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MADAM KATIE MARTIN'S "Sanitary" Hair Preparations "Sanitary" Hair Preparations are just what the name implies. They ' cleanse and cure the scalp of all diseases, such as Dandruff, Tetter or Eczema, and finally produce a thick growth of hair. A six weeks' trial treatment will conyinco any one of the value of Madam Martin's Sani tary Hair Preparations. A six weeks' trial treatment consist ing of Sanitary Shampoo, 50c; Sanitary Grower, 50c; Sanitary Olossine, 35c; Sanitary Temple Grower, 35c, will be sent to any address in United States, pre paid, for $1.70. No goods sent 0. 0. D. AGENTS WANTED I GOOD 'PROFIT! Madam Katie Martin has given a careful study to hair and scalp culture and is pre: pared to meet the demands of the people. She manufactures all of her preparations I have been taking treatment from Mmo. Martin fqr about three months. My hair has grownwonderfully three Inches. My scalp Is perfectly cloan of disease, which was never so before. Sanitary Hair preparations have given mo perfect satisfaction. I recommend them highly. MRS. KATIE BROOKS, 2112 W. Prospect, Kansas City, Mo. I began to use Madam Martin's "Sanitary Hair Preparations" March 1st, 1915. I can positively say that When writing to Madam if answer is desired. Boll Phone E. 4394Y Office 2460 Waldrond Ave. H Modern Builders Co, A. E. ESTES, President General Contracting iring a CAN BE' Palace of Fashion MRS. BIRDIE. JACKSON DESIGNER AND DRESSMAKER Latest Styles . V Wo Alter and Repair Clothing Northwest corner 18th BELL PHONE Iyou m "j "i'"iiiiS;i;"" B "47 STE1NWAV AVfNUC I 1- I. C. NEW YORK 1 us Hi LP you i - 1 Expert Dental Specialists OF KANSAS CITY Our work has stood the test. We have been doing high class guaranteed Den tal' Work for the past 29 years. We have thousands of satisfied patients. REMEMBER, IN BUSINESS 29 YEARS AN work kept In repair free of charge. SAVE MONEY EXAMINATION All work guaranteed t The doctor who extracts your teeth here has undoubtedly had more experience In1 this line than any other dentist in the city, so you get the rdost expert serv ice. BRIDGE WORK GO..D CROWNS, S3, $4 AND $5 WHITE CROWNS, $3, $4 AND 5 8ET OF TEETH, UPPER AND LOWER, $5-00 AND UP NEW YORIf DENTAL CO. 1017-19 Walnut Street Ovr Jaccard's Jewelry Store, 1 door north Erntry, Biro, Thayer Co.- Ihr IHawaaH TESTIMONIALS her preparations are wonderful. Do fore .using my hair was very thin on account of my bad scalp, but now it is thicker than It has been for years and it has grown several inches since March 1st, 1915. , MRS. G. II. SMITH, 3406 E. Cth St., Kansas City, Mo. Madam Martin's' "Sanitary Hair Preparations" have produced results that no other preparations have done. My scalp was in a very bad Martin Manufacturing Co. enclose VI PCCIAI.Ifl IN IIAlIt OOOIH AND BflL &UTMC VTIT TVtl IN VIQH, Pl'ITH, -t SITClltkH. KTC t-t KK All OWN ttOOII I ir NOT 1TIFII0. I MONIt SACK Wt fUL TNI riNCIT IIAIM KTU.UG1IT ENIX1 COMU IN THC Notai tTTtn msc FTtEKl- CATALOGUE TO KVtRVQNI MIMTIOMINO THC MAMt Of, and Beauty Parlor MME LILLIE JOHNSON HAIR DRESSER AND BEAUTY SPECIALIST r ' Scalp Treatment a Specialty Latest and Most Approved Methods In Manicuring and Massaging St. and Highland! Ave. EAST 4788 FREE 20 years. GET THE BEST Spaces where from one to ten teeth have been lost wb replace with brldgo work. It looks the same Vis natural teet.i, lasts a life time and requires no plate. Broken down teeth we restore to beauty and usefulness with crowns of porcelain and cold. Madam Martin Method of Treating Scalps and Growing Hair Taught for $25.00 Write for Information. MME. KATE MARTIN Scalp Specialist 2220 MICHIGAN AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MO. BELL PHONE, E. 3936W. condition; my hair was about 1 Inches in length, but after three months' treatment with Mra Mar tin's