
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia | Computer Scince -
For the Indonesian people, rice is a staple food that must be always available throughout the year. Therefore, the existence of rice agroindustry is vital and it needs to be developed continuously, so that it can support the increase of... more
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    • Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Pada paper ini disajikan teknik pengenalan nada, baik sebagai nada tunggal maupun nada campuran dengan menggunakan mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC) sebagai ekstraksi ciri dan pemodelan codebook untuk pengenal pola. Suara yang... more
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    • Computer Science
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    • Universitas Gunadarma
Humall auditOlY system is capable of extracting rich and meaningful data from complex audio signal To recognize chord sequences that played in some kind of music is not an easy task. People need big effort to train their sense of hearing... more
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      Computer ScienceSpeech RecognitionCodebook
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      Computer ScienceHumanitiesFuzzy Clusteringhidden Markov model
Pada penelitial1 ini, dikembangkan suatu model jaringan syaraf timan resilient backpropagation untuk ldentifikasi pembicara denganekstraksi cirl menggunakan teknik MFCC. Data suara yang digunakall rialam penelitian ini adalah data suara... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
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    • Computer Science
This research is focused on the development of statistical downscaling model using principle component analysis (PCA) as feature extraction cascade with multivariate regression as model prediction. Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and the... more
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      GeographyStatisticsMultivariate StatisticsDownscaling
The agricultural sector, particularly the rice farming system (SUT) is very vulnerable to climate variability and change. SUT that rely heavily on water will be easily affected by climate variability and change when the water supply... more
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      Climate ChangeBiologyDroughtAgriculture
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      GeographyArtificial Neural Network
Sistem penilaian berdasarkan suara tepuk tangan sering digunakan dalam acara perlombaan di Indonesia. Namun, penentuan pemenang dengan cara konvensional cenderung subjektif. Penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem penilaian otomatis berbasis... more
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      PsychologyIndonesiaInstitut Pertanian BogorThreshold
Penelitian ini membangun model untuk membedakan bentuk daun menggunakan dimensi fraktal multiskala. Identifikasi tumbuhan obat sangat penting mengingat keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia dan peran pentingnya di Indonesia. Identifikasi... more
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    • Art
Paru-paru merupakan organ vital manusia yang berperan dalam proses pernapasan. Jika paru-paru mengalami gangguan maka sistem pernapasan manusia juga akan mengalami gangguan yang bisa menyebabkan kecacatan bahkan kematian. Untuk... more
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    • Computer Science
Tulisan ini menyajikan hasil analisis, survey dan wawancara dengan petani di Kabupaten Indramayu terkait dengan kejadian kekeringan. Klasifikasi dan peta tingkat endemik kekeringan dianalisis berdasarkan plot antara anomali luas... more
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      GeographyForestryIrrigationDry Season
Awal musim hujan yang tidak menentu merupakan salah satu variabel iklim yang dapat memengaruhi produksi pertanian dan kegagalan panen. Kemampuan memprediksi awal musim hujan dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi risiko penurunan hasil dan... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental Science
There are significantly decreasing of rainfall in wet season and dry season, and changed in onset of early season, that all of them can make crouded in plan of planting date, field actifity especially for food crops africulture. In the... more
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      GeographyDroughtFloodFlood Myth
A hybrid model of Probabilistic Neural Network and Fuzzy C-Means has been developed. The model has been applied using Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC) as feature extraction for identification. In addition to the natural voice,... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceFuzzy Logic
The guitar is a musical instrument that has a chord as a reference tone. It is a fact that is not all human auditory system can distinguish between high and low tones of a musical instrument in good accurate. Then, in this research we... more
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      Computer ScienceSpeech RecognitionCepstrum
This paper presents the modeling of face recognition using feature extraction based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) as a classifier. Three PCA techniques were compared, they are 1DPCA, 2DPCA and... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligencePrincipal Component AnalysisRadial Basis Function