Freie Universität Berlin
East-European Institute
An article is a fragment of bigger research on the topic of revolution and war (2013-2017) in Ukraine. Polish photographer Wiktoria Wojciechowska visited the ATO zone district to discover the modern and actual image of war.
Od początku lat siedemdziesiątych w Charkowie działały liczne grupy fotograficzne, zbierające się w nieformalnie działających klubach, zjawisko zwane dziś potocznie charkowską szkołą fotografii. Działali w opozycji do tego, co proponowała... more
Niektórzy mówią, że już na początku nowego stulecia prace ukraińskich artystów przepowiadały narastające niepokoje społeczne. Pojawiały się w nich pewne sygnały, świadczące o tym, że zbliża się katastrofa. “Jest takie... more
Od listopada 2013 do lutego 2014 roku na Ukrainie trwały protesty, które przerodziły się w rewolucję zwaną Euromajdanem, a następnie w trwającą do dziś wojnę hybrydową w Donbasie. Protestom od początku towarzyszyły działania artystyczne,... more
The article presents the first research on street art created in Kyiv during the revolution called Euromaidan (or Maidan) and after. This study is based on the field observation conducted in 2014, shortly after the revolution has come to... more
The yearbook established in 2013 by the Polish Institute of World Art Studies in Warsaw, is an international scientific journal dedicated to the art and artistic culture of Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe, primarily from the 18th... more
A fragment of the book "Chłopak z pianinem. O sztuce i wojnie na Ukrainie". The mechanism of forgetting about the Soviet past is particularly strong in Ukraine – forgetting through destruction, erasure and removal of all the physical... more
The 2014 annexation of Crimea was traumatic for all of Ukrainian society and added another page to the tragic history of the Crimean Tatars. Attempts to heal this trauma are at the core of a number of artistic projects.
Works by Ukrainian artists aimed at commemorating the Jewish heritage in Ukraine are important for both historical and cultural reasons. Further intentional investigation of the past, especially if that past is a difficult one, is a... more
This paper examines the works of Ukrainian artists who comment on the current politics of memory in Ukraine, with the main focus on the artistic work of Nikita Kadan and David Chichkan, and the phenomenon of "Leninopad" - the demolition... more
Duet Mykoły Macenko i Ołeha Tistoła, utworzony na początku lat 90. pod nazwą Nacprom, nie jako grupa, lecz program artystyczno-ideologiczny, zajmuje istotne miejsce w sztuce ukraińskiej nie tylko lat 90., lecz również XXI wieku. Na... more
The series of videos, made during Maidan, show a less commonly known side of the protests—the protesters sleeping on the floor of the occupied Kyiv City State Administration. Revolutionaries presented in this work demonstrate the highest... more
Addressing the selected aspects of Julia Curyło's art, I specifically refer to "feminine issues" rather than "feminist issues". Like many other themes, Curyło approaches feminism from an ironic distance. She deliberately explores the... more
The Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity was a space of extraordinary visual creativity, the analysis of which allows us to better understand its essence, as well as its social and political background. The article proposes the use of... more
The traces - of history, of memory, of today’s engagements, are all powerful tools. Through the remnants, pieces, scratches, even those that might seem unrecognizable, one can build their strength and gain a voice. Ukrainian art today is... more
Recenzja 36. numeru magazynu Harvard Ukrainian Studies, wydawanego przez Harvard University od 1977 roku, początkowo jako kwartalnik, obecnie raz do roku jako podwójny numer. Edycja z 2019 roku jest poświęcona zagadnieniu ukraińskiego... more
This paper examines the works of Ukrainian artists who comment on the current politics of memory in Ukraine, with the main focus on the artistic work of Nikita Kadan and David Chichkan, and the phenomenon of „Leninopad” – the demolition... more
This dark and surreal play follows two Ukrainian soldiers, alongside their dead dogs, trapped in a bombed-out pet shop on the Eastern front in Ukraine. 'Animals Who Ate Their Humans' questions what it means to die, be human, and... more
This paper examines the works of Ukrainian artists who comment on the politics of memory in Ukraine, with the main focus on the artistic work of Nikita Kadan, David Chichkan, and Zhanna Kadyrova, as well as the phenomenon of "Leninopad" -... more