Alberto Bermejo Meléndez
My professional and academic journey has been profoundly shaped by a passion for archaeology, cultural heritage, and multidisciplinary research. It began with my education at the University of Huelva, where I earned a History degree in 2016, followed by a Master’s in Historical and Cultural Heritage in 2017. These formative years built a strong foundation in humanities, exploring both theory and practice in archaeology and heritage studies.
After completing postgraduate studies, I joined the Vrbanitas Archaeology and Heritage Group (HUM-132) (University of Huelva), participating in funded research projects, including DeAtlantir-I and DeAtlantir-II, and FEDER-funded initiatives. These projects, such as geoarchaeological analyses of Atlantic and Mediterranean ports like Onoba (Huelva) and Portus (Rome), enhanced my technical expertise. Additionally, I contributed to excavations and the development of the Roman city of Arucci (Aroche, Huelva).
My predoctoral research, supported by a Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI) grant, culminated in 2023 with my doctoral thesis, "The Port System of Onoba Aestuaria," earning a European Doctorate mention and a Cum Laude distinction. During this time, I undertook research stays at the Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome and the Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, fostering international collaborations and broadening my perspective. Throughout my career, I have gained robust technical training in tools and techniques like photography, topography, GIS, remote sensing (LIDAR, magnetometry, electric resistacen, ground-penetrating radar etc), and laser/close-range photogrammetry. I have also specialized in non-invasive documentation and heritage analysis, ensuring I stay at the forefront of contemporary research practices.
My teaching experience spans theoretical and practical classes in archaeology and heritage for undergraduate students in History, Tourism, and Cultural Management. Courses such as "Archaeological Methodology," "Introduction to Museology and Exhibition Curation," and "Archaeological Heritage" have enriched my pedagogical skills and engagement with students eager to explore the past’s relevance to today.
My academic output includes around twenty publications in prestigious journals like The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology and Review of Paleobotany and Palynology. I have also contributed to book chapters, presentations, and academic conferences. This editorial activity reflects my commitment to disseminating knowledge and exploring intersections between archaeology, history, and advanced technologies applied to heritage.
In recent years, my work has significantly diversified. I was privileged to join an international project (2024) with the Italian National Council focusing on the Herculaneum Papyri. This initiative combined X-ray microtomography and advanced 3D visualization technologies, presenting exceptional challenges and opportunities. It expanded my expertise in heritage conservation and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Department of Archaeology and Culture of the Ancient Mediterranean. My role merges research and teaching, allowing me to delve deeper into historical heritage while training new researchers. This exciting phase blends my passion for the past with innovative technologies and educational methodologies.
In conclusion, my career has been a blend of passion for archaeology, commitment to academic excellence, and innovative use of technology in heritage. Dedicated to preserving and sharing cultural heritage, I continuously seek ways to contribute to our understanding of the past.
After completing postgraduate studies, I joined the Vrbanitas Archaeology and Heritage Group (HUM-132) (University of Huelva), participating in funded research projects, including DeAtlantir-I and DeAtlantir-II, and FEDER-funded initiatives. These projects, such as geoarchaeological analyses of Atlantic and Mediterranean ports like Onoba (Huelva) and Portus (Rome), enhanced my technical expertise. Additionally, I contributed to excavations and the development of the Roman city of Arucci (Aroche, Huelva).
My predoctoral research, supported by a Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI) grant, culminated in 2023 with my doctoral thesis, "The Port System of Onoba Aestuaria," earning a European Doctorate mention and a Cum Laude distinction. During this time, I undertook research stays at the Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome and the Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, fostering international collaborations and broadening my perspective. Throughout my career, I have gained robust technical training in tools and techniques like photography, topography, GIS, remote sensing (LIDAR, magnetometry, electric resistacen, ground-penetrating radar etc), and laser/close-range photogrammetry. I have also specialized in non-invasive documentation and heritage analysis, ensuring I stay at the forefront of contemporary research practices.
My teaching experience spans theoretical and practical classes in archaeology and heritage for undergraduate students in History, Tourism, and Cultural Management. Courses such as "Archaeological Methodology," "Introduction to Museology and Exhibition Curation," and "Archaeological Heritage" have enriched my pedagogical skills and engagement with students eager to explore the past’s relevance to today.
My academic output includes around twenty publications in prestigious journals like The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology and Review of Paleobotany and Palynology. I have also contributed to book chapters, presentations, and academic conferences. This editorial activity reflects my commitment to disseminating knowledge and exploring intersections between archaeology, history, and advanced technologies applied to heritage.
