Julia Bolton Holloway
My curriculum vitae with full publication information is available at http://www.florin.ms/vita.html. I took early retirement from the University of Colorado at Boulder as Professor Emerita, returned to Europe. I now direct a library and a historic cemetery and work with Romanian Roma families in Florence, particularly the women, helping them with literacy and with acquiring, repairing and building their houses in Romania so they can climb out of poverty. In return they restore the the famous 'English' Cemetery where Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Walter Savage Landor, Arthur Hugh Clough, Isa Blagden, Frances Trollope, Hiram Powers, Theodore Parker, Richard Hildreth and many others who worked against slavery are buried. The Roma had been slaves of the monasteries from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century. Since retirement I have published many books, among them Jerusalem: Essays on Pilgrimage and Literature, Tales within Tales: Apuleius through Time, with AMS Press, Twice-Told Tales: Brunetto Latino and Dante Alighieri, and the third edition of my dissertation, now titled, The Pilgrim and the Book: A Study of Dante, Langland and Chaucer, with Peter Lang, as well as editions of Julian of Norwich with SISMEL, Elizabeth Barrett Browning with Penguin, based on manuscripts and first editions. I have given lectures and papers in many cities, including St Petersburg, Norwich Cathedral, Cornell University (this online as a video), Wellesley, Little Rock, Oxford, Cambridge, Basle, Rome, Modena, etc. Most recent: Lectura Dantis, 'La Vita Nuova: Paradigmi di Pellegrinaggio' Naples, 'Orientale' University, 7 May 2009. I have worked with graduate students writing thesis from Holland, Belgium, England and Italy. I direct a work/study literacy programme with Roma families from Romania while they restore Florence's 'English' Cemetery. They are creating booklets in four languages: Romany, Romanian, Italian and English. I recorded Carlo Poli's readings of Dante's Commedia, broadcasting these on the Web, http://www.florin.ms. Following that I worked with Federico Bardazzi and Marco Di Manno in which we researched and performed the Music of Dante's Commedia from medieval manuscripts in concerts in Graz, Cologne, Avila, Ravenna and Florence, now on YouTube. I have now edited Frances Trollope's anti-slavery Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw with the Trollope Society, 'Oh Bella Libertà', Elizabeth Barrett Browning's major poems translated into Italian, with Rita Severi of Verona, Le Opere di Brunetto Latino, on DVD, and several books on Julian of Norwich, Anchoress and Cardinal: Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton, O.S.B., Julian Among the Books: Julian of Norwich's Theological Library, and Mary's Dowry: Anthology of Contemplative and Pilgrim Writings: La Dote di Maria: Antologia di Testi di Pellegrine e Contemplativi, and with Ester Zago, Christine de Pizan, Le Chemin de Longs Etudes/Il Cammin di Lungo Studio.
Supervisors: Phillip Damon
Address: Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei'
'English' Cemetery
P.le Donatello, 38
Supervisors: Phillip Damon
Address: Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei'
'English' Cemetery
P.le Donatello, 38
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Papers by Julia Bolton Holloway
Scholarly methods used in this study include palaeography, codicology, iconography, reader reception, discourse on the Body, use of Hebrew, Greek and Latin, and the concepts of ‘Holy Conversation’ and ‘Textual Communities’. It gives much of the text of the Westminster Manuscript in translation, along with many quotations from the Westminster, Paris and Sloane manuscripts in their original layout and spelling. Illustrated with colour plates of the Julian manuscripts in the centrefold and other images, and black and white figures throughout the body of the text, it brings the reader as close as possible to Julian’s writing, her context, and her preservation by other women contemplatives throughout time.
It is the presentation in scribal and oral form of the second oldest Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love manuscript, where every letter, line, folio is replicated of a text prepared by the Brigittine nuns of Syon Abbey for printing but which had been blocked from publication at the Reformaton and taken with them into exile to preserve it. It was brought back from Lisbon in the nineteenth century and was first published in 1955, then lost, wrapped in brown paper, at the back of a safe in Clergy House, Westminster Cathedral, until I made enquiries about it. I published its edition in 2001, collating it with all the extant Julian manuscripts, replicating each one as to their layout and orthography. Neuroscience teaches us that synaesthesia makes the comprehension of a text through multiple senses by the brain more efficacious, why mothers teach babies reading with both sound and sight together. This is an experiment in how to make medieval texts more immediate to students of them.