Papers by Lukas Muehlethaler
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht eBooks, Oct 22, 2014
Wir sind weit davon entfernt, die Rezeption von Maimonides' theologischem und philosophischem Hau... more Wir sind weit davon entfernt, die Rezeption von Maimonides' theologischem und philosophischem Hauptwerk »Dalālat al-ḥā'irīn« (»Führer der Unschlüssigen«) in der islamisch-arabischen Philosophie vollständig zu überblicken.1 Bisherige Forschung hat sich vor allem mit der Rezeption der hebräischen und lateinischen Übersetzungen beschäftigt, und die Erforschung der späteren islamisch-arabischen Philosophie steckt noch in ihren Anfängen.2 Es besteht aber kein Zweifel daran, dass Maimonides' »Dalāla« von muslimischen Philosophen gelesen wurde.
Muslim World, Sep 20, 2012
philosophers following Avicenna (d. 428/1037) share his view that the human soul originates with ... more philosophers following Avicenna (d. 428/1037) share his view that the human soul originates with the human body and lives on eternally after its death. The only 7th/13th-century philosopher to reject the origination of the human soul and to argue systematically for its eternity a parte ante is Ibn Kammūna. 'Izz al-Dawla Sa'd ibn Mans • ūr Ibn Kammūna was a Jewish philosopher active in Baghdad during the Īlkhānid period. During the later stages of his career he enjoyedas did many of his peers-the patronage of members of the prominent Juwaynī family, the Dawlatshāh clan, and their clients. When Shams al-Dīn al-Juwaynī fell out of favor and was executed together with some of his sons in the year 683/1284, Ibn Kammūna had to leave the city under tumultuous circumstances. He seems to have taken refuge with his son in al-H • illa where he is said to have died soon afterwards. 1 Western scholars know Ibn Kammūna as the author of comparative works on religion. 2 His philosophical work, however, remains understudied relative to its * This paper was prepared within the European Research Council's FP7 project Rediscovering Theological Rationalism in the Medieval World of Islam at the Research Unit Intellectual History of the Islamicate World of Freie Universität Berlin. It outlines some material from my PhD thesis on Ibn Kammūna written at Yale University under the direction of Dimitri Gutas. I extend my gratitude to all participants of the 2010 SOAS conference "The Ontology of the Soul in Medieval Arabic Thought" for the lively discussion on a preliminary draft of the paper and to both Ayman Shihadeh and the anonymous reviewer for their invaluable comments on the penultimate draft. For all remaining deficiencies I alone am responsible. 1 Sources on the biography of Ibn Kammūna are collected and discussed in
Cultural encounters in late antiquity and the Middle Ages, 2010
Brepols Publishers eBooks, 2022
The Popularization of Philosophy in Medieval Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, 2022
The Muslim World, 2012
It outlines some material from my PhD thesis on Ibn Kammu ¯na written at Yale University under th... more It outlines some material from my PhD thesis on Ibn Kammu ¯na written at Yale University under the direction of Dimitri Gutas. I extend my gratitude to all participants of the 2010 SOAS conference "The Ontology of the Soul in Medieval Arabic Thought" for the lively discussion on a preliminary draft of the paper and to both Ayman Shihadeh and the anonymous reviewer for their invaluable comments on the penultimate draft. For all remaining deficiencies I alone am responsible. 1 Sources on the biography of Ibn Kammu ¯na are collected and discussed in Reza Pourjavady and Sabine
Many of the courses in Jewish Studies I teach at a German University involve medieval texts writt... more Many of the courses in Jewish Studies I teach at a German University involve medieval texts written by Arabized Jews.1 Though these texts seem to lack any relation to modern Arab-Jewish literature, I have come to the conclusion – and this will be my claim – that the challenges one faces when teaching medieval Arab-Jewish literature resemble those one faces when teaching modern literature written by Arabized Jews. In both cases, the challenges derive from the curricular structures, the “Fächerkanon,” at German universities and from the background of the students I have the privilege to teach. To substantiate my claim, I outline three curricular challenges which, I think, pertain to the teaching of both medieval and modern Arab-Jewish literature and I present – in the manner of case studies – three courses I have taught on medieval Arab-Jewish literature whose interdisciplinary approach could also be applied to courses on modern literature written by Arabized Jews.
Stationen des Werks von Moses Maimonides vom islamischen Spanien bis ins moderne Berlin., 2014
Stationen des Werks von Moses Maimonides vom islamischen Spanien bis ins moderne Berlin., 2014
A Golden Age of Science and Philosophy, 2010
In his early works on the soul, the philosopher Ibn Kammūna (d. 683/1284) addresses what he consi... more In his early works on the soul, the philosopher Ibn Kammūna (d. 683/1284) addresses what he considers insufficiencies in Avicenna's proofs for the eternity (and immateriality) of the rational soul. He argues that these propositions can be established through a demonstrative proof only if such a proof includes the premise that the human soul is eternal a parte ante (pre-eternal). To explain this relatively original position, the paper shows why Ibn Kammūna thought he must reject the consensus of his predecessors and contemporaries, interprets Ibn Kammūna's critique of Avicenna as a continuation of earlier critical approaches, and outlines Ibn Kammūna's proofs for the eternity a parte ante of the soul.
Kaum eine Frage geht uns näher als die nach unserem Selbst. Worauf beziehen wir uns mit Aussagen ... more Kaum eine Frage geht uns näher als die nach unserem Selbst. Worauf beziehen wir uns mit Aussagen wie "ich spreche", "ich höre" und "ich denke"? Wieso habe ich das Gefühl, dass meine Eindrücke, Erfahrungen und Gedanken in einem Ich, einem Selbst zusammenlaufen? Und warum meine ich, dass die Person, die ich vor zwanzig, vierzig oder sechzig Jahren war, mit der Person identisch ist, die ich in diesem Moment bin, oder dass sie zu dieser Person in irgendeinem
Conference Presentations by Lukas Muehlethaler
Papers by Lukas Muehlethaler
Conference Presentations by Lukas Muehlethaler