Newspaper Page Text
dATURDAY .. MARCH 18,1905 FARH^GARDEN v.. ..*i-?l I- ni t his box witb CAN BE DONE IN HOUSE. How Early Start with the Spring Vegetables May Be Made. Anyone with even small facilities may K"i early vegetables wiih little trouble. It requires aoaae i<>rm of forcing bed. The one here described gives satisfac tory results. says the Orange Judd Karm er. Many people are so situated that early vegetables may be i)tirehased cheaper than they can be grown. but the quality is not so pbasingand the ex pense only alightly less. A ve?-y simple and effective arrange Bkeat whereby pl mtaforaaearty garden may be startcd early in the spring may be an.i to be kej.t w.ihin doors as followa: Make a box. of one inch board s. six inches deep, t .\ o and one-half feet wide and four i< et long. with a tight matcbed BOttom. At one corner bore a bole for dralaag four inches of BMllow, rich BOtL If nec aaaary, stir some tartltlaarwlth it before it is put iito the box. Battle tho soil by sbaking. renioving all and waste matter. and the aarfaoa BBBBOthly arlthahoal ooelachof fraeaaad. Watat the soil thoroUfjhly by S;>rinkling the aarfaoa aith a Bae apray, aataaj care not to wash out tbe ?an !. I'rovidc a pail to rceeire any watcr that may drala throagh. Plaeethehoai heffora a wiadow Bpoa a framaeaaadeof two-inch pteeaa, aueh as ahowa in the caat Ailow it to reaaala la the snn two or threa daya aatll theaoUla thoroaghty warm. t hen plant t be see bl rfl roWB about three inches apart an.l deep BBOBfJfl to be balow the tayer oi aaad. Tttt the box toward the euallght, so thai it may get all the sun poaaible. Keep the aarfaoa well nioistetied. but do not water enough to eauae Jraiaaga -alar to rt a through the soil. If there is considerahle sunlight. stich a box will grow rlgoroaa phutta in a few weeha after pJaatiaaj. The rooaa maat he kept at tha ordlaary taraperatara of a living rooin. and not allowed at any time to becoine very cold, or the plants will be injured. If the hox is turned around every day or so the piants will grow more Btocky and will not be "ilrawn" by tha light. The plants theni selves will;- by t hoir leaning to? ward tha ligbl just when this shonld be <lone. The wiadow l>< fort which the box otBBda ahoald aot beopeaedjtoallowthe ooid air to reai b i ba growtng plaata un til they are Ofsufflcleat si/.e. when they may he aardeaed before puttlng out in the open grOUBd. SUGGLSTIVE. For aowtag amall aeed, tit a qatU in the cork of a bottle, mix with u.y, flne aaad, pat in bottle,aad they oaa be dis tributed evenly aiid straight. Wa oaca rtalted a glgaatto duck farm and had a toiigii ehlekaa for dinner. This is about on par with dining in the country and line:ing no vegetables on the table Now is the time to make an application of manure to the gardea if it has not been done before. The spring rains will wash the manute that is not tOO coarse down into the soil where it is needed. The long ereataga in uinter give time for planning the farm work of the year. There is much plessure in sitting down and fixing the plaaa l'or farm work so carefully that evtrvthing will move along easily when springopens.?Farm? ers' Review. A Colorado farmer is said to have re galed 12 of his trieada with the follow ing menu: One r.?2 potind potato, one 15-pound cabba^e. one tcn-pound ehick en, one six-pound tnrnlp cnetwo-pound onion, and three plaa made from a 1V6 pound apple. lowa has a popcorn king whose title eeems to be unir.peachable. He re cently finished hushir.g 11,000 bushelsof popcorn. "And now for some statisti cian to eompute how many hours, days and weeks, moatha BBd years of genu ine pleasure Otd-faahloBed lowa boya and girls could get out of that 12.000 bushel lot." Preserving Manure. It will pey well to uive more atten tlon than is done ajp the average farm to the praaeivatloa of barnyard ma? nure. flrst by guarding it from the sources of loss that oceur in the ordl? aary open