monografie/books by Michele Nani
Presenti nella letteratura e nel cinema, i traslochi di tutti i giorni sono diventati solo di rad... more Presenti nella letteratura e nel cinema, i traslochi di tutti i giorni sono diventati solo di rado oggetto di libri di storia. Questo lavoro si inserisce nel rinnovamento degli studi sulle migrazioni italiane e cerca di approfondirne un aspetto meno noto rispetto ai grandi movimenti internazionali e interni. Seguire lungo il primo secolo post-unitario la mobilità residenziale in una provincia italiana e, ancor più nel dettaglio, in un suo popoloso comune è un’operazione originale. A partire dai dati solo apparentemente banali della statistica ufficiale e delle anagrafi municipali, la ricostruzione dell’andamento dei flussi e dei saldi, della loro incidenza demografica e delle loro distribuzioni geografiche restituisce i contorni dell’intensa mobilità residenziale di un’area di pianura, ove terre e acque a lungo si confondono. La predominanza dell’agricoltura e la ridotta urbanizzazione fanno di questi spostamenti delle migrazioni rurali, una forma di mobilità centrale nella storia delle società umane e paradossalmente trascurata dagli studi. Solo dopo il 1945, mentre rallenta la crescita della popolazione, le trasformazioni sociali e politiche innescano un deflusso dalle campagne verso il capoluogo e verso altri centri urbani. Quell’esito si inserisce in un progressivo allargamento dei bacini migratori interni, accompagnato tuttavia da un andamento meno lineare del volume dei flussi e del loro saldo. L’esplorazione quantitativa dei dati aggregati rivela l’ampia variabilità storica e geografica dei fenomeni migratori, che invita ad approfondire le ricerche sulle basi locali e sui profili sociali delle mobilità.
curatele/edited books-journals by Michele Nani
Quaderno n. 1 -Dicembre 2015 Lavoro mobile Migranti, organizzazioni, conflitti (XVIII-XX secolo) ... more Quaderno n. 1 -Dicembre 2015 Lavoro mobile Migranti, organizzazioni, conflitti (XVIII-XX secolo) a cura di Michele Colucci e Michele Nani © Copyright 2015 New Digital Frontiers srl Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 16 (c/o ARCA) 90128 Palermo ISBN (a stampa): 978-88-99487-01-0 ISBN (online): 978-88-99487-04-01 Le opere pubblicate sono sottoposte a processo di peerreview a doppio cieco Lavoro mobile Migranti, organizzazioni, conflitti (XVIII-XX secolo) a cura di Michele Colucci e Michele Nani Indice Introduzione iii Michele Colucci -Michele Nani Mobilità, appartenenza e risorse locali. Organizzazioni di mestiere e cantieri edili a Torino nella prima metà del Settecento 1 Nicoletta Rolla Stampa di classe e mobilità nelle campagne ferraresi: "La Scintilla" (1901-1904) 35 Michele Nani Billige und willige: la formazione di un esercito industriale di riserva. Forza lavoro migrante e industria tessile nella Brema del Kaiserreich (1880-1914) 73
saggi/articles by Michele Nani
Città che si adattano?, a cura di Rosa Tamborrino, Torino, AISU 2024, t. 4, Strategie di adattamento e patrimonio critico, a cura di Rosa Tamborrino, pp. 1338-1345, 2024
For some years a group of scholars and archivists has been working on Ferrara 1881, a pilot-proje... more For some years a group of scholars and archivists has been working on Ferrara 1881, a pilot-project for a historical atlas of the city of Ferrara (Italy). The pilot will be implemented in the form of a freely accessible WebGIS and aims at reconstructing the socio-demographic profile of the walled city
by grafting the data from the 1881 census survey forms on the spatial plot defined by the historical civic numbering, projected on cadastral maps updated in 1877-1881
in Città che si adattano?, a cura di Rosa Tamborrino, Torino, AISU 2024, t. 2, Adattabilità in circostanze ordinarie, a cura di Chiara Devoti, Pelin Bolca, pp. 708-716, 2024
How to write the "biography" of a fifteenth-century palace, formerly an aristocratic residence th... more How to write the "biography" of a fifteenth-century palace, formerly an aristocratic residence that later became a popular tenement and finally turned into a museum? Thanks to these different uses, Palazzo Costabili in Ferrara offers the opportunity to cross several documentary series and to question the relationships between ownership, physical transformation, inhabitants, housing practices and more (1809-1929).
