Papers by Sebastián Ronderos
Critical Discourse Studies
In this paper we draw on the concept of fantasy and the principles of political discourse theory ... more In this paper we draw on the concept of fantasy and the principles of political discourse theory to develop an analytical framework for the study of Veja’s anti-populist discourse. As one of Brazil’s most influential publications in elite policy-making circles, Veja exerts considerable influence over the way populist politics is portrayed and understood. By tracking the signifiers ‘populism’ and ‘populist’ in the pages of this weekly magazine, our study affirms the distinctive virtues of adopting a psychoanalytically-informed perspective on political antagonism and ideology, treating fantasy as a core concept in the study of polarizing discourses generally and discourses about populism in particular. Far from remaining above the fray in its opposition to the discourses of both Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (and the Workers’ Party) and Jair Bolsonaro (and the Social Liberal Party), our critical fantasy study shows how Veja’s pronouncements were both ideologically invested and normatively inflected.
Critical Discourse Studies, 2022
In this paper we draw on the concept of fantasy and the principles of political discourse theory ... more In this paper we draw on the concept of fantasy and the principles of political discourse theory to develop an analytical framework for the study of Veja’s anti-populist discourse. As one of Brazil’s most influential publications in elite policy-making circles, Veja exerts considerable influence over the way populist politics is portrayed and understood. By tracking the signifiers ‘populism’ and ‘populist’ in the pages of this weekly magazine, our study affirms the distinctive virtues of adopting a psychoanalytically-informed perspective on political antagonism and ideology, treating fantasy as a core concept in the study of polarizing discourses generally and discourses about populism in particular. Far from remaining above the fray in its opposition to the discourses of both Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (and the Workers’ Party) and Jair Bolsonaro (and the Social Liberal Party), our critical fantasy study shows how Veja’s pronouncements were both ideologically invested and normatively inflected.
POPULISMUS Working Papers No. 15, 2022
Political discourse theory scholars have identified a gap in the literature concerning the need t... more Political discourse theory scholars have identified a gap in the literature concerning the need to consider discourses about populism, particularly the way they interact with and help constitute populist discourses themselves. We build on the concept/signifier opposition, the notion of the double-hermeneutic, and what George Marcus calls a multi-sited ethnography to develop an analytical framework that can help address this need in a way that can bring out in greater detail the dynamic interplay within and across all discourses developed around populism. We illustrate the added value of our framework through a case-study centred around Brazil’s Fourth Republic (1946-1964), often referred to as the ‘Populist Republic’. In doing so we also supplement existing accounts of this period by drawing out more fully the significance of key moments in the Fourth Republic. Of particular interest here are the pro-populist discursive moves made by Adhemar de Barros, which have had non-trivial implications for the way we have come to understand later political developments in Brazil.
This paper intends to establish a dialogue with social theory in order to explore the complexity ... more This paper intends to establish a dialogue with social theory in order to explore the complexity of modern societies in order to define the roots of the crises that have generated the demoralization of the power structures and decision-making scenarios. This effort aims to raise just the basis for a possible reconfiguration of political structures that clash against the very principles of the democratic model and the rule of law for the purpose of their rehabilitation. Keywords: Theory of Communicative Action, Social Evolution, Systems Theory, Crisis, Democracy, Civil Society.
Papel Político, Nov 22, 2017
Este artículo se orienta hacia la problematización de conceptos esenciales en la teoría crítica, ... more Este artículo se orienta hacia la problematización de conceptos esenciales en la teoría crítica, en su preocupación por reconfigurar los procesos de deliberación en el ámbito público-político, la institucionalización de las voluntades propias de este espacio y generar un diálogo entre perspectivas posibles en la transformación de las estructuras políticas. Se analizan los conceptos fundamentales en la teoría de Jürgen Habermas, tanto en la reconstrucción del materialismo histórico como en la consolidación de la teoría de la acción comunicativa, y así reedificar su comprensión de lo político. Se discute el papel de la neutralidad y el consenso en esta comprensión, cuestionando a su vez la predominancia de marcos formales en la reconfiguración de "la
Politics, 2021
This article analyses the political campaign of the rather under-researched Bancada Ativista, a p... more This article analyses the political campaign of the rather under-researched Bancada Ativista, a prefigurative progressive experience comprised of nine co-candidates running for a single seat in the State Chamber of Sao Paulo during the 2018 Brazilian elections. The political experience brought about by the Bancada Ativista stands as a prolific effort in its aim to transform legislative action, responding to the challenges posed by the contemporary crisis of representative democracy. By taking the Essex School’s discourse theory standpoint, this article critically explores the discursive composition of the Bancada’s political campaign and the significance of its electoral success in light of crisis-driven Brazilian politics.
