Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego, Dec 31, 2023
Język Polski
Subject to investigations in this article is the historical development of the Polish lexeme haza... more Subject to investigations in this article is the historical development of the Polish lexeme hazard, which marks the centre of the semantic field that covers onomastic expressions for names of gambling activities, people engaged in gambling, types of games, and venues where gambling was arranged. Dictionary research supplemented with corpus linguistic study allowed drawing a lexical map that up until the 17th century gravi- tated around the lexemes igracz, kostarz, kostyra and szuler, all of which were names of players taking risks and cheating in dice or cards. Through historical development this initial network was expanded to cover the word hazard in its primary meaning of ‘incident, fate’, accompanied with related forms such as hazardzi- sta, hazardowny, hazardować (się). Finally, in the late 20th century, the notion of ‘gambling for money’ was institutionalised as another semantic variant. The lexicographic explorations in the article are completed with the context analysis of the phenomenon of gambling, disclosing its temporally unchangeable semantic context and social perception.
Język Polski, 2023
Subject to investigations in this article is the historical development of the Polish lexeme haza... more Subject to investigations in this article is the historical development of the Polish lexeme hazard, which marks the centre of the semantic field that covers onomastic expressions for names of gambling activities, people engaged in gambling, types of games, and venues where gambling was arranged. Dictionary research supplemented with corpus linguistic study allowed drawing a lexical map that up until the 17th century gravi- tated around the lexemes igracz, kostarz, kostyra and szuler, all of which were names of players taking risks and cheating in dice or cards. Through historical development this initial network was expanded to cover the word hazard in its primary meaning of ‘incident, fate’, accompanied with related forms such as hazardzi- sta, hazardowny, hazardować (się). Finally, in the late 20th century, the notion of ‘gambling for money’ was institutionalised as another semantic variant. The lexicographic explorations in the article are completed with the context analysis of the phenomenon of gambling, disclosing its temporally unchangeable semantic context and social perception.
Język. Religia. Tożsamość.
After discussing the origins and the underlying philosophy of the Vilnius Philomath Society as we... more After discussing the origins and the underlying philosophy of the Vilnius Philomath Society as well as the way in which its archives are preserved, the author proceeds to examine one of the surviving manuscripts: The Virgin of Orleans, authored by Adam Mickiewicz. Set against the data from previous research on the language of the Philomaths by Kurz, the analysis of the spelling convention and the phonetics of the manuscript (e.g. the orthographic representations of j, o / , / z, x; prepositional phrases; word truncations; the pronunciation of nasal and raised vowels; palatalisation of consonants) helps determine that they fall closer to the language of the Philomaths and the North-Eastern Borderlands of Poland than to the national literary norm of the time. Above all, the analysis reveals that Mickiewiczs spelling patterns were highly inconsistent, posing a major challenge to his publishers.
Język. Religia. Tożsamość, 2023
After discussing the origins and the underlying philosophy of the Vilnius Philomath Society as we... more After discussing the origins and the underlying philosophy of the Vilnius Philomath Society as well as the way in which its archives are preserved, the author proceeds to examine one of the surviving manuscripts: The Virgin of Orleans, authored by Adam Mickiewicz. Set against the data from previous research on the language of the Philomaths by Kurz, the analysis of the spelling convention and the phonetics of the manuscript (e.g. the orthographic representations of j, o / ó, ż / z, x; prepositional phrases; word truncations; the pronunciation of nasal and raised vowels; palatalisation of consonants) helps determine that they fall closer to the language of the Philomaths and the North-Eastern Borderlands of Poland than to the national literary norm of the time. Above all, the analysis reveals that Mickiewicz’s spelling patterns were highly inconsistent, posing a major challenge to his publishers.