Sanitary Hair Preparations my hair has growed 3J,i inches. For many years I tried many other preparations, but found nothing that would heal my scalp and grow my hair, until I used Mmo. Martin's Preparations. I highly recommend thom. Anv infnrmfltlnn riflnlred rnnslllf. B MRS. HARRIET FRISTO, 2223 Woodland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. two-cent stamp for pottage REV. ''SISTER PEARL. SECOND CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 -a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Chris tian Endeavor at G:30 p. m. Rf Wm. Alphlno of Fort Worth, Texas, preaching. HENRY H. SCOTT Interior Decorating, Fainting, ' Paper Hanging. HOUSE PAINTING. Old English process of Hardwood Finishing. Bell E. 17C2W. 2013 Bellfontalne. Quinoleum Is Queen YES, I Use Quinoleum, and like it fine. JUST FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. t Ours are the finest made prepara tions for the hair and face. What We Manufacture Hair Preparations. Quinoleum Hair Grower SOc Quinoleum Hair Tonic SOc Quinoleum Hair Shampoo 25c Face Preparations. Quinoleum Face Bleach 25c Quinoleum Face Cream 25c Quinoleum Camphor Ice 25c A liberal sample of our new prepara tion, a fragrantly perfumed toilet powder and a velvety face powder In pink and flesh colors (brown) sent free with any order. - Call Bell Phone West 1757. 26th' and Parkway, Kansas City, Kas. ' , u - QUINOLEUM MANUFACTURING qOMPANY. Fifty Years of Masonry By Joe E. Herrlford, P. M. Chapter 36. Tlio energetic -.Masons of St. Louis had In the meantime purchased their own hall and in ltscommodlous quar ters the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge was welcomed In its forty-third an nual communication. Perhaps no stronger roster of grand officers ever filled tlio stations of the Grand Lodgo than that which assisted In tho open ing of this memorable session.. There was Ricketts, tho jurist and i parlia mentarian in the Kant; O. C. Kim brough, tho energetic, chivalrous knight at his right, J. T. Ferrell, the loyal and faithful, in the WcBt, and tho yourig, brilliant Nelson Crews In tho South. Then there was the true and trusted R. T.. Coles, for many years grand treasurer, tho incompar able Pelham, grand secretary, and the veteran ritualist, E. J. Cooper, so cap ably filling tho office of grand lectur er. The "floor" too, responded with the samo high, order of Masonic strength. Sonny Vauhan, Andy Wil liams, K. D. Smith, Tom Mahammltt, Chas. Grigsby, M. S. Bryant, T. G. McCampbeVt H. H. Walker, A. R. Chlnn, William Black, George Love, J. P. Moffltt, W. H. Oawley, George Renfrd. Richard N. Young, Ed S. Ba ker, James Gordon, J. M. Trent, J. Milton Turner, A. M. Swelch, II. H. Jones and Gcorgo Hicks wero only a few of tho great gathering of Ma sonic devotees that faced the grand master as the grand lodge was opeucd In amplo form. Past Grand Master W. T. Boyd of Ohio, the dean of the Round Table reviewers, was an, early visitor and was not only received with fitting honors but was made the special guest of tho Grand Lodgo during his stay in the city. He addressed the body with happy reminiscences of the his tory of tho organization and his re marks furnished an .inspiration for the entire session. Being anxious to learn more about the famous K. Y. club ho was officially placed in the hands of its members among which were the JOE E. HERRIFORD. grand master himself and many other distinguished members of the Grand Lodge. The annual address of the grand master was one of his greatest efforts and was a Masonic csalllc of the high est order. 