О.И. Курто. Рец. на: Сун Чжао-линь, Ли Лу-лу. Традиционные праздники Китая в иллюстрациях / Пер. с кит. яз. М.: Вост. лит., 2012.
- by Olga Kurto
This article is about new odontological data of the two craniological series from Tver XVI–XVIII centuries. Odontological characteristics are given. Investigation lead us to the conclusion that both population represented middleuropean... more
The article presents an analysis of medieval odontological data from the Povolzhie region. The population under consideration demonstrates the traits of Middle European, Northern gracile, North- Eastern relic odontological types. The... more
This article provides the main craniofacial parameters of 3 paleoanthropological series from Tver (XVI-XX centuries, town and trad in g quarters population). It was shown th a t the changes in the male appearance of tver dwellers is due... more
The article deals with the origin of the Tatars and Kryashens of the Middle Volga region according to dental anthropology data. New materials mostly from the northern regions of the Republic of Tatarstan: Kazan Tatars of Elabuzhsky and... more
Антропологический материал, полученный в ходе раскопок 2005–2009 гг. под руководством А.В. Энговатовой из массовых захоронений на территории г. Ярославль и датируемый XIII в., был исследован по одонтологической программе. Выборка... more
The preliminary results of odontological description of the craniological series from burial ground Nijnyaya Studenka I (Saratov Volga region) are given in this article. Investigation lead us to the conlusion that population of the... more