
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Science | Anthropology -
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchRussian OrthodoxyRussian DiasporaChinese-Russian relationships
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О.И. Курто. Рец. на: Сун Чжао-линь, Ли Лу-лу. Традиционные праздники Китая в иллюстрациях / Пер. с кит. яз. М.: Вост. лит., 2012.
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This article is about new odontological data of the two craniological series from Tver XVI–XVIII centuries. Odontological characteristics are given. Investigation lead us to the conclusion that both population represented middleuropean... more
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The article presents an analysis of medieval odontological data from the Povolzhie region. The population under consideration demonstrates the traits of Middle European, Northern gracile, North- Eastern relic odontological types. The... more
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This article provides the main craniofacial parameters of 3 paleoanthropological series from Tver (XVI-XX centuries, town and trad in g quarters population). It was shown th a t the changes in the male appearance of tver dwellers is due... more
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The article describes the odontological material from excavations of the Byzantine church near Veseloe village (Imereti lowland, Krasnodar Territory) in morphology and pathology aspects. This architectural complex was investigated in... more
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      BioarchaeologyPaleopathologyDental Anthropology
The results of the dental morphology study of the Mesolithic skulls from Murzak-Koba 1, Murzak-Koba 2 and Fatma-Koba (Crimea), stored at the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography “Kunstkamera” RAS (St. Petersburg, Russia)... more
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      Human EvolutionDental AnthropologyDental Morphology
The article deals with the origin of the Tatars and Kryashens of the Middle Volga region according to dental anthropology data. New materials mostly from the northern regions of the Republic of Tatarstan: Kazan Tatars of Elabuzhsky and... more
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      Dental AnthropologyPhysical AnthropologyDental MorphologyTatars
Представлены результаты одонтологического исследования современных групп нанайцев, ульчей, орочей, нивхов, удэгейцев, южных эвенков.
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      Physical AnthropologyDental MorphologyRussian Far EastTungusic Studies
Антропологический материал, полученный в ходе раскопок 2005–2009 гг. под руководством А.В. Энговатовой из массовых захоронений на территории г. Ярославль и датируемый XIII в., был исследован по одонтологической программе. Выборка... more
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      Biological AnthropologyMedieval ArchaeologyPhysical AnthropologyDental Morphology
В результате проведения спасательных работ в зоне строительства Олимпийских объектов Сочинским отрядом ИА РАН в 2010–2011 гг. был исследован уникальный памятник византийской архитектуры IX–XI вв. – храм у с. Веселое. Антропологический... more
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      PaleoanthropologyBioarchaeologyPaleopathologyMedieval Archaeology
A comparative odontological research has been carried out on findings of “classic” Neanderthal forms, Heidelbergensis forms, West Asian Neanderthaloids, Mousterians from Palestina, late Pleistocene hominids from Altai, upper Paleolithic... more
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      Dental AnthropologyEvolutionNeanderthals (Palaeolithic Archaeology)
The preliminary results of odontological description of the craniological series from burial ground Nijnyaya Studenka I (Saratov Volga region) are given in this article. Investigation lead us to the conlusion that population of the... more
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      Medieval HistoryPhysical Anthropology
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      Medieval HistoryPhysical AnthropologyKazan
Статья посвящена проблеме происхождения татар и кряшен Среднего Поволжья по данным одонтологии. Представлены новые материалы в основном из северных райо- нов Республики Татарстан: казанские татары Елабужского и Арского районов, сборная... more
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      Dental AnthropologyPhysical AnthropologyTatarsTatarstan
The presented article deals with the problem of ethnogenesis of ancient Eskimos according to the data of physical anthropology. Previously, anthropological studies of the ancient Eskimos physical appearance was based mainly on the human... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological ScienceDental AnthropologyPhysical Anthropology
В статье представлено сравнительное морфологическое описание детской нижней челюсти верхнепалеолитического возраста со стоянки Лиственка (Красноярско-Канская лесостепь, юг Средней Сибири). Она была найдена в 1992 г. и впервые... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyDental AnthropologySiberiaPhysical Anthropology
This article reports the results of odontoscopical and odonto-metrical analyses of Mesolithic remains from Mayak (burial 3): a mandible with permanent teeth of an individual aged 20-25 years, from a paired burial in the Samara region,... more
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      PaleoanthropologyHuman EvolutionMesolithic ArchaeologyDental Anthropology
Since 2006 the Centre for Egyptological Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been working in the Theban tomb of Tjay (TT 23) and neighboring tombs. This paper provides general information on the tomb, its architectural features... more
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      Theban TombsRamesside PeriodTheban Necropolis (Ancient Egypt)