'It not only indicated a strong grasp of the writer upon pres ent conditions but it held out a vision of better things, all of them simple and practical and all tending toward a higher development of the enets of the craft. Foreign relations were in fine shape but unfortunately at least three lodge centers had caused no little .trouble during the year, due to either faithlessness In official man agement or to such selfish strife as always leads to discord and disrup tion. The grand master was anxious that several sections of tho laws be either changed or made clearer to the aver ago student of Masonry. One desire was that tho process of moving mem bership from one lodge to another be made easirer. In this the Grand Lodge concurred. It was also agreed that the annual grand tax should be Increased to 40 cents per subordinate member in order that tho increased expense of the Grand Lodgo might be met. In order to better safeguard the financial interests of the body Brother Joe E. Herrlford urged that the appointive office of grand audit or bo created and that Brother G. W. K. Lovo bo recommended for the place. This was done and tho old, hurried work ot an indifferent auditing com mittee was made a thing of the past Under this system the auditor was empowered to begin work at the open ing of the Grand Lodge and to make a report beforo tho close. He was afterwards allowed to begin even ear lier than this and results showed that the move was a good one. The Grand Lodge of Missouri has been a long and patient sufferer from lodges which persist in being delin quent in dues to the various depart ments, not because they are unable to pay but through sheer carelessness and indifference upon the part of the brothren. Hardly a year has passed during which at least one-third of the funds due has not remained unpaid. In this way a great hardship has been worked upon the various institutions of the body, and a grave injustice has been forced upon thoso lodges which set the example of promptness and regularity In meeting their obligations. This, too. Is all the more noticeable when It Is borne In mind that the men who make up tho fraternity are the most substantial and prosperous of tho roce. Grand Master Chlnn made a Verdun drive at these tardy brothren and It was followed up with perhaps less force by his successors, but like the allies the delinquents still hold to. their trenches even to this day and seem to care little for the ig nominy of their position. During the session attention was called to tho fact that two members of tho Grand Lodgo, Brothers M. O. Ricketts and S. G. Williams, had been honored by the governor of Missouri upon a commission to locato n refor matory for delinquent colored girls. In fact the entlro commission was made up of members of the Masonic family. Tho annual communication was now about to be closed and a (special vote of thanks was tendered tho St. Louis brethren, especially to Frank B. Brown, tho inspiring leader of the lo cal work, for tho high order of enter tainment rendered during tho week. Ricketts was unanimously re-elected, Ferrell becamo deputy grand master and ' Crews was made senior grand warden. When you think of your Spring Sewing and a duplicate of your own body on which you can MAKE AND FIT EVERYTHING from the top of your collar to the hem of your skirt without trying on yourself, think of us. See yourself as others see you. First DRESS FORM advertised and made In Kansas City for and by our RACE. Price reasonable. Call and be con vinced. MRS. AMANDA SIMPSON, 1009 Virginia Street. MRS. V. J. WILLIAMS. Class Domestic Training School for Girls. Hours 1 to 4 p. m. Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday. Employment for members only. Bell phono East 3259Y. 1323 Jackson Ave. Kansas City, Mo. SMITH'S HAIR GROWER. Madame C. A. Smith announces to the public that her marvelous hair grower and scalp treatment has been tested out thoroughly and proven to be the MOST WONDERFUL TREATMENT FOR THE HAIR She has ever used or seen used. Every Ingredient safe and harmless. Patients received from 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Bell phone East 4975. 