
Travo Nomad | WordPress Theme | Cymraeg

Travo Nomad

Mae hwn yn thema plentyn o Travelsolution.

  • Fersiwn 1.0.2
  • Last updated Medi 18, 2024
  • Active installations Llai na 10
  • WordPress version 6.0
  • PHP version 7.4

Travo Nomad is a flexible Full Site Editing (FSE) theme, ideal for creating engaging and practical travel sites. It is a child theme of Travel Solution offering great design and powerful features for your travel site. The theme comes with a drag-and-drop page builder and provides many design and flexibility options price range, trip search, and more. When paired with the free WP Travel Gutenberg Block plugin, Travo Nomad offers a variety of customizable blocks, including trip search, trip locations, tour packages, and trip types. It seamlessly integrates with the WP Travel plugin, widely recognized as a top choice for tour booking, ensuring streamlined management of tours and reservations.


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