
Welcome, In Custodia Legis! | Timeless

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Welcome, In Custodia Legis!

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I didn’t want any more time to go by this week without welcoming the newest member of the Library of Congress blog family.

“In Custodia Legis” isn’t the guy who cleans up after the legislature adjourns.  Rather, it’s the new blog of the Law Library of Congress.  As chief blogger Andrew “Middle Name Not Lloyd” Weber puts it:

In Custodia Legis is Latin for in the custody of the law. One role of the Law Library of Congress is to be a custodian of law and legislation.  As part of this, our team of bloggers covers current legal trends, collecting for the largest law library in the world, a British perspective, a perspective from New Zealand, developments and enhancements in THOMAS, and cultural intelligence and the law.

“In Custodia Legis” joins this blog, as well as others from the Library of Congress, including our Music Division and our Science, Technology and Business Division.

If you’re a hard-core Library of Congress aficionado–and if you’re not, you should be!–you can follow all of us on this aggregator page, and also on this page, which lists the whole gamut of social media in which we’re participating.

The Law Library is also active in other social media as well, such as its Facebook page , its Twitter feed and YouTube videos.

Welcome, “In Custodia Legis”!

Comments (2)

  1. Let’s start with a complex question that has a simple answer: how do you reverse a Constitutional Law challenge, and which court would hear the case?

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