
ListMode | Tema de WordPress |


  • Versión 1.0.2
  • Última actualización Xullo 25, 2024
  • Instalacións activas 1.000+
  • Versión de PHP 5.6

ListMode is a beautiful, responsive, minimalist WordPress theme for bloggers who want to keep their content clean. It has Customizer theme options, featured posts slider, sticky header and sticky sidebars, header navigation menu, header image support, full-width templates for posts and pages, 4 columns minimal post summaries, right sidebar, four columns footer, 60+ social icons, RTL support, translation support, scroll-to-top button, and more. ListMode PRO version has color options, font options, secondary menu, news ticker, 1-5 column post summaries, 4 thumbnail sizes for post summaries, featured posts widgets, tabbed widget, 10+ layouts for singular/non-singular pages, 10+ custom page/post templates, a settings panel for each post/page, separate widths/layout style/header style/footer style options for each post/page, an about and social widget, unique header images for each post/page, 3 header styles, 1-6 column footer, 25+ share buttons, post likes and post views, related posts, an infinite scroll or load more feature, more widget areas, and many other features. Free version demo:

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Instalacións activas: 1.000+



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Este tema está dispoñible nos seguintes idiomas: English (US) e Nederlands.

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