
Cloudflare – Plugin WordPress | España

Este plugin no se ha probado con las últimas 3 versiones mayores de WordPress. Puede que ya no tenga soporte ni lo mantenga nadie, o puede que tenga problemas de compatibilidad cuando se usa con las versiones más recientes de WordPress.



Lo que este plugin puede hacer por ti

Automatic Platform Optimization (APO)

Acelera tu sitio WordPress hasta un 300% con el plugin Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) de Cloudflare. APO permite a Cloudflare servir todo tu sitio WordPress desde nuestra red de más de 250 centros de datos en todo el mundo, lo que garantiza un rendimiento rápido y fiable para tus visitantes, estén donde estén.

Optimizing your WordPress site with multiple plugins can be overwhelming. Take your WordPress site’s performance to the next level by switching to a single plugin for CDN, intelligent caching, and other key WordPress optimizations with Cloudflare (APO). Visit our announcement blog to learn more about APO.

¿Qué diferencia a APO de otros plugins de caché?

El factor diferenciador clave entre Cloudflare APO y otras soluciones tradicionales de almacenamiento en caché de páginas y CDN es su capacidad para almacenar en caché directamente HTML estático en el nodo de Cloudflare. Todos los demás plugins y CDN almacenarán en caché sus activos estáticos (imágenes, javascript, CSS), pero ninguno le ayuda a almacenar en caché el contenido real de su sitio (el HTML) utilizando una red de nodos masiva como la de Cloudflare.

APO almacena en caché de forma inteligente sus páginas HTML y purgará automáticamente el contenido de la caché que usted actualice, de modo que los usuarios siempre verán el contenido más reciente sin comprometer el rendimiento de las páginas que no se hayan actualizado recientemente.

Qué obtiene con Cloudflare APO

APO is a $5 add-on with Cloudflare’s free plan and comes with an unlimited amount of subdomains. With APO you also get to leverage many of the other benefits of Cloudflare such as Free DNS, Free Automated SSL Certificates, Free DDoS Mitigation, and more. APO is free for all paid plan users so if you have Cloudflare Pro or Business already you can just turn it on. You can compare all our plans here.

Protege tu sitio WordPress con el Web Application Firewall de Cloudflare (WAF)

Cloudflare’s WAF is available on all our paid plans and comes with built-in rulesets, specifically tailored to mitigate WordPress threats and vulnerabilities. These security rules are regularly updated by our team of experts. At the flip of a switch, you’ll have your WAF up and running without any difficult adjustments to your site. With over 26 million internet properties under our protection, you can sleep easy knowing Cloudflare has your back.

Características adicionales

  • Reescritura de encabezados para evitar un bucle de redireccionamiento cuando está activado el SSL universal de Cloudflare.

  • Cambia la configuración de Cloudflare desde el propio plugin sin necesidad de navegar hasta el panel de control de Puede cambiar la configuración de la purga de caché, el nivel de seguridad, Always Online y la optimización de imágenes.

  • Ver analíticas como el total de visitantes, el ancho de banda ahorrado y las amenazas bloqueadas

  • Compatibilidad para HTTP2/Server Push



Requisitos previos

Asegúrate de que tu versión de PHP es la 7.2 o superior.

Acelera tu sitio WordPress con Cloudflare APO

Primeros pasos

Configuración de Cloudflare APO

If you’re currently utilizing Cloudflare’s free plan you can add APO to your plan for just $5/month. If you are on Cloudflare’s Pro Plan Cloudflare APO is already included in your subscription. We recommend you start with our APO developer documentation which includes all the information you need to get APO up and running.

How to check if APO is working
Using Uptrends you can verify if Cloudflare APO is working by checking to see if APO response headers are present. You can follow along in this video.

APO Support Resource puede encontrarse aquí.

Comienza con Cloudflare SSL aquí

Ver nuestra entrada en el blog de Cloudflare APO aquí


¿Necesito una cuenta en Cloudflare para poder usar el plugin?

Sí, al instalar y activar del plugin, se les pedirá a los usuarios que lo usen por primera vez que introduzcan su dirección de correo electrónico (usada para registrar una cuenta en y un token de la API o su clave de la API. Esto es necesario para la el funcionamiento de todas las características ofrecidas por el plugin.

¿Qué ajustes se aplican cuando hago clic en «Aplicar los ajustes por defecto» en el plugin de Cloudflare para WordPress?

Puedes revisar los ajustes recomendados que se aplican aquí.

¿Qué hago si Cloudflare no detecta el plugin para WordPress para usar con APO (Automatic Platform Optimization)?

