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I Christmas and New Year Holiday Excursion Fares VIA The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad “THE SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD” ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP between all stations in Colorado and New Mexico on the Denver & Rio Grande System, also correspondingly low rates to points on other lines. Tickets on Sale December 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 and January 1, between all stations in Colorado and New Mexico, also December 22 between all points Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Pueblo, Trinidad, Canon City, Salida and inter mediate points, and LaVeta, Alamosa, Creede, Antonito, Durango, Dolores, Telluride. Ridgway and intermediate points. Final Return Limit January 3rd, 1912. For Rates and Full Particulars, call on RIO GRANDE, AGENT FRANK A. WADLEIGH, General Passenger Agent, Denver, Colo. LOOK! SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW LOOK ! THE NEWPORT ANNEX CAFE AND LUNCH ROOM Short Orders at All Hours. Regular Dinner 20c from 12 noon to 3p. m Special Sunday Dinner, 30c. v\ „ make a specialty of the Best Coffee in the City. PRIVATE DINING ROOM FOR LADIES Give us a trial. We will try to please you. We solicit your patronage We have in connection 15 Nicely Furnished Rooms. Also the Old Reliable NEWPORT THIRST PARLOR RICHARD FRAZIER &. TOM LEWIS, Proprietors 1841-3-5 ARAPAHOE ST., DENVER, COLO. TELEPHONE MAIN 7413 k capit ° l CLUB A SOCIAL ( LI'H MACK SMART Manager 921 Twentieth Street Denver, Colorado THEJ NAIL ORDER HOUSE Of Yesterday is the TELEPHONE ORDER house of To-day. The Mails r n are slow. The Long Distance Tele phone places your order and brings its acceptance in one conversation. The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. THE NAME OF THAT GOOD GIN IS EL BAR” 7 " MADE IN UNITED STATES PALMER HOTEL T. H. JOHN SON' Proprietor Newly Built and Newly Furnished Fire Proof - Steam Heat - Hot and Cold Baths 2130 Arapahoe Street • Denver, Colo. Nickel Refunded with all Telephone Orders of $l.OO R- E. NORRIS COAL Z E SERVE E YOU WOOD We Gave You Prompt Service and Low Prices Last Winter, Will Do the Same This Winter HOME SPECIAL, PER TON - $4.00 1119 22nd Street, f^aw^cSt, o .' Phone Main 5067 THE STATESMAN- FORMER DENVERITE SUCCEEDS Madam C. J. Walker Sells Her Hair Grower so Widely that She is Able to Give Indianapolis Y. M. C. A. a Thousand Dollars THE WALKER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC. The Freeman of Indianapolis of re cent date says: Few, very few persons in this city, have an adequate idea of the bulk and volume of business done by the Walker Manufacturing Company, now located at l>4(» North West street. Coming to Indianapolis about one year ago, Madam C. J. Walker pur chased a home on North West street, and immediately set about putting he r wonderful preparation upon the market. Her bid at that time being for the local trade, for through a w« II planned system of advertisements ! er preparation was already well known in all parts of the Union. Madam Walker met with some <>p position in tlie form of doubt and in difference, but being a woman with a strong and determined will, she kept her preparation before the pit lie, and soon the demand became s.» great that she had to seek larger quarters; to meet this demand she had erected a large factory in the rear of her beautiful home on North 1 West street. This factory does a rushing business, both local and for eign. Madam Walker, as president of the corporation, contents herself with acting in a supervisory capac ity, the immediate management being I under a forewoman, an estimable and competent lady from Springfield, 111. i There are several girls employed, ! also bookkeeper and stenographer. It is a treat to visit her laboratory, ! see the girls at work, talk with | Madam Walker, and get an idea ot Madam Walker's Manufacturing Establishment her business. Madam Walker in now , making arrangements to send agents to all parts of the country. Numer ous applications are in and are now under consideration. Indianapolis' feels proud of this business woman, as well as of the opportunity for em ployment this corporation offers to her boys and girls, and this city is proud of her for yet another reason, proud of her great, big, generous and race-loving heart, as attested by her gift o one thousand dollars to th| Colored Y. M. C. A. building fund. In 1905 she discovered a remedy for the growing of hair. After hav ing tried it successfully on herself and family, she decided to make a business of it. July 19, 1905, sh( i« ft St. Louis, Mo., for Denver. Colo., to engage in the hair growing business. After many discouragements and ob stacles she finally was able to con vince tlie people at this place that she could really grow hair, and was successful in building up ;i fair busi ness. January 1900, she was mar ried to C. J. Walker. After her mar riage, site moved from an attic room, which she had been occupying, to more comfortable furnished rooms, 2 i where she continued her business at 2310 Champa street. She remained ed in Denver a year. She became awakened to the needs of the colored people in this line and her discovery , was regarded as one