barnyard, and, second. by treating it with materials calculated to reduce the loaaea from escapdng ammonia on the one hand, and to in crease its conten' of phosphoric acidoa the other.?Ohio Station. Progressive Farmers. Beneficent j;lans of all sorts are being proposed in meetingg of farmers assem bled for mutual and eommunity benefit. One eaatara state ^range is offeringpre minaaa for the best coiiectlon of weeds to be presented at future yearly meet ? colleetleaa to serve as ob ject Ii .v on . Victory for Missouri Farmer. The supreme eOBTI ot Missouri recent ty reveraed tbj deefataa of the 8t Laada erimiaal ooari court fming a farmer fr?r selllrg frult. vegetables and poultry as a huckster withont a license. Thejudge decided that a farmer had a right to sell the products of hlsown farni with outa license. INSECT DESTROYERS. The Immense Value in This Respect Which Poultry Are Upon the Farm. There is one valuable advantage to keeping poultry on the farm that la generally overlooked. ar.d that is the vast number ol in- troyed by them. If every insect caught by a hen ln a day were counted aud an esti mate made of the uumber of insects eaten by a flock of 25 hens. it would show that hens are more useful in that respect than may be supposed. When bu-ily at work scratching the hen aecnrea many grubs and worms. while the larvae of insects also assist in proaid a th. m with food. A flock of tnrheyb aiU search rvery nook and corner of a field for in? sects. and as a turhey can consume a large aaaoani of food it will make away with a vast nun.her of them each day. Theactive gaiaea laeeeroa the search over the field- f<>r ins< ets. It does not scratch. but every bleda of grass is looked over. and it rarely eoaaea up to the barnyani tO secure food. Its indus try prompts it to sreure its owa fond, and in so doing hundreds of insects are destroyed. WARM DRINKING WATER. The Poultry Will Appreciate It and the Egg Yield Will Be Larger. In much of the weather we have in winter the watar freeaaa very quickly if tset out at the temperature at which it is drawn from the well. To permit the fowls to.hnve all the water they de sire. it will ba eeceeaaiy to warm the water to about ^>n) dagraaa It will take some time for the temperature of thia to fail to 32 degrees. This given twice a day will keep them supplieri with the liquid with Which to make eg-s and flesh. It must be remembered that much of theeggs. as much of the flesh of fowls. Is water and that all food must be great 1-KlZi: I'l.VMol TH K.HK IIKN. ly d'lute,: haaoca tt eaa ba ???..,.. bg .w feyataai of the fowl. Th,- laeh of suffl - laai water alwaya raaalta in ? eheeb to the dlgestive operations. Tln COtdneefl of the wah-r a!so a< ts as a temporary check. The m v wajar thefowladrlak the batter it La for them. and the more pounds of Beab aad more doaeaaof cggs they are llkely to produee. POULTRY N0TES. Sweet oil gpplled to fro/.en eoinhs and wattles in hnallng A chieken with a frozen combwill not lay till thecomli is healed. Oold OOrn aad aaow, even if mixed, do not niako a babtOCed egg ration Don't hold the agga lonner than a week. Always make it a rule that the product must ba fresh. Scraps from the buteher shopare good Inducers to laying when fed 10 JtUiag, hens. especially in winter. A large proportion of an egg is water. See that the hens have a bountiful sup ply. If the chlll is taken off the water it is all the batter. Grit and green food are two things that need to be supplied to hens during the winter months. Wlthoot them the hens cannot do their baat If hens are given all the water they wish in cold weather a gallou and a half or two gallons of milk to each 100 hens will be about all they will dispose of in a day. Some claim that skim milk and corn make a balanced ration. Whether this is so or not?one thing is true: If hens are given skim milk they get more pro tein than they can get from corn alone. We believeskim milk fed to laying hens when eggs are 25 cents per dozen will pay a better dividend than if fed to pigs when live bogs are four cents per pound. What do our readers think or know about it? No Use for Fame. "'It will make a great name for you." "Confound the name Will it make me laea of aaaaey '' "Hm. it wiil make you some moncy; but wouldn't you prefer an undying name to geara wclih?" "1've already uot the undying name." "Ah! inay 1 ogfc who-?" "My name's Joiin Smith."