APO funciona mejor cuando se utiliza el plugin de WordPress. No recomendamos usar APO sin el plugin instalado. Si tienes problemas para que Cloudflare detecte el plugin, sigue estos pasos:
1. Ve al plugin de Cloudflare para WordPress
2. Desactiva APO en la tarjeta
3. Activa APO en la tarjeta (establecerá los ajustes adecuados para la característica APO)
4. Vacía cualquier caché del servidor utilizado a través de otros plugins (WP Rocket es un ejemplo)
5. Verifica que tu origen comienza a servir la cabecera de respuesta «cf-edge-cache: cache,platform=wordpress»

Puedes leer más sobre APO con WordPress aquí.

¿Funciona el plugin si tengo Varnish activado?

Sí, Cloudflare funciona y ayuda a acelerar tu sitio aún más, si tienes Varnish activado.


8 de septiembre de 2024
Bummer! This plugin has great potential. Unfortunately, it appears to be abandoned by Cloudflare. No support, no maintenance, no new features added in a long time, and is not keeping up with the latest releases of WordPress.
13 de agosto de 2024
Not sure why the reviews here are negative. It’s a little bit of work to setup, but for $5/month it provides a very noticeable speedup. (I already use Cloudflare’s free tier for all my non-wordpress websites, but this is the first time I’ve paid them for something and so far seems worth it.) Lets you use a very cheap VPS and then make everything fast at the edge, so you probably end up saving money overall. The plugin UI looks a little dilapidated so I would probably give 4 stars, but giving 5 to counteract the other weirdly low reviews.
18 de abril de 2024
The plugin doesn’t have many options interesting unless you have a Cloudflare premium plan to use APO. That looks like to be the most interesting feature of it. It would be at least useful if it had integration with Turnstile to properly apply on website.
13 de octubre de 2023
I have installed this plugin and then I subscribed to the Cloudflare APO offer. This saved me a lot of money and energy because normally without cloudflare APO, i would have been forced to move my website from germany to the USA. So, now everything is working like a charm Javascript minification. I have only 1 JS file left for my entire wordpress installation. The cookies are still there and it returns the right ones. I don’t know how they succeed in this black magic. this plugin is better than super cache for cloudflare because when you use super cache for cloudflare, cookies are stripped from http headers. Also, when you are logged in APO still caches it while super cache for cloudflare bypass it. You don’t need to use cloudflare rules along with this plugin. If you activate APO, cloudflare applies all the settings for you. you don’t need touch anything. so from what I understand, you must only use the features from cloudflare like minification and cache from cloudflare. Uninstall wp super cache or any other cache and uninstall autoptimize. Let cloudflare manage the minification and cache of your website.
24 de agosto de 2023
Customers on our Free plans can only submit tickets for billing, account, and registrar issues.Cloudflare support If I paid for the ‘APO’, well, I’m not on the ‘Free plan’, do you agree? Honestly, I feel completely offended. I don’t recommend Cloudflare’s ‘APO’, you’re on your own.
Leer todas las 172 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

«Cloudflare» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.


Traduce «Cloudflare» a tu idioma.

¿Interesado en el desarrollo?

Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.

Registro de cambios

4.12.8 – 2024-08-08

  • Prevent default settings from enabling Auto Minify due to deprecation (#547)

4.12.7 – 2024-04-02

  • Actualiza cloudflare-plugin-frontend a v3.10.0 (#542)

4.12.6 – 2024-03-04

  • Actualiza cloudflare-plugin-frontend a v3.9.0 (#537)

4.12.5 – 2024-03-04

  • Upgrade cloudflare-plugin-frontend to v3.8.0 (#535)
  • Retrieve the WordPress domain only from the active zone (#532)

4.12.4 – 2024-01-19

  • Fix «creation of dynamic property is deprecated» notice

4.12.3 – 2024-01-04

  • Impedir el uso de la acción cloudflare_proxy en el endpoint /admin-ajax para usuarios que no sean Administradores.

4.12.2 – 2023-07-18

  • Revertir la corrección incorrecta en el punto final de Cloudflare Partners

4.12.1 – 2023-07-18

  • Arreglar el punto final de Cloudflare Partners

4.12.0 – 2023-06-01

  • Plugin actualizado para ser probado en WordPress 6.2

4.11.0 – 2022-07-27

  • Restringe el acceso a archivos sensibles mediante la configuración .htaccess.
  • Added cloudflare_use_cache hook to determine when to cache.
  • Allow arrays with url keys to be passed into cache purge requests.
  • Handle getZoneSettings not returning a key and throwing an unset array key error.

4.10.1 – 2022-06-06

  • Corrección de la lógica para ignorar las operaciones de purga de caché.

4.10.0 – 2022-06-03

  • Ignorar las URL de feed en las operaciones de purga de la caché a menos que exista una anulación de la caché.