Multitudes, 2020
La paix entre l’Etat et les FARC en 2016 a fortement limite le nombre de victimes de violences ma... more La paix entre l’Etat et les FARC en 2016 a fortement limite le nombre de victimes de violences mais ces dernieres risquent de repartir de plus belle. La moitie des guerilleros ont ete desarmes par l’ONU, ce qui laisse le pays sans encadrement territorial pour s’opposer au narcotrafic. Les anciens FARC sont assassines par de nouvelles structures criminelles en train d’occuper le terrain.
Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 2020
This paper explores the productive potential in the psychoanalytic concept of hysteria in terms o... more This paper explores the productive potential in the psychoanalytic concept of hysteria in terms of the study of populism. A Lacanian framework is adopted to broaden our understanding of the (dis)identification structures at stake in a populist logic, stressing the constitutive role desire bears in relation to social meaning-making processes. Against a background of public discontent – the “square protests” – this paper exploits the emancipatory potential within the discourse of the hysteric as a crucial radical investment in the displacement of predominant socio-symbolic boundaries, leading to the production of social knowledge.
Rethinking Marxism, 2021
This essay explores the meaning and significance of the Colombian peace agreements reached by Jua... more This essay explores the meaning and significance of the Colombian peace agreements reached by Juan Manuel Santos's government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP) on 24 November 2016 vis-à-vis a significant organizational shift within the national armed conflict and territorial dispute. By conducting a critical exposition of the armed conflict in Colombia, this essay contributes to the debate surrounding the (ex-)guerrillas' demobilization and disarmament, highlighting the relevance of ideology for analyzing changes in the dynamics of violence in the so-called postconflict.
Lugar Comum – Estudos de mídia, cultura e democracia, 2020
Este artigo explora o significado dos acordos de paz colombianos alcançados pelo governo de Juan ... more Este artigo explora o significado dos acordos de paz colombianos alcançados pelo governo de Juan Manuel Santos e pelas Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia-Exército do Povo (FARC-EP), em 24 de novembro de 2016, à luz de uma mudança significativa no conflito armado nacional e a disputa territorial. Como tal, este artigo conduz uma exposição crítica do conflito armado na Colômbia, aprofundando o debate em torno da recente desmobilização e desarmamento da (ex)guerrilha e seu significado em relação às atuais dinâmicas da violência no chamado "pós-conflito".
O objetivo do artigo e mostrar que o termo “populismo” se refere tanto a um conceito quanto a um ... more O objetivo do artigo e mostrar que o termo “populismo” se refere tanto a um conceito quanto a um significante presente na disputa politica, e que essas dimensoes se comunicam. Para tanto, analisamos discursos sobre o populismo no Brasil durante o quarto periodo republicano produzidos dentro e fora da academia. Argumentamos que as teorias que interpretavam o populismo a partir das nocoes de bonapartismo e massa emergem quando o termo ja era utilizado na linguagem corrente – notadamente para se referir a Adhemar de Barros, seja de forma laudatoria, seja de forma pejorativa. A desconstrucao dessas interpretacoes nos aproxima da Teoria do Discurso da Escola de Essex, que compreende o populismo como uma logica politica opondo “nos” contra “eles” e que pode se ligar a diversas ideologias. Concluimos entao que, no contexto brasileiro, o proprio discurso antipopulista reproduzia a logica populista – utilizando o termo “populismo” para caracterizar negativamente seus adversarios.
Pode o populismo ser empregado de uma forma analiticamente produtiva para compreender a incidênci... more Pode o populismo ser empregado de uma forma analiticamente produtiva para compreender a incidência dos mídia em complexos processos de disputa política? Ao abordar o papel da revista Veja nos dois processos de impeachment no período pós-democratização brasileiro (Fernando Collor de Mello e Dilma Rousseff), esse artigo demonstra como os atores da mídia se tornam sujeitos centrais na composição discursiva dos antagonismos políticos. A compreensão do populismo como uma categoria analítica, ao invés de uma caracterização meramente descritiva, nos oferece uma nova agenda de pesquisa para compreender o papel de enunciadores-chave nos desafios sociais e políticos contemporâneos.
Rethinking Marxism, 2021
This essay explores the meaning and significance of the Colombian peace agreements reached by Jua... more This essay explores the meaning and significance of the Colombian peace agreements reached by Juan Manuel Santos’s government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—People’s Army (FARC-EP) on 24 November 2016 vis-à-vis a significant organizational shift within the national armed conflict and territorial dispute. By conducting a critical exposition of the armed conflict in Colombia, this essay contributes to the debate surrounding the (ex-)guerrillas’demobilization and disarmament, highlighting the relevance of ideology for analyzing changes in the dynamics of violence in the so-called postconflict.
