
Woocommerce Cart Limit – WordPress dodatak | Hrvatski

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Woocommerce Cart Limit


Woocommerce Cart Limit is a plugin for controlling the cart i.e Max/Min cart quantity, max/min Cart subtotal values allowed in Cart.

Plugin Features

  • Limit maximum cart quantity.
  • Limit minimum cart quantity.
  • Limit maximum cart subtotal value.
  • Limit minimum cart subtotal value.
  • Limit maximum quantity per product.
  • Limit maximum quantity per Category.
  • Limit cart minimum different items.

Features Location

  • Main plugin page – Woocommerce -> Add Cart Limit
  • Category Limit – Product -> Catgories – > Edit Category -> Max Product Quantity
  • Individual Product – Edit product -> Advanced Tab -> Max Quantity Per Order

NOTE: This plugin require atleast Woocommerce v2.5.0.


  • 1.1
    Added New Features cart minimum different items
  • 1.2
    Fixed Category Quantity Limit

Snimke zaslona


  1. Upload the plugin.
  2. Activate plugin
  3. Go to Woocommerce -> Add Cart Limit and enable limits.


07. travnja 2020.
Looking at the support forum – it looks like this plugin is not actively supported. When adding variations from limited categories, seeing errors. Not limiting in some cases anyway. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-content/plugins/woo-cart-limit/woocommerce_limit_cart.php on line 751
26. prosinca 2019.
Tried to use plugin to limit by category. Plugin removed all my role-based products from role-specific display (using a Wholesaler plugin). Plugin allows more than the limit to be added to cart and only gives a warning after checkout, instead of when adding to cart.
25. veljače 2019.
Doesnt work for category quantity. 2 categories with 3 items in each. I can still add more than one item from one category, not as I expected. It seems out of date and not supported as before I write this none of the support questions been answered in 4 months!
22. svibnja 2018.
This plugin is very easy to use, straight to the point and zero problems!
Pročitajte svih 13 recenzija

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“Woocommerce Cart Limit” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.


“Woocommerce Cart Limit” je prijeveden na 3 dijalekta. Zahvala prevodiocima za njihov doprinos.

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