This morning, after a night of coding (with some team members still having their laptops open at 4am), 18 developers descended upon the venue for yet another day of excessive productivity. After breakfast, we met up to discuss the day’s plans and broke down into groups to work on the various projects (see below). Lunch was a feast of Domino’s pizza, seasoned with shared stories of lands afar. We then continued work until the evening’s progress-meet, rounding off the work day.
We enjoyed dinner and drinks at a local restaurant/bar (photos below) and returned to the hotel for some social evening activities. Unfortunately, the hotel elevator entrapped half of our party for a while; thankfully, the wifi still worked, leading to people halfway around the world becoming aware of the situation prior to the hotel staff.
During the course of the day, many phpBB projects and tasks were completed, some of which include:
- Merging and fixing existing Pull Requests
- Fixing phpBB bugs
- Search backend bug fixes
- Adding further unit testing coverage to phpBB
- Finishing soft delete (for the tenth time)
- Working on adapting bug tickets to the new workflow
- Working on phpBB blockers such as migrations
- Work on a new notifications system
- Auto-saving functionality
- Fixing some regressions
- Ensuring functional tests are… functioning?
- MOD validation (all mods are now validated and awaiting testing)
- Style validation (all styles have now been validated and awaiting testing)
- Further work on the completion of the ideas centre
- Re-writing the website’s JavaScript to be more efficient
- Modernising the website
- Website bug fixing (all tickets are now resolved)
- Identifying areas of documentation that need expansion, simplification and updating for 3.1
- Working on testing phpBB to provide quality assurance
- Finalising some details from the new phpBB Status Site (coming soon to a website near you!)
Our party consisted of: bantu, Dhruv, nickvergessen, Marshalrusty, EXreaction, Fyrol, DavidIQ, Derky, Marc (Previously known as as marc1706), Raimon, tumba25, igorw, callumacrae, Arty, stevemaury, Paul, naderman and MichaelC (Previously known as Unknown Bliss).