Books by Filippo Ronconi
Pour l'amour de Byzance. Hommage à Paolo Odorico, éd. Christian Gastgeber, Charis Messis, Dan Ioan Mureșan et Filippo Ronconi, Peter Lang : Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 250 p. [Eastern and Central European Studies - 3].
Papers by Filippo Ronconi
The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Literature, 2021
The chapter surveys the culture of the manuscript book in Byzantium. It proposes a comprehensive ... more The chapter surveys the culture of the manuscript book in Byzantium. It proposes a comprehensive study of Greek manuscripts that both looks at the Mediterranean multilingual book culture at large, and takes into consideration all facets (both material and social) that determined the production, circulation, and preservation of manuscripts. Statistics and relevant research tools of the preserved manuscript corpus are offered, while the disparities of such statistics and research tools also are highlighted—as Greek manuscripts remain, to a very large extent, still poorly studied despite the many recent advances. Attention is also drawn to the commerce and mobility of books in Byzantium, to the main human agents (copyists, patrons, and later owners), and main types of book (codices, scrolls, etc.) in Byzantine manuscript culture. The chapter also discusses the issue of forgery, as well as that of books which were used for ritual and other purposes, and were not meant primarily for read...
Political Communication in Chinese and European History, 800–1600
This study investigates the interconnection between the adoption of the minuscule script for the ... more This study investigates the interconnection between the adoption of the minuscule script for the transcription of Greek literary texts (one of the most significant innovations in the history of Byzantine book culture) and the huge cultural revival of ninth-century Byzantium. The focus lies on the social changes that occurred among the Constantinopolitan elites at the end of the eighth century as a result of the political events following the death of Emperor Leo IV. The adoption of the minuscule in the copying of books will be described as a three-step process, whose phases will be discussed with particular attention to the social milieus in which they emerged and developed (especially the bureaucratic circles of the capital connected to the finance administration and some monastic networks). In conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of some very specific technical skills in one of the most decisive changes in middle-byzantine cultural history.
Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales
Proceedings of the Seventh International Colloquium of Greek Palaeography (Madrid-Salamanca, 15-20 September 2008), 2010
Histoire & mesure, 2020
Witold Kula defined On Weights and Measures (Peri metrōn kai stathmōn) by Epiphanius of Cyprus as... more Witold Kula defined On Weights and Measures (Peri metrōn kai stathmōn) by Epiphanius of Cyprus as the “forerunner of traders’ manuals”. This article aims to demonstrate that while the text was used for practical purposes over the centuries, its purpose was to make Bible passages containing technical words understandable to 4th century Greek-speaking readers. The article begins by analysing the context of the composition and the environment in which the author worked, reconstructing the structure of the original (now partially lost) text. In-depth analysis of selected passages provides insights into the importance of metrology in the 4th century Near East.
The aim of this article is to clarify Dvornik's contribution to the study of the so-called 'Pho-t... more The aim of this article is to clarify Dvornik's contribution to the study of the so-called 'Pho-tian schism' by way of review of his major works on the subject and by detailed analysis of a specific question, the crisis of 862. For this purpose a number of hitherto unnoticed parallels betweenTheognostus's Libellus ad Nicolaum I Papam and Nicholas's polemic letters to Photius and Michael III are drawn, and new interpretations of evidence (letters of Hadrian II, Stylianos Mappas and the Kanonensammlung of Cardinal Deusdedit) are proposed. This dossier demonstrates the key role played in provoking the crisis by a group of Constantinopolitan anti-Photian escapees shortly after their arrival in Rome, against the background of the Roman-Constantinopolitan relations of the period. Prelude František Dvornik a su conjuguer, au cours d'une vie difficile, des quali-tés intellectuelles rares avec les urgences d'une époque agitée. Appartenant à une génération écrasée par la guerre, il fut capable, comme le Billy Pilgrim du Slaughterhouse-Five, 1 de voyager dans l'espace et dans le temps: le temps passé, grâce à sa culture, celui à venir, par sa clairvoyance et son engagement. Dans la conclusion de cet article, je consacrerai quelques mots aux aspects militants de son activité scientifique, qui, peu connus, me semblent constituer un élément actuel de son héritage. Mais ces pages visent d'abord à souligner la valeur des résultats auxquels il est parvenu (Partie 2) et à proposer quelques réflexions sur un détail de la reconstruction de Dvornik, dont je prendrai mes distances (Partie 3). Il me semble qu'une approche critique pourra lui rendre hommage mieux que des louanges affectées. Je remercie les organisateurs de cette journée-en particulier le professeur et ami Vla-dimír Vavřínek-pour m'avoir invité. J'utiliserai les abréviations suivantes: Deusdedit = V. Wolf Von GlanVell, Die Kanonessammlung des Kardinals Deusdedit, Paderborn 1905 ; DVornik, Schism = f. DVornik, The Photian Schism. History and Legend, Cambridge 1948 ; Lib. = Libellus ad Nicolaum I Papam, dans PG 105, col. 856-861 (BHG Nov. Auct. 818c) ; Nic. ep. = MGH, Epistolae VI, Nicolae I papae epistolae ; Hadr. ep. = MGH, Epistolae VI, Hadriani II papae epistolae ; PmbZ = R.-J. Lilie-Cl. Ludwig-B. Zielke-Th. Pratsch,
Tutti i diritti riservati. Impaginazione: Sabina Coratelli con il contributo di Università degli ... more Tutti i diritti riservati. Impaginazione: Sabina Coratelli con il contributo di Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro" Questo volume è dedicato alla memoria di Raffaele Licinio s. luCà, Scritture e libri in Terra d'Otranto fra XI e XII secolo, in Bizantini, Longobardi e Arabi in Puglia nell'Alto Medioevo. Atti del XX congresso internazionale di studio sull'alto Medioevo (Savelletri di Fasano, 3-6 novembre 2011), Spoleto 2012, pp. 487-548: 504 ss. (ma cf., per quanto attiene in particolare alle scritture, le pp. 524 ss.). 6 Per il rapporto tra storia evenemenziale e trasformazioni delle scritture, cf. le parole di G. CaVallo, La scrittura greca libraria tra i secoli I a.C.-I d.C. Materiali, tipologie, momenti, in Paleografia e codicologia greca. Atti del II Colloquio internazionale (Berlin-Wolfenbüttel, 17-21 ottobre 1983), a cura di D. Harlfinger -G. Prato, Alessandria 1991, I, pp. 11-29 e II, pp. 5-30 (tavole): 11 (rist. in Id., Il calamo e il papiro: La scrittura greca dall'età ellenistica ai primi secoli di Bisanzio, Firenze 2005, pp. 107-122: 107). Per il concetto di longue durée e per la questione dei découpage historiques, oltre alle opere di Fernand Braudel, mi limito a rimandare al libro-testamento di J. le goff, Faut-il vraiment découper l'histoire en tranches?, Paris 2014. 7 Della seconda fase normanna si tratterà nella parte III, insieme alla prima fase sveva, per i motivi che si diranno. Per speculum in aenigmate Bulgari 12 , Armeni 13 , Berberi 14 , Arabi musulmani e cristiani 15 , da Longobardi e, a partire dall'XI secolo, da Normanni 16 : gruppi etnoculturali che, in taluni casi almeno, coltivarono una produzione manoscritta nella propria lingua.
Ce document sera publié en ligne en texte intégral en septembre 2020
Books by Filippo Ronconi
Papers by Filippo Ronconi