?llouston Post. We.;-Flanned. "If this nu i.;.i.i rie should catch fire, what woald >ou do.'" the giraffe asked the elephant. "I aroald plek up aaj Tunk and make for the t.oor." aaa tha elephant's reply. "What woald JTOM do?" "I'd go to that wincow and slide down my neck to the : reand/'aald the giraffe, v.ith a wink ai tie nion! eys. Cassell's. TIIEIJUEEXOF ALL HAIR TOHICS. (A Platn Kecital. Talk is oheap, and actions speak loud er than words. In order to prove to the public that Glossine ia the great. st and most meritoriousof all hair tonica we will give free to every reader of t-his pa per, not a sample; but a full size boz. If Giossiue was not the best hair touic in all the whole wide world this offer woald baukrupt us. Glossine, queeu of all hair tonics is the most wonderful remedy for the hn man hair ever discovered and has astouudtd the whole world by its mi raculons aud mysterious Dower in leugthening, straighteuing and beauti fying the iiu 11 iti hair. I istneresnlt of long years of carefnl stuc'y aud the e*r nest researches of Miss rlelen Mtrti... a beautiful aud attracrivo woman who is ackuowledged to be the most skilful and fimous beauty doetor of the day. She is a wonderf al and ru *at maguifl ceut specimen of woinauly grice and beauty, aud although uow 58 yea?*s of age she scarcely looks to be 30. When asked by what mediuoas she had been able toso successtully preserve the at tractiveneas and beauty of youth. Miss Martiu said, Why it is very simple to me and every woman be she wnite or colored, young or old or as ugly as sin booome prettv. shapely and graoefnl if she will ouly do as I advise. As a child I was never oousidered pret ty, in fact I was not oven thoaght to be good looking and f ?r this very re tsou ever since I .vaa a girl of aixteen I have made a stuiy of such agencies and ma terials which tend to beautify and adorn the hnman person. j In the glorioas vegetable world which nature has so bounteously bestowed ud on us there are hundreda of inuoceucj medinms whioh after my long life of | study and investigation I h ive been able to su^cessfully hleud aud foimnlafe into ' varioua preparations whi^h enhince and preserve the life aud beauty of the hair aud skiu. I owe iny go;>d , looks anl youthful appoaranc-s to these pr^parationa which are the resnlts of my life long work. Aa tc Glossine I have never it to tail to cause the hair to grow loiii?, straight 8oft and luxurious. It mitters not how harsh and kiuky it m \y be .'iud j I oare not if it be nhort brokeu, splitting at the euds or falling out Glossine will j positively make it loDg. soft, straight and pliant It will <?;?vy fn tlve hais bxa-' tre, leugth, life aud beauty aud no he id of hair can ba so harsh and refraitory but that Glossine will m ike it so pliant and wavy that it can be dressed wirh ea<e aud in any prevailingstyle desired. It will restore gray hair to its f lr.ner color, make the hair grow out on all bald spots. aud on the tetnples where the li'iT is usually thin and nnsigtn ly. Glossine ia highly, sweotly and most delicately perf umed, and ita color and subustencv is veryattr ictive to all. Soeing our great sneoessand wi*h the de sire to trado upon our reputatiou gaiued by long year- of honeetdealiiignumerous unsorupnlous firmsare trying to fool the people iuto buyingsparioas and harin ful compouirds for the h lir aol skin, that cause the hair to f tll. rhas causing baldneas and ruiu; mar and deface the delicate tex. ure of the hnman