Memoria di Adriano. Studi in onore del Maestro Franceschini (1920-2005) nel centenario della nascita, a cura di Franco Cazzola, Chiara Guerzi, Corinna Mezzetti, “Atti e memorie della Deputazione provinciale ferrarese di storia patria”, s. V, v. 2, pp. 259-273, 2022
The Municipal Historical Archive of Ferrara preserves extensive documentation on an early ninetee... more The Municipal Historical Archive of Ferrara preserves extensive documentation on an early nineteenth century administrative source: a population roll. Established in the Napoleonic period (1812), it was preserved by the restored authorities, with periodic updates ("rettifiche") and a new version in 1836. Except for occasional additions, it does not appear to have been revised after 1847, being later replaced by other ways of registering the population. Through administrative correspondence it is possible to reconstruct the history of the formation and management of the roll, with recurring problems of financing and accuracy of registrations. Retracing these events helps also to reconsider the nature of the residual documentation (two series of registers and family sheets, grouped into house dossiers). This roll has extraordinary potential, not only for historical demography, but above all for urban, economic and social history. It is useful also because of the large documentary gaps characterizing that period due to the complete destruction of the archives of the Napoleonic Department and the Papal Legation, as well as of much of the coeval judicial documentation
Fondato sul lavoro. Scritti per Stefano Musso, a cura di Fabrizio Loreto e Gilda Zazzara, Torino, Accademia University Press 2022, pp. 249-258, 2022
Fondato sul lavoro. Scritti per Stefano Musso Fondato sul lavoro. Scritti per Stefano Musso La pu... more Fondato sul lavoro. Scritti per Stefano Musso Fondato sul lavoro. Scritti per Stefano Musso La pubblicazione del presente volume è stata realizzata con il contributo del Dipartimento di Studi Storici dell'Università di Torino © 2022 Accademia University Press via Carlo Alberto 55 I-10123 Torino prima edizione italiana: dicembre 2022 isbn 979-12-5500-032-7 edizione digitale book design Accademia University Press è un marchio registrato di proprietà di LEXIS Compagnia Editoriale in Torino srl Fondato sul lavoro. Scritti per Stefano Musso Fondato sul lavoro. Scritti per Stefano Musso Fondato sul lavoro. Scritti per Stefano Musso Fondato sul lavoro. Scritti per Stefano Musso
“Storiografia”, 2023
Using as “ground” two Po Valley cities, geographically close but two
and a half centuries apart, ... more Using as “ground” two Po Valley cities, geographically close but two
and a half centuries apart, thus with very different social structures and urban morphologies (Padua 1615 and Ferrara 1881), a historiographical experiment is proposed. A path out of the juxtaposition between quantitativist “historical social science” and qualitative case studies is
suggested, articulated in three moves : impoverishing data constructed from serial sources
and changing analytical units using the extremization of contrasts as a guide in the change of scale. The comparison between the spatial configurations of the titles found in the “inquisition of houses” linked to the 1615 Estimate and of the qualification of “possidente” reported in the family records of the 1881 census, attributes chosen not so much for their significance but for their apparently ordinary and “trivial” character, proceeds along three stages : the examination of the distribution of the attributes in a neighborhood and its streets, then in the segments into which the streets are divided, and finally in the blocks that insist on the segments. The exercise is of methodological value only and could be gradually enriched by the cross-referencing of variables, other sources and diachronic. Seen at multiple scales, the
social division of space confirms the importance of the dynamics of homogenization and distinction given in small spaces
"Popolazione e storia", 2022
Mappe e sentieri. Un’introduzione agli studi urbani critici, 2021
This article examines the eviction of tenants and squatters from a Renaissance palace in
Ferrara... more This article examines the eviction of tenants and squatters from a Renaissance palace in
Ferrara, purchased by the Italian state in 1920. The case stands at the crossroads of three processes in European history between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the social and material ‘decadence’ of aristocratic residences, the birth of ‘national heritage’ and preservation policies and the explosion of the ‘housing problem’, following changes in urban demography and social structure. Considering a large range of sources, the article offers new insight into the conflict between different urban bureaucracies and inside them. It also explores the different forms of agency of working-class dwellers against the back-ground of troubled post-war years followed by the advent of fascism.
