
Law Firm | WordPress Theme | Cymraeg
  • Fersiwn 1.0.2
  • Last updated Medi 20, 2024
  • Active installations 300+
  • PHP version 7.4

Law Firm WordPress theme is a free, purpose-built design tailored specifically for attorneys, judges, law schools, court offices, legal consultants, bar associations and various other law-related organizations. It provides a polished and intuitive interface, enhancing the professional presence of any law related website. With an engaging user interface and well structured pages, this free Law Firm WordPress theme ensures easier navigation and business expansion for the law firm owners. Moreover, the theme is also search engine optimization friendly, so using this theme also ensures a higher ranking on search engine result pages for attorneys or law firms. Don’t take our word for it; try the theme here: If you stumble upon any issues or have queries about the theme, refer to the official theme documentation: or leave an inquiry at

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Gosodiadau Gweithredol: 300+



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