In recent years, my work has significantly diversified. I was privileged to join an international project (2024) with the Italian National Council focusing on the Herculaneum Papyri. This initiative combined X-ray microtomography and advanced 3D visualization technologies, presenting exceptional challenges and opportunities. It expanded my expertise in heritage conservation and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Department of Archaeology and Culture of the Ancient Mediterranean. My role merges research and teaching, allowing me to delve deeper into historical heritage while training new researchers. This exciting phase blends my passion for the past with innovative technologies and educational methodologies.
In conclusion, my career has been a blend of passion for archaeology, commitment to academic excellence, and innovative use of technology in heritage. Dedicated to preserving and sharing cultural heritage, I continuously seek ways to contribute to our understanding of the past.
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InterestsView All (15)
Books by Alberto Bermejo Meléndez
imperiales, focos de atracción de las principales mercancías y productos que se exportaban desde los primeros.
La ruta portuaria del arco atlántico del suroeste que se presenta en las siguientes páginas supone una síntesis relativa al conocimiento de los principales puertos marítimos y fluviales objeto de estudio en el proyecto DEATLANTIR, sus principales novedades arqueológicas, así como el conocimiento que a día de hoy se tiene de los mismos. En esta
ruta se podrá seguir la dinámica histórica y arqueológica de todo un conjunto de ciudades, la mayoría superpuestas, cuyo conocimiento se encontraba fragmentado y carente de síntesis. El lector igualmente
encontrará bibliografía de referencia que le permitirá profundizar en aspectos y detalles de mayor calado.
Talks by Alberto Bermejo Meléndez
Book chapters by Alberto Bermejo Meléndez
asignatura de Patrimonio Cultural y Artístico de Andalucía I, con especial incidencia en el arqueológico; uno de los más olvidados por las dificultades que entraña su difusión e interpretación; a partir del uso de nuevas tecnologías. La irrupción de éstas en el mundo de la docencia ha representado en sí mismo un salto cualitativo; bien programadas y dirigidas, la versatilidad de estas herramientas permite reforzar de una forma más polivalente los canales convencionales de enseñanza al permitir un acercamiento virtual, interactivo e intuitivo entre el alumnado y la materia.
that allow the calculation, not only of their visibility basins, but of their reciprocity between different
coastal landmarks, facilitating the crossing of data between them from the same tool and on the same
georeferenced planimetric system.
hidráulicas que conformaron el aquaeductus de Onoba, con un especial énfasis en el análisis
arqueoarquitectónico y de cotas de la denominada Fuente Vieja, ya que la conjunción de
ambos elementos ha permitido establecer una secuencia cronológica faseada de las diferentes
obras que son hoy día apreciables tanto en el interior como en el exterior del depósito y sus
galerías. Al mismo tiempo se ha podido confirmar, sin ningún género de dudas, su datación en
época romana, así como su funcionalidad como piscina limaria para estos primeros momentos
fundacionales. No obstante, también se ha podido determinar cómo esta estructura primara
sufrió importantes reformas marcadas por las necesidades de abastecimiento de agua de la
población en diferentes periodos históricos, que terminaron alterando su morfología hasta el
punto de convertirla en una fuente.
funerario, entre otras, por lo que respecta a este segundo volumen su carácter es significativamente distinto. Es pues, de acuerdo con esta idea, que en el presente tomo el lector encontrará el corpus de ciudades béticas propiamente dicho, esto es, todo el elenco de ciudades así como la información y sistematización de las mismas; de tal modo este compendio es el que otorga sentido en última instancia a este proyecto y supone el germen del mismo.
imperiales, focos de atracción de las principales mercancías y productos que se exportaban desde los primeros.
La ruta portuaria del arco atlántico del suroeste que se presenta en las siguientes páginas supone una síntesis relativa al conocimiento de los principales puertos marítimos y fluviales objeto de estudio en el proyecto DEATLANTIR, sus principales novedades arqueológicas, así como el conocimiento que a día de hoy se tiene de los mismos. En esta
ruta se podrá seguir la dinámica histórica y arqueológica de todo un conjunto de ciudades, la mayoría superpuestas, cuyo conocimiento se encontraba fragmentado y carente de síntesis. El lector igualmente
encontrará bibliografía de referencia que le permitirá profundizar en aspectos y detalles de mayor calado.