DYING AND DEATH IN POLISH LANGUAGE ORTHODOX PRINTED TEXTS AUTHORED BY THE MEMBERS OF KIYV-MOHYLA ... more DYING AND DEATH IN POLISH LANGUAGE ORTHODOX PRINTED TEXTS AUTHORED BY THE MEMBERS OF KIYV-MOHYLA ACADEMY This article deals with the Polish lexis in the semantic field of DEATH and conceptualizations of death as represented in Orthodox hagiographies and miracula collections. The analysis includes the following three text collections: H. Denisowicz’s Parergon cudów świętych [Parergon of the Miracles of the Saints] (1638), A. Kalnofojski’s Teratourgēma lubo cuda... [Teratourgēma, that is Miracles...] (1638) and S. Kossow’s Paterikon abo zywoty… [Patericon, that is the lives...] (1635). The lexical field under analysis was further divided in to subcategories addressing e.g. the cause of death (zabić [kill], zamordować [murder], obwiesić się [hang oneself]), the killer (bratomorderca [fratricide]), or the relationship between the killer and the victim (oycozaboystwo [patricide]). The article concentrates predominantly on conceptualizations of death, such as death as a road, farewell, cr...
Studies in Polish Linguistics
The objective of this paper is to bring to light an important early 16th-century Polish rendition... more The objective of this paper is to bring to light an important early 16th-century Polish rendition of the Psalter, Żołtarz Dawidów, translated by Walenty Wróbel and prepared for print by Andrzej Glaber. We argue that in spite of its unique position in the line of Psalter translations into Polish, the Żołtarz has not received a comprehensive and exhaustive treatment. While some detailed issues have been diligently addressed by individual scholars, research on the Żołtarz has generally been overshadowed by Brückner’s (1902) pioneering study, to the extent that one of its two surviving manuscript copies has not received official recognition in the scholarly literature. In particular, alongside the Kórnik manuscript (from 1528) described by Brückner, there exists another 16th-century exemplar (1536), which has been in the possession of the Jagiellonian Library since 1928. Its rediscovery by the authors of the present paper has two important consequences. First of all, the Jagiellonian Żo...
Studies in Polish Linguistics, 2022
The objective of this paper is to bring to light an important early 16 th-century Polish renditio... more The objective of this paper is to bring to light an important early 16 th-century Polish rendition of the Psalter, Żołtarz Dawidów, translated by Walenty Wróbel and prepared for print by Andrzej Glaber. We argue that in spite of its unique position in the line of Psalter translations into Polish, the Żołtarz has not received a comprehensive and exhaustive treatment. While some detailed issues have been diligently addressed by individual scholars, research on the Żołtarz has generally been overshadowed by Brückner's (1902) pioneering study, to the extent that one of its two surviving manuscript copies has not received official recognition in the scholarly literature. In particular, alongside the Kórnik manuscript (from 1528) described by Brückner, there exists another 16 th-century exemplar (1536), which has been in the possession of the Jagiellonian Library since 1928. Its rediscovery by the authors of the present paper has two important consequences. First of all, the Jagiellonian Żołtarz should become an object of study in its own right. Secondly, its existence requires a re-assessment of the current state of knowledge on the Żołtarz in the light of the data it contains.
The year 1643 saw the publication of Listy swięte o oyca Partheniusza do Piotra Mohily , which ca... more The year 1643 saw the publication of Listy swięte o oyca Partheniusza do Piotra Mohily , which came out of the printing press of the Polish‑language department of the Kyiv Lavra. In the Letters Parthenius – a relatively unknown patriarch of Constantinople – discusses Confessio Fidei – a succinct confession of faith published in Geneva in 1629 under the name of Cyril Lucaris – an Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and opponent of the union. As Confessio is clearly Calvinist is spirit, Parthenius refutes Lucaris’ authorship and imposes an anathema on the genuine author of Confessio and its propagators. The recipient and a probable translator of Letters is Peter Mohyla – a distinguished Metropolitan of Kyiv, author of the first Orthodox catechism and founder of the Mohyla Collegium. The paper addresses the issue of the Letters , in particular their Polish translation and the identity of the translator but does so against the broader background of the circumstances occasioned by the...
This paper discusses communicative strategies as employed by three 17th-century authors in the fo... more This paper discusses communicative strategies as employed by three 17th-century authors in the following texts: Lithos by Piotr Mohyla, Rozmowa białocerkiewna [A dialogue in Biała Cerkiew] and Messiasz prawdziwy [The Messiah] both by Joannicius Galatowski. The analysis of the relationships obtaining between the interlocutors, ways of evaluating their adversaries and their lines of argument makes the author of the paper postulate a relationship between the degree of emotionality of the text and the communicative distance between the interlocutors. The larger the distance, the larger the number of explicit negative judgments and more openly expressed emotionality. The author of the message is inscribed in the text, even though he is not an initiator of the debate. The author is always a more powerful partner, endowed with social and moral authority, and the ultimate receiver – the reader is expected to take his view.Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła IIAbramowska T., 2002, Dial...