skin. In their wickeddmreto gam inoney, these people do not hesitato to"sell the people many preparations which are daugerous to lifeitself. ln order to diseouatenan36 and oondemn snch dishouest methods, Miss Martin has decided to give a full siae package of Glosaico to any reader of this paper male or female who will send their name and address. Do not delay. Write to-day. A postal card will do We will also send our cata logne wbich describes in detail our hair tonics, face bleaches and other toilet reqnisites. Address:?Miss Hklkn Martin, care Oontinental Ohemical Oo., No. 9 Governor Street, Richmond, Va. BOA.RDINO & LODGING Ratea Reasonable. All the Comf or.ts e> a> ot rlonee a> a> Orders reoeived by letter or telegraph . MRS. I100KER LEFTWICH, PROPRIBTRE8S. ""?*; H16 N.2nd St , Richmond. Va. McQirt's Magazine J $5. Per Day SURE AGENTS are making $5.00 james E. rictiiRT. Ph. b. per Day Selling : ? ^SS??' "iefilrt'j Magazine/v A GREAT periodical published every month in order that we may have a paper that will be read by both races, the white as well as the colored, that the white race may know the miuy great men and women of the colored race and what they <*re saying and doing. Thousands of white, as well as the colored. read this Magazine every month. Some of them declare that they have learned more about the great men of the colored race through this Magazine than they ever knew before and that withont a donbt this periodical is far in advanoe of any thing yet attempted by the Nogro Each month it contains articles ftom the greatest writers of the raoe. Agents are just as fcure of making $5.00 per day selling this Magazine as they are in au swenng this advertisement. Write at onoe that vou may be the ftrat in the field. Seud 50o. for agent's terms, outflt. and a large nnmber of Magazines, with whioh you may begin work at onoe. Subscirlption Price to every one ia One Dollar Per Year. Write? JAMES E. McGIRT. 420 S. 11th St., Phila., Pa. GONZ/iLES The Grea'est C lirvoyant & Fortune Telle: the Worlc Has Ever Kno .vn Unites Separated P ,nga back th? one you Love, Helpt Quiokly all n Trouble. Removes Evil Influanoea, Oures My* terious Diseases, Gives Luoa and Sut cess. Send Look of Hav, Date of Biru and 12 oonts. Ask three questions am reoeive Horosoope and Luoky Birtr stone by mail. OONZ " LES. H86 Be> gen St., Urooklyn, Ne* Xork. tl-8-l?-6DJ Mre. J. H. Ro?e will open her resta urant for the season 1906 at the aanie old stand, S. E. corner Arctto aud Ken? tucky Aves , Mond?y, Dec. 19 1904 Atlantio City. N. J. 6 mos. GOOD FOR SHOES The purohaser of each Palr of Shoea from VI 00 upnards eutitles you co a t'oupon. nc Chmamaa erttl get you a Pair of our *?** ?? BEST $1 30 SHOES. +4 ALBERT STEIN. Cor. Stftj .fc atraad St. 42H | Itroad St. FOR 1QQ5 ^he^Uar^aCmistitution The Greatest Jtmerican IVeekly ATewspaper, O****; DOLLAR PER YEAR. The^u/iny South The Souta's Standard Literary IVeekly, FIFTY CENTS PER. YEAR.. BOTH FOR ONLY $1.25 SENT TO ANY ADDRESS IN AMCRICA. d? dF af d? a? THE combination of these two weekly papers?the one for netvs, the other purely literary?makes an ideal offer for every Southern household. THE WEEKLY COWSTITUTIOAT, 12 to 16 pages, contains the netvs of the week carefully prepared and in telligently presented, Its agricultural features alone are worth many times its subscription price- Its market page is always complcte. Its Woman's Kingdom and Children's Department are the best read and most ap preciated pages at the fireside. Its special articles and contributions are of the highest standard. THE SUNNY SOUTH is the recognized literary leader of the South, popular throughout its wide terri tory, and known by its great work in the introduction of new Southern writers to the lirerary world. Many of its short story contests have brought to light authors whose fame and fortune have been made possible by TheSunny South. It is welccvied in over 50,000 homes today and is