
World War I: Online Offerings | Timeless

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World War I: Online Offerings

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(The following was written for the March/April 2017 issue of the Library of Congress Magazine, LCM. You can read editions of past issues here.)

ww1-portal01With the most comprehensive World War I collections in the nation, we are uniquely equipped to tell the story of America’s involvement in the Great War through our website.

Today we launched a comprehensive portal to its extensive holdings on the subject of World War I (1914–1918) as part of our commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the U.S. involvement in the war. The portal is a one-stop destination page for digitized versions of many of these assets.

These remarkable collections include recruitment and wartime information posters, photos from the front, manuscripts and papers of prominent figures such as General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing, newspapers that provided the first draft of the war’s history, maps of campaigns and battle lines, sound recordings of prominent leaders of the era, war-related sheet music, even early film treasures.

Along with extensive access to these rare materials, the portal will include links to the online version of the Library’s major new exhibition, “Echoes of the Great War: American Experiences of World War I,” which opens April 4.

In addition, the portal will feature articles from our blogs, written by Library curators who will offer unique insight into the collections and highlight stories and materials that are most revealing about the war, and America’s involvement in it—before, during and after its military participation.

The page will include WWI-related content for teachers, a guide for visitors on-site to the Library in Washington and details on lectures, programs, concerts and symposia related to the conflict, and will be regularly updated with new information and collections material as they become available.

Comments (2)

  1. I’ve used the Veterans History Project in class for a World War I activity and every single student did powerful work. Part of the exercise was to select a particularly meaningful quote and build the context that surrounded it. Very, very impressive.

  2. Looking forward to this exhibition, will it include a section on the North Russia Intervention, also known as the Northern Russian Expedition, the Archangel Campaign, and the Murman Deployment, which was an allied intervention in Russia after the fall of the Tsar and ran from 1918-1920, to include during the final months of WWI?

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