4.9.1 – 2022-05-04

  • Gestiona los arrays de URL vacías para purgarlas.
  • Swap publicly_queryable for is_post_type_viewable when determining if the post is public.
  • Update always_use_https check to work with the API lacking a «value» for the key.
  • purgeCacheByRelevantURLs now accepts either an array or single ID

4.8.3 – 2022-03-22

  • Cuando una zona tiene activado «Usar siempre HTTPS», sólo envía URLs basadas en HTTPS. Las URL HTTP nunca se encontrarán y nunca estarán presentes en la caché.

4.8.2 – 2022-03-18

  • Retag 4.8.1 with correct version in user agent

4.8.1 – 2022-03-18

  • Loosen domain check for cache purge calls to allow subdomains

4.8.0 – 2022-03-15

  • Updated supported WordPress version to 5.9
  • Replace Guzzle with wp_remote_request for remote calls
  • Update cache purge logic to improve efficiency of what we send to the remote service

4.7.0 – 2021-10-28

  • Merge cloudflare-plugin-backend into Cloudflare-WordPress repository

4.6.0 – 2021-10-11

  • Make frontend use native await/async
  • Purge cache on mobile if APO Cache By Device Type

4.5.1 – 2021-06-03

  • Rewrite PHP 8 bootstrap files for symfony/polyfill to be PHP 7 compatible

4.5.0 – 2021-06-02

  • Document unintuitive transition_post_status WP hook behavior
  • Only purge public taxonomies while clearing any empty values from the list
  • Better handling of cases where wp_get_attachment_image_src is false and not a usable array
  • Support activation of IDN domains
  • Improve development experience by shipping a Docker Compose file with more tooling and documentation

4.4.0 – 2021-03-23

  • Purge posts when transitioning to or from the ‘published’ state
  • Remove conditional logic for subdomain, allow to activate APO feature on the subdomain
  • Further work to autocorrect APO settings

4.3.0 – 2021-03-19

  • Sanitise sensitive HTTP header logs
  • Stop sending cfCRSFToken to remote API
  • Add warnings for incorrectly configured Automatic Platform Optimization
  • Purge posts that go from public to private
  • Purge pagination for first 3 pages

4.2.2 – 2021-03-08

  • Fix warning for file_get_contents of composer.json

4.2.1 – 2021-03-05

  • Deprecate REST dashboard analytics

4.2.0 – 2021-03-02

  • Allow configuration of Cloudflare credentials via environment variables
  • Prevent purging of cache before comments have been moderated
  • Remove unnecessary symfony/yaml dependency

4.1.0 – 2021-02-11

  • Removed development dependencies from vendor directory
  • Update CLOUDFLARE_MIN_PHP_VERSION to match the plugin requirements

4.0.0 – 2021-02-09

  • Drop support for PHP 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1

3.8.10 – 2021-01-29

  • Add Jacob to maintainers list

3.8.9 – 2021-01-14

  • Revert Add pagination purging

3.8.8 – 2021-01-13

  • Add pagination purging

3.8.7 – 2020-12-07

  • Purge taxonomy feed URLs
  • Fix changing APO settings (cf, wordpress, plugin) when running on subdomain
  • Fix setting hostname override

3.8.6 – 2020-11-19

  • Add subdomain support for APO card

3.8.5 – 2020-10-15

  • Added automatic purge cache on new comment

3.8.4 – 2020-10-13

  • Added composer’s type=wordpress-plugin for Bedrock users
  • Fixed typo in readme.txt
  • Fix modify header exception thrown during wp-cron
  1. Cloudflare Plugin= 3.8.3 – 2020-10-05 =
  • Fixed setting all APO values properly for correct dashboard rendering

3.8.2 – 2020-10-02

  • re-relase broken version, no changes

3.8.1 – 2020-10-02

  • Fixed typo in config.js(on) that resulted in warning #292
  • Check for array indicies are set before using #278

3.8.0 – 2020-10-01

  • Added APO support
  • Renamed Automatic Cache Management card to Auto Purge Content On Update

3.7.0 – 2020-09-25

  • Bump cloudflare-plugin-backend v2.3.0 and cloudflare-plugin-frontend v3.1.0 #283

3.6.0 – 2020-09-17

  • Bump cloudflare-plugin-backend #276

3.5.1 – 2020-07-02


  • Fixed Cache Purges failing #266

3.5.0 – 2020-06-26


  • Disable HTTP/2 Push on wp-admin pages #214
  • Fix PHP 7.4 notice #256


  • Purge attachment URLs #208
  • Purge URLs on page/post update #206
  • Turn on IPv6 by default #229
  • Add constants for better control HTTP/2 Server Push #213
  • Allow custom actions for purge url and purge everything actions #212

3.4.1 – 2019-08-29


  • Updated list of contributors.
  • Updated tested WordPress version to latest (5.2.2).

