformed to the degree of losing of their primary sedimentary textures and structures or form imbricated blocks with deformed margins but minor deformation in their interior. The preserved textures and structures of sediments inside the imbricated landslide blocks provide stratigraphic and genetic constraints and prove the in situ origin of anthropological, archaeological, and paleontological finds. This division also explains the archaeological sterility and abnormal thickness of the subaerial cover upon the landslide blocks.
ABSTRACT The archaeological site Ust-Tushama 1 is located in the Ust-Ilimsk district of the Irkut... more ABSTRACT The archaeological site Ust-Tushama 1 is located in the Ust-Ilimsk district of the Irkutsk region on the right coast of the River Tushama (the left inflow of the Angara River). The total area of the site investigated in 2012 is 7054 sq. m. The site houses three horizons of archaeological materials associated with Layers 1.1, 1.2 and 2.1. The maximum depth of the finds is limited to 2 m. The total number of the archaeological material obtained in 2012 makes 50804 pieces, including: fragments of ceramic vessels - 19707 pcs, stone products - 26796 pcs, osteological finds - 3511 pcs, bone objects - 20 pcs, fragments of metallurgical slag - 86 pcs, metal artifacts - 33 pcs. The round-bottomed tape ceramics is connected with all the eras presented at the site: Neolithic, Bronze Age, early Iron Age and the Middle Ages. The flat-bottomed ceramics is represented by household ware of the Russian period. Most stone products are tools (1837 pcs or 6,8% of all collection of the stone artifacts), while the specific weight of lithic cores is much lower (299 pcs or 1,1% of all collection of the stone artifacts). Such a ratio of artifacts categories testifies to the fact of using the territory of the site as a place where intensive and various work was carried out (as the percent of broken, worn out and renewed tools is extremely high). Splitting of the lithic cores brought from outside played a subordinate role. The main part of the set of the stone artifacts discovered is connected with deposits in the lower part of Layer 1.2 (the cultural horizon 2). There is a pair burial recorded here (of a teenager and a child) without the accompanying stock. The fauna of the site belongs to the forest type with some impregnations of forest-steppe types. It was quite unexpected to find some bones of Megaloceros giganteus. The number of domestic animals remains is few and generally comes from the top layer of excavation. Results : The analysis of the archaeological materials discovered at the site shows that the ceramic complex of the site can be divided into two parts reflecting various ceramic traditions. The tradition of producing round-bottomed vessels is connected with the existing cultures of taiga hunters and fishermen (due to the way of the vessels’ tape relief). Production of flat-bottomed vessels is obviously connected with the emergence of Russian settlements. The stone industry is generally of one technological tradition, both according to the characteristics of primary splitting and the tool kit sets where the main types are adzes, bifacial knives, tips and scrapers. The metal ware found is inexpressive. On the basis of the analysis of the archaeological materials, the chronological framework of the site can be defined as a range from Neolithic through Russian colonization settlements at the end of XVIII century. Conclusion : During archaeological works of 2012 the most informative part of the site Ust-Tushama 1 was studied in-depth. Man-site complexes of a wide time span are found, from the Neolithic (5-7 thousand years ago) to the Middle Ages, which gives a possibility to reconstruct the sequence of culture development within this chronological range at the given site of the Angara River valley.
This paper is dedicated to analysis of assemblages from multilayered Tosor site (Republic of
Kyrg... more This paper is dedicated to analysis of assemblages from multilayered Tosor site (Republic of
Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul Lake). During the excavation of site there were identifi ed six cultural horizons
containing homogeneous lithic industries. This site is situated nearby of raw material primary outcrops. Basing on results of extensive refi tting studies the reduction technology peculiar for the late
Middle Paleolithic of Central Asia was reconstructed. This is non-Levallois mostly uni-directional
parallel and convergent reduction method aimed to obtaining od blades and pointed spalls from
flat-faced frontal cores and, sporadically, subprismatic cores. These assemblages has similarity to
the industries of Obi-Rakhmat variant of Central Asian Middle Paleolithic, and, particularly to the
assemblages of Khudji site (Tajikistan) with the series of 14C dates around 42 000–37 000 BP.
Papers by Славинский Вячеслав
scientific literature, this method is also called transformation analysis (TA) or minimum analytical nodule analysis (MANA). This approach is aimed at the identification from a broad technological context of industry groups of lithics produced from the same raw material blocks on the basis of their color, texture and another macro- and microscopically seen petrographic
attributes. The method of raw material unit analysis finds application within the framework of several derections in the study of archaeological complexes. The first of them is the study of the structure and taphonomy of cultural deposits. The second
one deals with the reconstruction of human mobility and subsistence systems on the basis of raw material transportation and transformation patterns.
that the technology of large blade production included a combination of several methods of fracture zone preparation. The preparation of striking platforms and flaking surfaces was done by means of consequtive overhang removal and/or reverse plarform reduction and picketage. This technique is characteristic of the Initial Upper Palaeolithic industries of South Siberia and Central Asia and can be regarded as a feature specific for this ultural unity.
Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul Lake). During the excavation of site there were identifi ed six cultural horizons
containing homogeneous lithic industries. This site is situated nearby of raw material primary outcrops. Basing on results of extensive refi tting studies the reduction technology peculiar for the late
Middle Paleolithic of Central Asia was reconstructed. This is non-Levallois mostly uni-directional
parallel and convergent reduction method aimed to obtaining od blades and pointed spalls from
flat-faced frontal cores and, sporadically, subprismatic cores. These assemblages has similarity to
the industries of Obi-Rakhmat variant of Central Asian Middle Paleolithic, and, particularly to the
assemblages of Khudji site (Tajikistan) with the series of 14C dates around 42 000–37 000 BP.
scientific literature, this method is also called transformation analysis (TA) or minimum analytical nodule analysis (MANA). This approach is aimed at the identification from a broad technological context of industry groups of lithics produced from the same raw material blocks on the basis of their color, texture and another macro- and microscopically seen petrographic
attributes. The method of raw material unit analysis finds application within the framework of several derections in the study of archaeological complexes. The first of them is the study of the structure and taphonomy of cultural deposits. The second
one deals with the reconstruction of human mobility and subsistence systems on the basis of raw material transportation and transformation patterns.
that the technology of large blade production included a combination of several methods of fracture zone preparation. The preparation of striking platforms and flaking surfaces was done by means of consequtive overhang removal and/or reverse plarform reduction and picketage. This technique is characteristic of the Initial Upper Palaeolithic industries of South Siberia and Central Asia and can be regarded as a feature specific for this ultural unity.
Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul Lake). During the excavation of site there were identifi ed six cultural horizons
containing homogeneous lithic industries. This site is situated nearby of raw material primary outcrops. Basing on results of extensive refi tting studies the reduction technology peculiar for the late
Middle Paleolithic of Central Asia was reconstructed. This is non-Levallois mostly uni-directional
parallel and convergent reduction method aimed to obtaining od blades and pointed spalls from
flat-faced frontal cores and, sporadically, subprismatic cores. These assemblages has similarity to
the industries of Obi-Rakhmat variant of Central Asian Middle Paleolithic, and, particularly to the
assemblages of Khudji site (Tajikistan) with the series of 14C dates around 42 000–37 000 BP.