
WPC Fly Cart for WooCommerce – WordPress dodatak | Hrvatski

WPC Fly Cart for WooCommerce


This strongly responsive WPC Fly Cart for WooCommerce plugin empowers your site with the superpower of adding products to the cart without leaving the current page or reloading the page manually. In addition, users are entitled to review their order, proceed to checkout or continue shopping – all actions are triggered in just one single screen. Meanwhile, it is possible for WPC Fly Cart to be added as an overlay on any page, be it the archive or product page.

Live demo

Visit our live demo 01 or live demo 02 to see how this plugin works.


  • Compatible with both AJAX and normal Add to Cart buttons
  • Enable/disable the overlay effect
  • Various styles: solid colors, thumbnail image, or image background
  • Unlimited color choices & image upload for background
  • Customizable cart details: close button, total, subtotal, product data
  • Customizable cart heading text, action buttons & Continue Shopping button
  • Easily remove products or undo the removal of an item
  • Enable/disable automatically reload cart when opening pages
  • Enable/disable the display of suggested products
  • 16+ different types of bubble icons for choice
  • 05+ predefined cart skins for choice
  • RTL support for better displaying right-to-left languages
  • Customizable cart’s position, bubble’s display & position
  • Select Menus to add Fly Cart at the end: Handheld, primary or secondary menu

Premium Version

  • Enable/disable instant checkout
  • Enable/disable coupon filling on Fly Cart
  • Enable/disable shipping cost and shipping calculation
  • Lifetime access to dedicated plugin updates & customization support

In order to display the Fly Cart popup on single product pages without reloading the page, please install the WPC AJAX Add to Cart plugin to assist with a nicer experience.

Need more features?

Please try other plugins from us:

Snimke zaslona


  1. Please make sure that you installed WooCommerce
  2. Go to Plugins in your dashboard and select “Add New”
  3. Search for “WPC Fly Cart”, Install & Activate it
  4. Go to WPClever > Fly Cart and customize as you want
  5. Now, whenever you add product into the cart, the mini cart will be shown


03. rujna 2024. 1 odgovor
Here’s a corrected version of your text: I was very satisfied with this plugin until I encountered a technical issue. Since I wanted it to work and had already spent a lot of time customizing it with CSS to match my brand, I decided to buy the premium version to get support. Even after paying for premium support, it took a month to get a response. I had to send multiple messages and finally opened a new ticket to tell them I hadn’t received any reply. Only after that did they respond, and they simply told me they couldn’t find a way to fix the problem. I told them their support was very poor and that if they weren’t going to improve, I wanted a refund. They never offered a formal apology and just issued the refund. Don’t expect this company to care about you—not even if you pay. If you’re a serious business, stay away! You’ll be better off. There are many developers out there with outstanding customer support. Look for options where customer service and support are excellent. It will be a better investment for your company in the long run!
24. lipnja 2024. 1 odgovor
Essential plugin to customise your cart. The other plugins they make are also really great. Have a look! Works perfectly with Divi too.
12. prosinca 2023. 1 odgovor
Thank you very much for this wonderful free plugin. But I think it is an essential thing that developers can be able to use a shortcode to place the cart on template files. Is there any shortcode just let me know.
23. srpnja 2023. 1 odgovor
This is my official fly cart for woocommerce. It Works very well
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  • Updated: Using WC_AJAX for frontend


  • Added: Suggested products for empty cart


  • Added: Rounded style


  • Added: Shortcode [woofc_cart_link] to show the cart icon with count
  • Updated: Compatible with WP 6.5 & Woo 8.9


  • Fixed: Remove button to compatible with other themes


  • Updated: Compatible with WP 6.5 & Woo 8.8


  • Fixed: Don’t allow fill in a quantity larger than max purchase quantity


  • Updated: Optimized the code


  • Updated: Compatible with WP 6.4 & Woo 8.5


  • Updated: Optimized the code


  • Fixed: Minor JS issue


  • Fixed: Warning when using hide pages option


  • Updated: Optimized the code


  • Added: Option to hide Fly Cart on selected pages


  • Fixed: Minor CSS/JS issues in the backend


  • Added: Suggested products from the wishlist & compare


  • Updated: Compatible with WP 6.3 & Woo 8.0


  • Fixed: Minor CSS/JS issues


  • Fixed: Remove added products from suggested


  • Fixed: CSRF vulnerability


  • Fixed: Compatible with WPC Save For Later 3.0.0


  • Fixed: Minor CSS/JS issues in the backend


  • Fixed: Instant Checkout doesn’t work for some cases


  • Fixed: Can’t change quantity in some cases


  • Released