destined to be ihe eading American story and household r t - ? ? ? This wonderful combination blends all that is desirabte in a home reading offer, two complete papers every week, and 1905 will demonstrate to you its value and insure your enrollment as a lifetime subscriber. The Great Agents' Offer One Hundred Dollars a Month to Jtctive Jigents. We have a most attractive agents' offer?the most liberal of any American publication?by which agenrs may earn from Fifty to One Hundred Dollars per Month. Agents wanted in every community. Write for agency particulars and put yourself in a way to make money on a good proposition. Send your subscription to either paper at its price, or take both at the combination rate. Remit by safe methods, addressing all orders to The Atlcnta Constitution, ATLANTA, GA Mrs Mary Watson, 1015 St. Peter 6t., Richmond, Va. ?he J. V. Hawkin's HAIR GROWER & RESTORER, To which all state aud national ri<hts have been reserved, enjoys the reputatiou of an euormous home patronage in first class white and colored iamilies. [ta wonderful success has thrown it into promineuce in this and other states, and whenevoi once used, the patron is nevar satisfied until her disoovery of this hair grower and restorer has been made known to hernearesc friend. Mrs. Mary Watsonof 1015 St. Peter St., a promi neut lady of this comiuunity who used our prepara doa for a short time only hereiu testifies to its valuo and wonderful results by pormittincr us to use her picture. 1>lt will pi?itively remove Dandruff, Oure Scalp of all, Kestore Hair on Olean Temples or Bald Meade, where the reots are not dead, Priobs;?25 cts. per box (loc*l orders) 35 ots. out city; eight boxes, $2.80 express prepaid. The Face Beautiher makes the use of powder en tirely unneceasary, and is perfeotly harmless; ? ill remove all pimples, splotohes and black heads. Sale priees; 25, oOjts aud f 1.00. Mo-uey can be sent by Post Office Money jOrder r Expres9 Money Order. ?wi? Address all oommunications to *^2 MME J. V. 612 V. First Street, HAWKINS, Kichmond, Va. Oorrespoudenoe strictly confidential. PHONE-577. RICHMOND. VA A. D. PRICE, THE PUNERAL DIRECTOR. EMBALMER AND LIVERYMRi t0f All orders promptly filled at ahort notice by telegrapb ot telephone, Ha* reated for meetings and niceentertainmenta Plenty of room with all naceaa* conveciencea Large jricnic ?r band wagons for hire at reasonable ratea and not* ng hut first-c ia.s.s carriag_e, buggiea, ctc. Keeps constantly on hand fine Pnaear Suppliea. 212 EAST LEIGH STREET. - ^ [Residence Next Door.] OPEN ALL DAY * NIGHT? Man on Dnt* AD Ni*f* In (D Pd oS P< GO ?.?? gel *N O a s <D o o d ? t s a a > O , Mrs. Dr. Cornelia White. A Powerful Woman witb a Powerful Force SENDS HAPPINESS TO THOSE WHO ACCEPT IT. She will raiso vna from Dlsea?*? l?i ?~~?i_. ,T ?,, "?an is b?h*M| thooaaada <>t otheri and^lhepyuu. Ountless nmnSera 4o JS?' erushed in life by diseases. worri,s T2toeaV2E tu-ai-hv, annraaahu and bappy. gy the-m of th?.; mignty woman. and ber wonderful di^covery FREE as any tfft ever held out by a jrorierous h?<* There lSno coafc no chaw whatew^?SS& Wrikaifer it. n?d it WUJ be aent by next mail Don't sendany money. ioat send y.inrnameaRd i iforitintion. i..nsistin? of 32 pagea han.K.mielv Sg^^?howlfffcvi^ tal Hfallnjc. Majcnetlc Hcalinjt. Mvntal Tclc~ athy. (tlu-.tyrhttransferemo.) Psvchometrv a,M HtackArtlcrfv!'''r-r;,f;,n^^ WaiVSd piatk Art. Ako hew to remove Evll Influrncra fi..n, rownaalf aad frlenda. This is a irrand book to ,.l u-o in the handa of thoae l !?, deaKtoSj and bcttcr their oondlttens in life. It pwitiOeW f~ ? tl y * Ktcrnal Life. This is the cx tracta of twenty years of ceaseless lahor ,, 1 -.? "U.Liyoftentl, .)aw>do eotaak >-.?, tpaend any ,.?.,,?. ;in ?? aah ? eojerUieooat of p. Muk, po? ? ',; \v.; ? <r tius nlaabai nea booa tb Ln KiJS' n"e * Dr. White's CoIIege f ScL> 1917 E. Pratt St? Baltimore, Md.. I 2 | S p o o p P CD P CD O s. She Made