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V i I I For The Man Who Did n't Come Before llfNgeiijaininsg AVAKERSEWyoRK Correct Clothes for Men The opportunity still remains to sfcure a good Suit and Overcoat at a great reduction. Listern to Our Good Reason For offering such greatly reduced prices on seasonable clothing. It is a fied policy in our Clothing Department never to carry over goods from one season to another. In order to clear them oxit we name prices that cannot fail to be attractive. This is Your Opportun ity to Accomplish a Great Saving On your wearing apparel. Every gar ment offered by us is a bona fide bargain. You will profit by investigating the values we place before you. Our clothing bears Alfred Benjamin and S. M. & S. Labels and our guarantee. Single and Double Breasted Suits, former tfQ price $15.00, now . Pi.lJ Sack Suits of Fancy Cheviots, latest cut, C I Q K A J former price $18 and $20. now - - - lO.JU I SHOES FOR MEN SHOES FOR WOiMEN SHOES FOR CtllLDREN FOR MEN We recommend The Walkover Shoe, The Edwin Clapp Shoe, The Florsheim Shoe. FOR WOMEN We recommend the Drew Selby Shoe. We are exclusive agents and offer it at the littlest prices for which thoroughly good shoes can be sold. We still show a collection of Men's Winter Underwear Sweaters, Shirts, Hosiery, etc., etc. 20 Per Cent off on Men's all-Wool Underwear. Manhattan and Eagle Shirts, original price $1.50 now $1.20. Manhattan and Eagle Shirts, original price $2.00 now $1.45. The Best of Everything is Represented Here. The Right Place For The Correct Styles st the Proper Prices. Morrison Bros. Store Closes at 9:30 O'clock If Yonr Purchase Does Not Please in Every Way we will Keturn Your Money. WANTED AT ONCE 40 Extra Salesmen, Sales-ladies, Cashiers, Cash Boys and Bundle Wrappers, wanted fqr our Gigantic Sale Wed nesday, January 3X, to Saturday, Feb. 10th. Apply Fri day between 4 and 6 p. m. NEW YORK DRY GOODS STORE North Main Street Roswell, New Mexico. Frv.it3 and Box Candy. "The Ever ocd." 79t4 F e-t Boby ret lrnei to Artesia last vening. J. B. Sibert, of Hagerman was here -esterday. A. M. James went to Pecos Texas last evening. Wood delivered to all parts of the city, 603 N. Pecos Ave. 64tf. A. B. Teeple, the Hagerman lum berman came up this morning. Bead our list of special bargains in this issue. Carlton & Bell. 79tf M. J. Hartman left last evening for Lake Arthur on a business trip. J. O. Cameron, the Carlsbad attor ney is in the city on legal business. WANTED Good, bright boy, about 17 years old. Ingersoll's Book Store. Juniper, apple and cottonwood at 603 N. Pecos Ave. 'phone 412. 64tf. Prank Early of Dallas left yester day after a business trip to Roswell. Coco Cola and Dr. Pepper on tap for the "fiends" at "The Evergood." 79t4, J. C. Wilson, the real estate man left last evening on a business trip to El Paso. At "The Evergood" Confectionery the fountain -is open all winter. All good, soft drinks. Edward Casnow, who has been resid ing in Roswell for the past five years left last evening. J. A. Farnsworth, the crude oil gas man returned last evening from a bu siness trip to Amarillo. FOR SALE: Good milk cow, apply to Chas. Corbin, mile East of E. Bland St. S. E. of City. Sam Stoval, of Indian Territory, who has been here for several days left last evening for Dexter. D. G. Hall who was formerly in the retail grocery business here left last evening on a business trip to El Paso J. A. Graham returned last evening from a business trip to eastern .cities in the interest of the Commercial Club. Lewis Miller and wife of New Cas- j tie, Iowa, arrived in Carlsbad last i evening with intention of locating there. Thirty acres fine land, all fenced and in cultivation; 3-room house, ar tesian well, close in. A bargain. Carl ton & Bell. 80tf When you want something good to eat, remember the ROSWELL HO TEL. A. J. Crawford, Ownef and Proprietor. t3 F. E. Lewis, the prominent young stockman of Carlsbad returned last evening from a business trip to New York City. When you want a nice place to sleep, remember the ROSWELL HO TEL. A. J. Crawford, Owner and Proprietor. t3. Ira J. Bell, of the Dixie Land Im provement Company returned last ev ening to Dixieland after a trip to points east. D. E. Leverton, of Farmington, 111. who located at Hagerman six weeks ago visited the metropolis of the val ley yesterday. The name of Gronsky's confection ery store is "The Evergood." Every thing that is good, and the name is a fitting one. 79t4 W. P. Lewis, the hardware mer ?hant returned last evening