in Passato e presente delle migrazioni bracciantili, "Archivio Storico dell'Emigrazione Italiana", n. 16-17, 2020-21, pp. 17-28
ACERFerrara100. Per una storia della casa pubblica a Ferrara e provincia. Studi e documenti. IACP 1920 / ACER 2020, a cura di Elena Dorato, Romeo Farinella e Michele Nani, Firenze, Alinea 2021, pp. 18-24, 2021
ACERFerrara100. Per una storia della casa pubblica a Ferrara e provincia. Studi e documenti. IACP 1920 / ACER 2020, a cura di Elena Dorato, Romeo Farinella e Michele Nani, Firenze, Alinea 2021, pp. 25-31, 2021
monografie/books by Michele Nani
curatele/edited books-journals by Michele Nani
saggi/articles by Michele Nani
by grafting the data from the 1881 census survey forms on the spatial plot defined by the historical civic numbering, projected on cadastral maps updated in 1877-1881
and a half centuries apart, thus with very different social structures and urban morphologies (Padua 1615 and Ferrara 1881), a historiographical experiment is proposed. A path out of the juxtaposition between quantitativist “historical social science” and qualitative case studies is
suggested, articulated in three moves : impoverishing data constructed from serial sources
and changing analytical units using the extremization of contrasts as a guide in the change of scale. The comparison between the spatial configurations of the titles found in the “inquisition of houses” linked to the 1615 Estimate and of the qualification of “possidente” reported in the family records of the 1881 census, attributes chosen not so much for their significance but for their apparently ordinary and “trivial” character, proceeds along three stages : the examination of the distribution of the attributes in a neighborhood and its streets, then in the segments into which the streets are divided, and finally in the blocks that insist on the segments. The exercise is of methodological value only and could be gradually enriched by the cross-referencing of variables, other sources and diachronic. Seen at multiple scales, the
social division of space confirms the importance of the dynamics of homogenization and distinction given in small spaces
Ferrara, purchased by the Italian state in 1920. The case stands at the crossroads of three processes in European history between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the social and material ‘decadence’ of aristocratic residences, the birth of ‘national heritage’ and preservation policies and the explosion of the ‘housing problem’, following changes in urban demography and social structure. Considering a large range of sources, the article offers new insight into the conflict between different urban bureaucracies and inside them. It also explores the different forms of agency of working-class dwellers against the back-ground of troubled post-war years followed by the advent of fascism.
by grafting the data from the 1881 census survey forms on the spatial plot defined by the historical civic numbering, projected on cadastral maps updated in 1877-1881
and a half centuries apart, thus with very different social structures and urban morphologies (Padua 1615 and Ferrara 1881), a historiographical experiment is proposed. A path out of the juxtaposition between quantitativist “historical social science” and qualitative case studies is
suggested, articulated in three moves : impoverishing data constructed from serial sources
and changing analytical units using the extremization of contrasts as a guide in the change of scale. The comparison between the spatial configurations of the titles found in the “inquisition of houses” linked to the 1615 Estimate and of the qualification of “possidente” reported in the family records of the 1881 census, attributes chosen not so much for their significance but for their apparently ordinary and “trivial” character, proceeds along three stages : the examination of the distribution of the attributes in a neighborhood and its streets, then in the segments into which the streets are divided, and finally in the blocks that insist on the segments. The exercise is of methodological value only and could be gradually enriched by the cross-referencing of variables, other sources and diachronic. Seen at multiple scales, the
social division of space confirms the importance of the dynamics of homogenization and distinction given in small spaces
Ferrara, purchased by the Italian state in 1920. The case stands at the crossroads of three processes in European history between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the social and material ‘decadence’ of aristocratic residences, the birth of ‘national heritage’ and preservation policies and the explosion of the ‘housing problem’, following changes in urban demography and social structure. Considering a large range of sources, the article offers new insight into the conflict between different urban bureaucracies and inside them. It also explores the different forms of agency of working-class dwellers against the back-ground of troubled post-war years followed by the advent of fascism.