the Dumb Beast Obey. Mrs. H. W. Roberlson TlIK ONLY LIVIVGI SL\TK WftlT IXOMEOIUM AXDOLA.IUVOYA.Nr, I who can re:vl from th? the sky. Darian the great show of the RINQLINO BBOTRBB8 la Vulehi, Li., Samson oae o* the largest and oldent eleph-inta in the worl.l booame nnrulf and killed nini? men durina; the day. Mr*. Robercaoo w*'* Hent for. Sh? influeuoed the elephan* by holdinfra charuriiiK seal aOM in her hau 1 aud speaking nine holy words to the bfint and he obeyed. Mrs Rol>ert8on wah born in Paris, France and hiid eipht yeirsof English 83hoolinjf. She Afas liora a fortune t^ller. No femile on earch can dj what s'ie oan do. She ftaaa advi>?? on law saira, divoroe*. m irriages. love. mtes, deeda, property, sickufiss, female troables, bouuties. p'tisions, trickery, evil spirits, orip pleand blind aflfairs, hidden treasnrea. aud lost aud stoleu articles. This gif ted wonan is a frientl to the po ?r. She is the seveuth d ni^hter of her parents aud a mightv healer from birth. She blnsseH your home aud makesbright your path forever and keeps your enemie* behind y?^u. TUe charming seal boue with which she works has baeu blessed aud testod dariiiR the dark hours of niid night and was found mighfy. She works from the dead and reads from the pky. Thousands of prerended mediams, fortune tellers. etc , havs tried to imitate thia wonderful medium but her eqnal cannot be found. She causes speedr marriages aud has cured thousands who wers blind, crippled and otherwise afflicted. for years. Yes, Lawyers, Doctors, Ministers, Baukers aud other professioual men of the earth have sought this gifted medium for advice. She should live forever. She oonsulted over thirty thousand people in seven mouths. Frieuds, it will pay you to look around yourselves. Some one is crossmg your path for bad luck, aud workingevil agninst you, not because you have harmed them but be cause your living is kept out of their sight and they are jealous ofaw>u. She gives you a sp:.ritnal charm that will came your euen^m to love yoa, make yon successful in business, cause your famiy to live happfT^^orever, drive all evil from yoar path, cause you to save money and come into possessiou of property, cause you to gain back that which was stolen from you, canse the one that you love to 1 >ve you uutil deUh, and canse whatever you want to come to pass. ln fact, to make the dumb beast to love you. Her power excites the won ders. She is known all over the world as the qneeu of spiriturai worker<. Don't waste yoar time and money with frauds and still be left in the same or worse oon ditions as before, but consult this christian wonder, take her advice, and yon will be wealthy and happy forever. Price for consultation is one dollar. Inclose fl 00, a two cent stamp. and your name and address and your life will be sent to yon by return mail. Write for other particulars. Address:? MRS. II. W. ItOHKKTKOV 412 Cuchran St., Dallas, Tex. "i fjpaaaa aaaaa^aKiiiiaaramiaws j Knights of Pytbiasand Courts of Calanthe I BADGES JKWELS, SECRET PARAPHERNA - LIA, UNIFORMS, LODGE AND COURT COL- ? LARS. - ?aanafiaa^ Write for cacalogue. 1 fS^COURT JEWELS AND BADGES A SPECIALTY.*^^ I CENTRALREGALIA CO * JOS. L. JONEvS. Mana^e-, N. E. Cor. 8th and PlumSts.. Ciucinnati, O. %Rvmt iS'iimiuaan iiau,iaa;:iaK^?aiaaroaaG:aa?:>!aiii: law 9 | PROF. E. ARNOLD. \ q) The greatest Clairroyant, Palmiet and Fortune Teller the world haa / N ever known. Unites Separated, brings back the one yon love, h?lps ^ qnickly all in trouble. Kjmoves evll infiaences and enres mysterickia di- ( q seasea. Givee luck and saccesa. His advice in law suits, wills, hidden ( n treaaurea and divorcea is intallible. All in search of truth and satisfac kj) tion should see this gifted gentleman. ( Oan be oonsulted in all affairs of life. Save time and money by ;> calling at the right place at once. Readings by mail?enclose birthday, >w six qnestions and $1.00. 201 Pujo Street, Lake Charles, La.