3.4.0 – 2019-08-29


  • Added support for API Token authentication.

3.3.2 – 2017-12-12


  • Fallo en cf-ip-rewrite


  • Añadido nuevo filtro cloudflare_purge_by_url permitiendo a los usuarios tener mejor control de las urls purgadas automáticamente.

3.3.1 – 2017-6-29


  • Error potencial por usar $_GET.

3.3.0 – 2017-6-29


  • Added a new Splash Screen
  • Added userConfig.js file allowing custom configurations.
  • Added logs in debug mode for Automatic Cache Purge.
  • Added logs for oversized Server Push HTTP headers.


  • Automatic Cache Purge now purges Autoptimize by everything rather than by URL.
  • Rangos de IP actualizados


  • Bug where domains which had capital letters not working.
  • Bug where Automatic Cache Purge couldn’t purge front page.
  • Bug related to work with IWP.
  • Bug where if PHP is compiled with ipv6-disable flag, it crashed the site.

3.2.1 – 2017-3-14


  • Bug where accounts which had more than 20 zones would not show up correctly.

3.2.0 – 2017-3-1


  • Bypass Cache By Cookie functionality.
  • HTTP/2 Server Push functionality (disabled by default).


  • Lowered the plugin size.
  • Automatic Cache Management feature includes purging taxonomies.
  • Automatic Cache Management feature supports sites which use both HTTP and HTTPS.


  • Admin bar disappearing from the plugin.
  • Bug where spinner was loading forever.
  • Bug where the backend errors where not being shown in the frontend.
  • Issues where IE11 was not working properly.

3.1.1 – 2016-11-17


  • Moved Admin Bar behind Automatic Cache Purge toggle.

3.1.0 – 2016-11-17


  • Added ability to automatically purge cache when a post is published, edited or deleted. (Thanks to brandomeniconi and mike503)
  • Added ability to work with WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin. (Thanks to brandomeniconi)


  • Changed the UI to look more like dashboard.
  • Changed plugin description.
  • Disabled showing WordPress Admin Bar and Edit Post Link to avoid caching problems for users using HTML Caching.


  • Fixed bug where require vendor folders was not working.
  • Fixed bug where static files were cached which caused issues updating the plugin.
  • Fixed dependencies which caused issues with PHP Compatibility Checker plugin.

3.0.6 – 2016-10-6


  • Added ability to toggle Development Mode.


  • Fixed bug where active zone dropdown was not working properly.


  • Compressed resources to lower plugin size.
  • Updated Cloudflare logo.

3.0.5 – 2016-09-28


  • Fixed bug where refactored Flexible SSL fix was causing the settings page hook not to load.

3.0.4 – 2016-09-27


  • Ability for users to toggle Automatic HTTPS Rewrites (enabled by default, solves for most mixed content errors).


  • Fixed an issue where low PHP version where getting syntax error.
  • Fixed issue where some users using Flexible SSL where not able to login to wp-admin .
  • Fixed a bug where the active zone selector was not paginating through the whole zone list.
  • Fixed an issue where the setting for Image Optimization was being displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug in Analytics where the  Uniques Visitors data was not displaying accurately.


  • Compressed assets to lower plugin size.
  • Hooks loading logic refactored to make it more simple and readable.

3.0.3 – 2016-09-21


  • Fixed an issue where some domains were being incorrectly propagated to the domain selector dropdown
  • Fixed an issue where the Web Application Firewall was accidentally triggering RFI Attack Rules
  • Fixed an issue where image optimization was not being enabled for Pro and higher Cloudflare plans

3.0.2 – 2016-09-16


  • Disabled HTTP/2 Server Push which was leading to 520 and 502 errors for some websites.

3.0.1 – 2016-09-16


  • Fixed HTTP/2 Server Push exceeding the header limit Cloudflare has which caused 520 errors.
  • Fixed warning message in HTTP/2 Server Push.

3.0.0 – 2016-09-15


  • Added one-click application oft WordPress specific recommended settings
  • Added ability to purge the Cloudflare cache
  • Integrated with WordPress cache management to automatically clear the Cloudflare cache on updating site appearance
  • Added ability to change Cloudflare settings (Always Online mode, I’m Under Attack, Image Optimization, Security Level, Web Application Firewall)
  • Added Analytics showing Cached Requests, bandwidth used, unique visitors, threats blocked
  • Added Header rewrite to prevent a redirect loop when Cloudflare’s Universal SSL is enabled
  • Added HTTP/2 Server Push support
  • Added Support for PHP 5.3+


  • Removed HTTPS Protocol Rewriting
  • Removed submission of spam comments
  • Removed ability to toggle Development Mode On/Off


  • Updated user interface
  • Started to support WordPress 3.4+ instead of 2.8+ because we depend on the WordPress Options API