University of Helsinki
Centre for Nordic Studies
According to most Danish historians, the German occupation during the Second World War had a limited impact on the development of Danish society - so limited that by the end of the war the Danish people (in the words of Danish historian... more
The first part of this essay discusses the interplay between regional and national dynamics in a broader perspective; in doing so, the essay takes the Balkan region as a comparative point of reference to the Nordic region to probe... more
This thesis outlines the development of the Danish tourist landscape in the 1930s, while probing the role played by citizens in Nazi Germany as a potential audience for tourist promotion. It shows that German tourism to Denmark was not... more
Looking into the state-sponsored creation and presentation of a German-language film on the Danish social state, this article discusses the complexities of Danish–German relations during the German occupation of Denmark, 1940–1945. The... more
Anmeldelse af Poul Duedahls "Fra overmenneske til UNESCO-menneske: Racebegrebet i Danmark 1890-1965"
This article examines Danish tourist brochures and other promotional material distributed in Germany from 1929–39. Through an analysis of a number of publications, it traces how the Tourist Association of Denmark invoked tourist... more
This article investigates the relationships that resulted from large-scale travelling between different ideological systems, the experiences of everyday consumption in which they were part, and the development of German tourism to Denmark... more
Several recent books discuss issues of Nordic modernity. While Nordic history often tends to emphasize the similarities between the five countries , these recent books present the Nordic countries as less of a unitary region that... more
This article traces the moral economy of provincial elites who contributed to economic societies that were active in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Northern Europe. Such societies aimed at improving economic conditions in their... more