The latest version of Automotive Industry: A Research Guide is now accessible to researchers. While the guide covers information on vehicles, the Library has other relevant resources on automobile industry workers in our This Month in Business History feature.
You might not think of either as a “business” topic but they are, because both are their own industries and because logistics - the commercial activity of transporting goods to customers – have been core parts of the U.S. economy and world trade.
The unpredictable nature of this pandemic economy means that some exit options like selling at a profit or merging a company are not feasible. While having an exit plan can seem pessimistic, it can be helpful to consider options.
This post was written by Lynn Weinstein, Business Reference Librarian in the Science, Technology, and Business Division. The sedge is wither’d from the lake, And no birds sing — KEATS A recent Cornell Chronicle article reported that nearly 30 percent of birds in the North America have vanished since 1970. Simultaneously, the population of raptors …
This is a second post about updates for Business Reference guides, and this post features guides for those studying the fashion industry and beauty business. I hope that both of them can help those doing research on the current state of the industry, but both also include resources for those wanting to look at the …
We wanted to do a series of short posts about happenings on the Business Reference web page, specifically about our research guides. First, I wanted to mention that we recently published a new guide LGBTQ+ Resources in Business and the Workplace that includes materials on the issues that affect the economic circumstances of the LGBTQ+ …