Mediapolis, 2021
Pode o populismo ser empregado de uma forma analiticamente produ-tiva para compreender a incidênc... more Pode o populismo ser empregado de uma forma analiticamente produ-tiva para compreender a incidência da mídia em complexos processos de disputa política? Ao abordar a produção discursiva da revista Veja nos processos de impeachment de Fernando Collor de Mello e Dilma Rousseff, ambos presidentes eleitos no período posterior à redemocratiza-ção brasileira (pós-1985), o presente artigo demonstra como os atores da mídia se tornam sujeitos centrais na composição discursiva dos antagonis-mos políticos. Para tanto, analisamos em seus conteúdos midiáticos as terminologias correlatas à categoria discursiva povo nos dois contextos e, embora se tenha construído uma clara oposição a Collor e Dilma, à petista se atribui um recurso de significação essencialista advindo de sua relação com o PT, tido como intrinsecamente corrupto. Para a revista, a retirada do PT por parte de um certo "povo" nos levaria a um futuro sem divergências e polariza-ções, ou seja, sem antagonismos. Mas o fim não é o da polarização em si, mas da convergência com seu próprio projeto político-midiático. Assim, a compreensão do populismo como uma categoria analítica, ao invés de uma caracterização meramente descriti-va, nos oferece uma nova agenda de pesquisa para compreender o papel de enunciadores-chave nos desafios sociais e políticos contemporâneos. Pa lavra s-chave: populismo; povo; Veja; impeachment; Collor; Rousseff. Abstract: Can populism be used in an analytically productive way to understand the Impeachment! Em nome do povo: uma análise discursiva da revista Veja nos governos Collor e Rousseff
Politics, 2021
This article analyses the political campaign of the rather under-researched Bancada At... more This article analyses the political campaign of the rather under-researched Bancada Ativista, a prefigurative progressive experience comprised of nine co-candidates running for a single seat in the State Chamber of Sao Paulo during the 2018 Brazilian elections. The political experience brought about by the Bancada Ativista stands as a prolific effort in its aim to transform legislative action, responding to the challenges posed by the contemporary crisis of representative democracy. By taking the Essex School’s discourse theory standpoint, this article critically explores the discursive composition of the Bancada’s political campaign and the significance of its electoral success in light of crisis-driven Brazilian politics
Ponto-e-Vírgula Revista de Ciências Sociais, 2020
Partindo do pressuposto gramsciano que ressalta o papel do intelectual na articu-lação de sentido... more Partindo do pressuposto gramsciano que ressalta o papel do intelectual na articu-lação de sentido, desenvolvemos uma análise crítica do discurso de Filipe G. Martins com a intenção de (des)construir elementos formais salientes do discurso bolsonarista, particular-mente referidos ao significante 'democracia'. Horizontal e excludente, o discurso bolsonarista formula uma significação de soberania que, se bem procura inserir-se nos marcos formais da democracia liberal, os seus fundamentos discursivos visam solapar o ethos democrático.
Revue Multitudes, 2020
La paix entre l’État et les FARC en 2016 a fortement limité le nombre de victimes de violences ma... more La paix entre l’État et les FARC en 2016 a fortement limité le nombre de victimes de violences mais ces dernières risquent de repartir de plus belle. La moitié des guérilleros ont été désarmés par l’ONU, ce qui laisse le pays sans encadrement territorial pour s’opposer au narcotrafic. Les anciens FARC sont assassinés par de nouvelles structures criminelles en train d’occuper le terrain.
Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 2020
This paper explores the productive potential in the psychoanalytic concept of hysteria in terms o... more This paper explores the productive potential in the psychoanalytic concept of hysteria in terms of the study of populism. A Lacanian framework is adopted to broaden our understanding of the (dis)identification structures at stake in a populist logic, stressing the constitutive role desire bears in relation to social meaning-making processes. Against a background of public discontent-the ''square protests''-this paper exploits the emancipatory potential within the discourse of the hysteric as a crucial radical investment in the displacement of predominant socio-symbolic boundaries , leading to the production of social knowledge.
Aurora - revista de arte, mídia e política, 2020
This article shows that the term “populism” refers to both a concept and a signifier present in t... more This article shows that the term “populism” refers to both a concept and a signifier present in the political dispute, and that these two dimensions intertwine. To this end, we analyze speeches about populism in Brazil during the fourth republican period, produced inside and outside the academic realm. We argue that the theories that interpreted populism from the notions of Bonapartism and mass emerge when the term was already used in everyday language - notably to refer to Adhemar de Barros, either in a laudatory or derogatory way. The deconstruction of these interpretations brings us closer to the Theory of Discourse of the Essex School, which understands populism as a political logic opposing “us” against “them” and which can be linked to various ideologies. We conclude that, in the Brazilian context, the anti-populist discourse itself has widely reproduced the populist logic - employing the term “populism” to characterize its opponents negatively.
Papers by Sebastián Ronderos