of the wonders of the world. As she had not thor ■ oughly convinced the skeptical public in so short a time she decided to travel, notwithstanding she was dis couraged by her husband and many patrons who said she would not be able to make her expenses from one town to another. However, she was determined and felt inspired to do so. Believing, as Christ converted the world by miracles He wrought before the Jews, by placing her hand in His, she might convert the world by the wonderful good she would do her peo ple. Hence on September 15, 1906, she started out. accompanied by her husband, to place her goods on the market; he having decided to join heart and hand with her to make her work a success, notwithstanding he cbuld see nothing ahead but failure. Madam Walker After a few months on the road, he became thoroughly convinced that her method was the right one Thej traveled for a year and a half. At the end of that time, the mail order business had so inct eased, was necessar> foi them to somewhere temporarily, so Pittsburg, Pa . was • let ted for t hat purpose After establishing ;i business there, she left her daughtei in charge of the business there and began travel Ing again February 10, 1910, she came to Indianapolis, [nd„ and was so impressed with the city and the cordial welcome extended to her sh • /decided to make this city her home. Since coming here she has purchased and paid for a beautiful home valued at ten thousand dollars, adjoining which is a factory and laboratory, said to be the most complete of its kind in the United States. She has 050 agents. Her business is incorpo rated with it capital stock of SIO,OOO, with an income of SI,OOO per month, with Madam Walker as president. She has made possible tin? way for many colored women to abandon the wash tub for more pleasant and profitable occupation. Since coining to this city she is regarded its one of the most active in its commercial walks, and her business qualifications and integ rity are unquestioned. Site is a mem ber of Method A. M. 13. church, and is active in all worthy or religious movements. Mrs. Leila Walker Robinson, her daughter, has charge of the Pittsburg branch of her business. There is difference in tae quality of printing. Franklin’s printing is good. Phone Main 7905 for estimates. MRS. D. L. JONES OF HOT SPRINGS, ARK. TEACHER OF MILLINERY, FANCY WORK, SHAWL *S£ SLIPPER MAKING ALSO HAIRDRESSING, MANICURE MASS AGE and SC A LP T R EAT M E NT I make a specialty of Hair Manufacturing Phona Raaldenca Main 5286 3035 Marion St. THE MUTUAL LAUNDRY IS EQUIPPED TO DO ALL KINDS OF STEAM AND HAND WORK Wet Washing, Rough Dry, Finish Work and Mangle (Flat Work) Work Called For and Delivered PHONE YORK 6929 2640 WASHINGTON ST ICE CREAM The Five Points Creamery Makes the Best Cream in the City, and Retails it at $1.25 per gallon. Special Rates to Organizations and Churches. Phone us, we will deliver promptly 817 E. 26th AVE. PHONE MAIN 4395 * TH El 11 J. R. WARD FURNITURE & AUCTION CO. 1822 WELTON STREET SELL AT AUCTION EVERY DAY AT 2 P. M. Furniture Bought for Cash or sold on commission RESIDENT SALES A SPECIALTY The Cheapest house in town to buy goods, you can’t afford to miss us. . . Phone Main 7848 J. C.;HA.MKSON, President F. T. McELVAIN. Secretary THE ATLAS DRUG CO. Successor to J C HAMPSON 27th & Welton Sts. Denver, Colo. Phons Main 895, 875 PRESCRIPTIONS Complete Line of Drugs, Chemicals, OUR Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles SPECIALTY FIRST-CLASS WINES AND LIQUORS FOR FAMILY USE YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Special Sunday Excursion Rates THE COLORADO & SOUTHERN RY. OFFERS The Far-Famed Georgetown LOOP TRIP.. _ _ qq TKAIN AT 8.10 A. M. Colorado Springs and 1 J 2 00 fc - ldora "Switzerland! Trail Manitou < Trip" <. Trains at A. M. ffr 4 ... m \ ruin at 8.00 A ' M Pike's Peak $0 00 Morrison Pueblo 8 26 (Includer Red Rock, Park Idaho Springs 1 2f> Admission eflectivelMap 13) Cpipple Creek 4SO Clacier l ake 175 (Via Short Line) Boulder j oo Train at 8.00 A. M. Golden. 50 Picturesque Platte Canon Resorts. . $1 00 to $2,25 Also Sunday to Monday Rates to Many Points The Regular Summer Tourist Rates for the Season to all State Points are placed on sale SUNDAY. MAY 14. 101 1 T. E. FISHER, General Passenger Agent, Denver, Colo. PHONE MAIN 55M. /Hpl&rk l” Do you work for money? Why (nor your money work for you. Ours works night and day, and we can place yours in the same position, talk it over with’ THE COLORED AMERICAN LOAN & REALTY GO. 913 TWENTY-FIRST ST. A. A. WALLER, Secretary and Manager K POMADE FOR THE HAIR <2 o p- We wish to advise our friendH and customers. that we 2 have a full line of Toilet Preparations, Perfumes, Mnnl U cure Supplies, Brushes of every description, Toilet C jjj Soaps, Cutlery, et c. * The Denver Barbers Supply Co. | 1827 Glenarm Street j W Formerly at 1008 15th Bt. < Phone Main 7221 Denver, Colo. M 2 POMADE FOR THE HAIR - S SEEING IS BELIEVING Tne finest and largest stock of Ladles and Gents’ slightly used clothing In the West. Theatrical Gowns, Evening Gownr. Fine Full Dress Suits for rent. We buy and sell good clothing only. Also traveling men’s samples, ' new, at wholesale prices. The only American In the business in the city. ORIGINAL 1 628 15th Street phone Main 5811