asignatura de Patrimonio Cultural y Artístico de Andalucía I, con especial incidencia en el arqueológico; uno de los más olvidados por las dificultades que entraña su difusión e interpretación; a partir del uso de nuevas tecnologías. La irrupción de éstas en el mundo de la docencia ha representado en sí mismo un salto cualitativo; bien programadas y dirigidas, la versatilidad de estas herramientas permite reforzar de una forma más polivalente los canales convencionales de enseñanza al permitir un acercamiento virtual, interactivo e intuitivo entre el alumnado y la materia.
that allow the calculation, not only of their visibility basins, but of their reciprocity between different
coastal landmarks, facilitating the crossing of data between them from the same tool and on the same
georeferenced planimetric system.
hidráulicas que conformaron el aquaeductus de Onoba, con un especial énfasis en el análisis
arqueoarquitectónico y de cotas de la denominada Fuente Vieja, ya que la conjunción de
ambos elementos ha permitido establecer una secuencia cronológica faseada de las diferentes
obras que son hoy día apreciables tanto en el interior como en el exterior del depósito y sus
galerías. Al mismo tiempo se ha podido confirmar, sin ningún género de dudas, su datación en
época romana, así como su funcionalidad como piscina limaria para estos primeros momentos
fundacionales. No obstante, también se ha podido determinar cómo esta estructura primara
sufrió importantes reformas marcadas por las necesidades de abastecimiento de agua de la
población en diferentes periodos históricos, que terminaron alterando su morfología hasta el
punto de convertirla en una fuente.
funerario, entre otras, por lo que respecta a este segundo volumen su carácter es significativamente distinto. Es pues, de acuerdo con esta idea, que en el presente tomo el lector encontrará el corpus de ciudades béticas propiamente dicho, esto es, todo el elenco de ciudades así como la información y sistematización de las mismas; de tal modo este compendio es el que otorga sentido en última instancia a este proyecto y supone el germen del mismo.
the dating related to its construction, through analysis of various indicators and, finally, a construction sequence until its moments of abandonment.
subfossil record of bivalves, foraminifera and ostracods is characteristic of Mediterranean brackish environments (lagoons, estuaries, deltas) with significant environmental stress, due to changes in the physical-chemical parameters and probably the periodic dredging of this seaway during a period of about 300 years. The presence of “Neptune balls” points to the development of probable stormy periods that deposit these unique structures in the internal areas of this historic port.
Peninsula —as well as in the course of the main rivers— the port ettlements that mark the water from the Mediterranean to the Cantabrian Sea have a series of structures or environments whose architectural elements seem to follow standard patterns in their structural systems and location that are perpetuated throughout their evolution. The common need to solve the various problems caused by maritime traffic and port activity linked to the commercial networks of an increasingly complex provincialized imperial economy seems to lie in their endowment.
archaeological study of the known structures as well as of the hydraulic works in general encouraged the Area of Archaeology
of the University of Huelva to carry out an archaeological study on the remaining hydraulic structures. This intervention has resulted into the location of the several structures, the establishment of a chronology of the original construction and of the different phases of remodelling, as well as the description of the diachronic sequence of the aqueduct
such as the forum, macellum, campus and various domestic environments. The so-called column house is the paradigm of a domestic-craft environment, with a changing morphology that allows recognize in its, different phases of the own city, from its foundation to its collapse, identifying, at the same time, the moment of maximum urban
development apogee. In the same way, the archaeo-architectural analysis is a key tool for the definition of this space in contrast to other domestic environments of a more noble character such as the so-called north house or the peristilo house.
preliminary results obtained in regard to its building floor and possible construction phases
de estudio, en particular, el análisis de la cabeza del muelle, lo que nos permite tener un conocimiento preliminar de la estructura, así como del sistema de elementos de atraque de este complejo portuario. Los datos obtenidos hasta ahora se refieren principalmente al sistema de construcción, las últimas fases de uso de las estructuras, en torno a mediados del siglo v d. C., así como información sobre el paleoambiente circundante.
Ostia Antica and the University of Huelva. The archaeological and architectural analyses and the excavation of several sectors at the foot of the end of the mole have provided initial information regarding construction methods and the final phases in the life
of the structure, towards the mid-5th century. The excavation has also led to a better understanding of the paleoenvironment and changes in sea level during the period when the jetty was in use.
west, so-called lantern. In this contribution the main results of the first actions on this dock are exposed, which was configured as one of the main ones of the port complex by articulating the maritime traffic between the outer and inner docks, as well as with the so-called canale trasverso. The data obtained to date, still in the analysis and study process phase, show preliminary results that allow us to understand, for the first time, the structure’s construction system, its diachronic study, as well as the last phases of
activity of the pier.