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Posts Tagged ‘Support’

Guest Post: Why you need to fill out the SRT by JimA

Posted by wGEric in Support with the tags , on June 25th, 2009

In the Support forums hundreds of support posts are made daily. People who have a problem, or just a question they’d like to ask. It’s hard to answer all of those questions. Sometimes we need more information in order to get a better view of the problem to solve it.

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Guest Post: Supporting phpBB by JimA

Posted by wGEric in Support with the tags , , on April 6th, 2009

Because phpBB is a very large product, it needs to be supported. People who have a problem/question and they come here to find an answer or solution. Have you ever looked at the support forums? If so, you might have seen that there are many many topics a day and just a few people answering the topics, which is great of course.

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Handling Support Requests in the Support Forums

Posted by iWisdom in Support with the tags on October 16th, 2008

As anyone who has spent a decent amount of time in and around the support forums knows, there are an endless amount of questions being asked, and very few people who take the time to answer them (a big thanks to those of you who do!) Because of this, the time any of us can spend there is very much worth its weight in gold. Many of us (myself included) start developing certain methodologies we use when handling support requests in order to quickly and efficiently solve the problem before us. Here’s how I do it.

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