
Morning | WordPress Theme | Deutsch (Schweiz)


This theme hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Dies ist ein Child-Theme von Apex.

  • Version 1.04
  • Last updated Januar 14, 2019
  • Active installations 400+

Morning is a child theme for the Apex theme. It’s is a sophisticated, minimalist theme. It looks great and performs wonderfully on mobile devices, tablets, laptops, and everything in between. Use it to setup a business blog, newspaper website, fashion magazine, or travel blog. Now with WooCommerce support, you can even setup an eCommerce store with Apex. The design of this minimal theme also suits media-rich sites well like food blogs and personal photography portfolios. As a simple, responsive, and SEO optimized theme, you can trust Apex to present your best content to the world. Apex is also fully compatible with the new Gutenberg post editor. Preview Morning now with the interactive live demo:

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Active Installations: 400+



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This theme is available in the following languages: English (Canada), English (US), Español, Español de México, Español de Venezuela, 日本語 und Türkçe.

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