If someone set a bowl of cheese curls in front of you and declared it “breakfast,” would you be able to discern it from cereal? Even if you’re the type who likes cold pizza at 7 a.m., odds are you would not be too quick to pour on the milk and dive in with a …
Here’s a roundup of what’s been going on in the Library of Congress blogosphere in June. In the Muse: Performing Arts Blog “How to Find Your Snooky Ookums: A Guide to the Irving Berlin Collection” Pat Padua presents a guide to the Irving Berlin Collection. The Signal: Digital Preservation “Every Format on the Face of …
In addition to the Library of Congress blog that you’re reading right now, the institution has brought several other blogs into the fold. And, let me tell you, they are writing about some great things. From time to time, I hope to give a shout out to these blogs and direct your attention to what …
Two hundred years ago today, President James Madison set pen to paper to write a message to Congress. His intent was to talk them into making the nation’s first formal declaration of war – on Great Britain, which was squashing U.S. exports as a side effect of a British naval blockade against Napoleon’s France. But …
The following is a guest post from Audrey Fischer of the Library’s Public Affairs Office. While others critique the nation’s schools’ effectiveness in teaching the three Rs—reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic—actor and activist Richard Dreyfuss is on a crusade to teach the fourth R—republican democracy. His cause célèbre is the restoration of civics education, to ensure …
The folks who manage our popular THOMAS legislative information website have been taking advantage of the August congressional recess to make some upgrades. Enhancements include optimization for mobile devices, easy links to social media and links to the legislatures of all 50 states, D.C. and U.S territories. There’s more on the Law Library’s new blog, …
I didn’t want any more time to go by this week without welcoming the newest member of the Library of Congress blog family. “In Custodia Legis” isn’t the guy who cleans up after the legislature adjourns. Rather, it’s the new blog of the Law Library of Congress. As chief blogger Andrew “Middle Name Not Lloyd” …
Now that we have a couple of years or more of using social media to benefit the Library’s missions, we’re letting other folks around the institution get in the act. The “Books and Beyond” series in the Center for the Book launched a Facebook page, which is essentially an online book club, with the recent …