Poznańskie Spotkania Językoznawcze, 2018
W artykule została poddana analizie związana z życiem monastycznym leksyka pierwszego przekładu P... more W artykule została poddana analizie związana z życiem monastycznym leksyka pierwszego przekładu Paterykonu S. Kossowa (1635 r.). Wydzielone trzy duże kręgi semantyczne: 1. Budownictwo sakralne, 2. Życie zakonne, 3. Życie duchowe, zostały podzielone na szczegółowe pola, a ich leksyka skonfrontowana z odnośnymi dla epoki opracowaniami i leksykonami. W ten sposób ujawniono nieznane dotychczas XVII-wieczne polskie słownictwo prawosławne, przybliżono realia życia i strukturę monasteru kijowskiego, a także wskazano sposoby udostępniania leksyki konfesyjnej czytelnikom innego języka i wyznania.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 2016
Roczniki Humanistyczne, 2008
The paper focuses on the co-existence between literature and folklore by way of transporting the ... more The paper focuses on the co-existence between literature and folklore by way of transporting the folk formulas (in the broad sense of the word) to poetic texts. It is from this point of view that one of the obligatory component of the wedding rite ― the former master of ceremonies - has been analysed. The sources are the nineteenth- and twentieth-century ethnographic studies from the territories of southern and eastern Poland and Szymon Zimorowic's Roksolanki. On the basis of the sources and folkloristic studies, additionally confronated with lexicographic data, a vocabulary of names of the figure in interest has been constructed. The names have been classified according to two criteria: 1) obligations and tasks that he has to take, 2) traits he should have. We have also discussed the psychophysical predisposition and obligations of the master of ceremonies dependent on the stage of the rite: matching couples, preparing for the wedding, and the wedding itself. Zimorowic's wedding corresponds to the construction of the vivid wedding performance. It is instanced in his tract "Dziewosląb" with its literary picture of the functional figure. It turns out that the Roksolanki are realised according to some elements of the pattern, others are modified in line with the poetics of the epoch, yet others ― redundant or inessential from the point of view of the content - have been omitted.
Roczniki Humanistyczne, 2005
The study sought to order the arboreal-floristic vocabulary and analyse its poetic function in tw... more The study sought to order the arboreal-floristic vocabulary and analyse its poetic function in two seventeenth-century collections of idylls: Szymon Zimorowic's Roksolanki and J6zef Bartlomiej Zimorowic's Sielanki nowe ruskie [New Russian Idylls]. The lexical field of plants is composed of the following: 1. general names of plants, flowers, trees, and bushes; 2. concrete, genre names; 3. names of autonomic plant parts; 4. names of acreage filled with listed designates. Thus defined lexis has been subjected to a functional analysis, during which the poetic function and values the vocabulary under study have been shown. The works written by the two brothers and belonging to a similar trend of Baroque poetry, with regard to their genology and themes, show no principal differences with respect to the lexis under study. The differences result from different problems of the texts, the poets' various experiences, and unequal talents.
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL, 2020
Na podstawie tekstów prozatorskich i poetyckich zamieszczonych w dwóch czasopismach wydawanych w ... more Na podstawie tekstów prozatorskich i poetyckich zamieszczonych w dwóch czasopismach wydawanych w latach 1932-1939 przez krakowski zakład wychowawczy albertynów poddano analizie przedstawiany w nich językowy obraz Adama Chmielowskiego – br. Alberta. Stwierdzono prymat profili związanych z jego życiem duchowym i działalnością zakonną: święty, zakonnik, założyciel zgromadzenia, mistrz i nauczyciel, opiekun ubogich. Na uboczu pozostają profile artysta i przyjaciel. Tworząca wymienione profile siatka leksykalna i dopełniające ją wartościujące pozytywnie określenia składają się na spójny obraz br. Alberta uznawanego za świętego jeszcze przed oficjalnym wyniesieniem go na ołtarze.