(Associazione Amici della Biblioteca Ariostea), Ferrara, Archivio storico comunale, 27 marzo 2019
Torino 29-30 ottobre 2019
European Rural History Organisation (EURHO) international conference University of Leuven (Belgium), 11-14 September 2017
Panel 13: “The rise and nature of landless rural households in Europe, 16th - 19th century” (organisers: Richard Paping and Christine Fertig)
giovedì 29 ottobre 2020, ore 14,30-16,30 CLARA ZANARDI, PhD, Università di Trieste
Venezia e la turistificazione. Una città "anti-moderna" a fronte del capitalismo post-industriale
Introduce ILARIA AGOSTINI, Dipartimento Beni Culturali Unibo
giovedì 5 novembre 2020, ore 14,30-16,30
MICHELE NANI, CNR Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo, Napoli
La città costiera, il turismo e i cambiamenti climatici. I rischi della litoralizzazione emiliano-romagnola
Introduce ILARIA AGOSTINI, Dipartimento Beni Culturali Unibo
giovedì 19 novembre 2020, ore 14,30-16,30
LUCIA TOZZI, PhD, saggista e giornalista
Narrare la città neocapitalista. Urbanistica, turistificazione e crisi abitativa attraverso la lente dell'informazione giornalistica
Introduce DANIELE VANNETIELLO, PhD, architetto urbanista
5 aprile 2017 ore 15.30
1615 - Ferrara 1881) · Using as “ground” two Po Valley cities, geographically close but two
and a half centuries apart, thus with very different social structures and urban morphologies
(Padua 1615 and Ferrara 1881), a historiographical experiment is proposed. A path out of the
juxtaposition between quantitativist “historical social science” and qualitative case studies is
suggested, articulated in three moves : impoverishing data constructed from serial sources
and changing analytical units using the extremization of contrasts as a guide in the change of
scale. The comparison between the spatial configurations of the titles found in the “inquisition
of houses” linked to the 1615 Estimate and of the qualification of “possidente” reported
in the family records of the 1881 census, attributes chosen not so much for their significance
but for their apparently ordinary and “trivial” character, proceeds along three stages : the
examination of the distribution of the attributes in a neighborhood and its streets, then in
the segments into which the streets are divided, and finally in the blocks that insist on the
segments. The exercise is of methodological value only and could be gradually enriched by
the cross-referencing of variables, other sources and diachronic. Seen at multiple scales, the
social division of space confirms the importance of the dynamics of homogenization and
distinction given in small spaces.
Since 2017, a digital atlas of Jewish populations in Italy and the Mediterranean (particularly, North Africa) has been under development at the Centre Roland Mousnier (CNRS - Sorbonne Université, Paris). The atlas is based on a massive database, which contains hundreds of thousands of entries from archival documents relative to around forty localities in Italy. In addition to Rome and the Church States, these include local archives (or those of the Jewish communities) in Tuscany (Florence, Siena, Livorno and Pisa), Lombardy (Duchy of Mantua), Emilia-Romagna (Reggio Emilia, and Modena), Veneto (Venice, Padua, Rovigo, and Verona), which have been used extensively to study:
1) the economic and social history of Jewish populations from the mid-fifteenth to the end of the nineteenth century;
2) the historical demography of the Jews;
3) the legal norms regulating the Jewish presence in Italy.
The atlas is devised to become an invaluable resource for the history of Italian Jews. It has also been the subject of various public presentations and scientific publications since 2018. This workshop organised in Paris on October 19th-20th, 2023, which will bring together researchers working on other populations and geographical areas, will present the advances made in the digital atlas of the Jewish populations of Italy, particularly as concerns mobility, migration and historical demography.