from a week's business trip to Kansas City md Fort Worth. Born: to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Clem ?arly this morning, a fine boy. The Record extends congratulations to he happy parents. H. Fischer and M. Bonshausen lome-seekers from Port Arthur Tex as, came in this morning after invest! gating the lower valley. Willard Keen roadmaster of the southern division of the Pecos Val :ey lines was here yesterday return ng to his home in Carlsbad last ev ening. Druggist wanted at Lake Arthur, N M., with stock of drugs, No drug tore. Building for rent at reasonable -ate. Address Lake Arthur Townsite 2o., Lake Arthur, N. M. 81tf Dr. J. B. Lynn, who recently locat 3d here with his family left last even Tig for El Paso on a business trip and .vill return to Boswell t6 look after lis practice in a few days. Success is stamped on every pack ige. It is the most successful rere iy known. It makes you well and ceeps you well. That's what Hollis er's Rockey Mountain Tea does. 3 cents. Tea or Tablets. Roswell Drug ft Jewelry Co. Tear Up the Face of the Earth With The Canton Line Anyou will be sure of the best results. This year promises to be the bes-t in the history of the Tecos Valley in the Agricultural line, and it will pay to start right. We have the tools, from a Georgia Stock to Double Disc Flow. .COME AND HE SHOWN I have a fine residence in this city to trade for an improved farm. I have 40 acres, improved, in shallow artesian belt, to trade for town property . A. O. Millice, REAL ESTATE NOTARY. ROOM S TEXAS BLOCK. PHONE 375 W. D. Garwood, the superintendent of the Pecos Valley Lines was a busi ness visitor to Roswell yesterday and today. He makes frequent trips here in the interest of his company. Dilley and Son have an excellent new ambulance. It is finished in ena mel black and has large glass win dows at either side. It is built in a manner to convey sick people as well as dead ones. W. J. Dimler, of Dayton, Ohio, who has been here for several months for the benefit of his health left last ev ening for points south. He will re turn to Roswell. Mr. Dimler is one of the expert machinists that has been employed at the National Cash Factory Company at. Dayton, Ohio. o PROPERTY FOR SALE By Carlton & Bell, Room 5, Oklaho ma Block. Phone 140. No. 159. Nice 4-room house on N. Penn. ave. Fruit and shade trees, ar tesian well, lawn. Very desirable lo cation. No. 134. 2- acres of land, all in fruit. Some will bear this year; six room house, artesian well, barn. Ten minutes walk from postoffice. This will make a fine home and is one of the best investments in the city. You can double your money on this in 12 months. Can be had at a sacrifice if taken at once. No. 36. A handsome S-room resi dence, on one of the best residence streets in the city. Will give you a bargain in this property. No. 168. Five-room. house on S. Mo. ave. Corher lot and stable; east front. Will be sold very .cheap and on good terms. No. 169. 4-room house on N. Mis souri ave. Two lots, cement walks; close in, $1,300. 79tf. J. Harry Gay D 0 0 D Information For You. About School Books, we keep ALL THE BOOKS the children will re quire for the new term some second hand at reduced prices. Biggest tab- j lets, most pencils, largest botile of ink, for the money, in town. Inger soll's Book Store. 81tf Have you seen the Art Exhibit at the Episcopal Church? Do not miss this opportunity. Xow located in Roswell with office at 307 N. Kentucky Avenue has received the following let ter from one of the best known instructors in Southern Kans. Hl'MHOLT, KaN8., Jan. 20, 1906. ( Dr. J. H. Gay. li os well N. M. Dear Sir: During the first five years that I wore glasses I had my work done by two of the best Opticians in Kan sas City. I am not one of the people who think it economy to save money by neglecting the eyes, For about four years you have been doing my Spectacle work and I am frank to say that your work has uniform ly given me the best satisfac tion of any I hawe had done. Yours truly. J. E. Cook, Supt. City Schools. FOR SALE! Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 31 of the Land Decisions of the Sec retary of the Interior in good con dition. Apply at the United States Land Office. John Bichey, "the father of Arte sia" came up this morning "I am hot about this statehood question" said he, "I am in favor of single statehood Mr. Bichey is one of the prominent re publican politicians of the Valley. as affil Justice ive him .ing on vised 6 Co.. their crit York reet oooks we al 4 have Book tf. D