1100 Highland Ave. The Handy .Colored Store 2409 Vine St. Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods and Notions t VISIT OUR DRY GOODS AND HARDWARE DEPT. BARGAINS SPECIAL BARGAINS IN OUR NOTION DEPARTMENT AND HAIR GOODS. Help Make Our Store, Your Store, Our Customers Your Friends Special Values in Furnishings for Men, women and Children. GIVE US A CALL. You Are a Friend to Your Own Interest When You Trade Here Taylor Holmes & Co. Mrs. Annie Holmes, Mngr. 2409 VINE ST.( Kansas City, Mo. PERSIAN CHEAH HAIR GROWER If a SaauHful Hud of Hair It Your Prtrfi. that Try tula Heal Hair Groir, tht ftloit Wontfwiul Dlt tovary tl tha Caatury. , The Ken TTar of Treating the Scalp aca uroiung tne umr. Thert la nothlna Ilka It on tha mark antlrttv dlftVant both Jo prlntlpla as well t in lta effect. Absolutely guaranteed to contain no Tasellno nor petroleum, but only tho best aad flout of olU. We tire you a binding guarantee to refund your money if Pan) an Cream Hair Grower Is jot as represented or ratla to improve your hair, Persian Cream la one f the quickest acting hair growera known in ennuis Ire and easUy used at home. Pries 50 cents. U.N.E.CD.A DANDERCIDE AND SHAMPOO For Dandruff, Scales. Itching and Roughaiia. Dandruff Is a cerm disease. It is a Daraalileal growth affecting the roots of the hair, causing the hair to lose He luster, grow tfcln or fall out. uanaaraao u ft Helen una remedy for scalp troubles. It also rleanaes the ersln in a hTclenla wit. Tt preterits dandruff and stops Itching of the scalp. U also strengthens the hair and helps maintain a healthy scalp condition to that the hair ceases to ran ouu It nrefenta any unnVannt oAar of tha lri at hair and lends a delicate perfume of its 'own. rriee zs cents. U.N.E.CD.A SKIN BLEACH Clear and BTeathet the Complex! mi Instantly. Maksa Para or Browa 8Ua Whiter, wilt Not Crew Hslr, Price 90 Cents. Maoyfactured only by the RANKIN MANUFACTUR ING CO. Hair, Toilet and Household Preparations. Offiee, 238 W, Wnlnut Street, Indianapolis, Indiana. I Ifffteir Grower and StrI?6 tenet? fl PROFESSOR R. O. JACKSON will conduct a Summer Musio School at Allen Chapel this summer. There will bo classes in Piano, Organ, Voice and Harnlony. 'Special attention will be given to thoso who have never had lessons beforo and to chil dren between ages of 7 and 12 years. For cataloguo and other literature address Box 170, or call Bell phono West 1032, KANSAS CITY, KANSAS BIG DISCOUNT SALE ON ALL NEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES The Largest Stock in the West to Pick Prom. Our Safes were all bought at the old prices. See our special safe for the home $18.00. CRAMER BROS. SAFE CO. 1422 WALNUT STREET GROW SOMETHING Even without considering the advantago of fresh, crisp vegetables the actual saving should give you a sufficient reason for growing something yourself this summer. The cost of the seeds Is the small est part of your Investment but the most Important. Every pack age of Haniden's Seeds has behind It tho practical experience of 30 years. Everything for the F.rm and Garden Ask for Catalogue. Twostogjs The Harden Seed Co. BOTH PHONES Home Phone East 408Z CALL US UP (At Eighteenth & Paseo) Toilet Articles Delivered Prescriptions filled accurately and promptly y by Graduate Registered Pharmacists. Anything in Drug Line Peoples Drug Store ; For Biscuits Fine And Cakes Divine Bakes Perfect Bread All The Time Corn Meal Too ISMERT-HINCKE MILLING CO. Eaacr A Richer Purer Beer ic not and could not be made Order a Case Sent Home KANSAS CITY BREWERIES CO. KEtLEYSFLOUR BEST HIGH PATE TANSAS CITY, MO. Bell Phone Eatt 1814 ) Everything ror me o i I e t ; ' HARD WHEAT FLOUR. I-H - W ; . 1 rj'jn I Both Phones Main 635 to M KeHey's Best Beat all th Rest, .Ketfey Milling Cj ICCU ft, A . .. v.. IIIIIMKaHHiiMIWHBl 7?