Jack Burston
Jack Burston holds the position of Honorary Research Fellow in the Language Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology. He is a language-teaching specialist with a formal background in theoretical and applied linguistics, second language acquisition and testing. His current research is focused on Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) and advanced-level foreign language instruction. Jack is a current member of the Editorial Board of the ReCALL Journal, Language Learning
Phone: +357 99795209
Address: Cyprus University of Technology
Lanhuage Centre
PO Box 50329, 3036 Limassol
Phone: +357 99795209
Address: Cyprus University of Technology
Lanhuage Centre
PO Box 50329, 3036 Limassol
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Papers by Jack Burston
The bibliography is organized, firstly, in chronological order, then alphabetically within each year. Where possible, a hyperlink to the source is also provided. Hyperlinks are indicated by the underlining of the name of the author(s) and are activated by CTRL clicking them. Duplicate studies are identified with the tag [Same as xxx]. To facilitate the comprehension of references written in languages other than English, the titles of these are accompanied by an English translation. These entries are also tagged by an indication of the language in which they are written, e.g., [in Korean].
References are organized alphabetically. To enhance the information contained in them, each entry is accompanied by a brief (~90 word) synopsis. To the extent that the publication provides such information, the summary includes essential details relating to the country in which the experimental implementation took place, the institutional environment, mobile device used, native language, target language, language proficiency level, targeted skill(s) area, treatment details, sample size, intervention duration and outcomes.
The great majority of experimental MALL implementation studies appear outside of journals and associated conference proceedings dedicated to language learning and instructional technology. Some are published in academic dissertations, but most are to be found rather in a great variety of professional journals and conferences having nothing in particular to do with language instruction. Locating copies of these publications can be a real challenge in itself. For this reason, where possible, hyperlinks are included to online sources of the works cited. These are indicated by the underlining of the name of the author(s) and are activated by CTRL clicking them. While many of these may be downloaded without cost, the majority require an institutional subscription or have to be individually purchased. Hyperlinks are also used to indicate cross referenced studies in the bibliography.