
phpBB • Blog • New Community Feature: Meet the Team


New Community Feature: Meet the Team

Posted by Brainy in Uncategorized with the tags , on July 16th, 2009

In an effort to increase our connections with the community at large, the phpBB Teams are glad to announce the creation of our newest community effort – a series of question and answer sessions entitled “Meet The Team”. This series is focused on helping you, the end user, learn a bit more about us, the programmers, supporters, moderators, and designers that help keep running smoothly and phpBB the most popular free bulletin board on the internet.

This series, with regular updates (depending on team member and question availability), will focus on asking team members the questions you want to know about them. These questions should not be directly phpBB-related (when does the next version of phpBB come out, etc.), but should instead be on a more personal note (what is your favourite ice cream flavour, favourite movie, most recent thing you purchases, etc.). We will try to answer every question you ask us, provided they have some genuine reasoning behind them, are not overly invasive of privacy, and that they are not directly phpBB-related (as above).

If you wish to contribute to the questions for the first portion of this series, please visit this phpBB Discussion topic. While you’re there, feel free to look over previously-asked questions and second them if you too would like to see them answered. Upon the completion of each portion of the series, a new topic will be posted to gather further questions for the next portion.

Thank you for your interest in getting to know the phpBB Teams — we hope to let you know a bit more about ourselves soon!

4 Responses to “New Community Feature: Meet the Team”

Posted by Sol Danmeri on July 28th, 2009 at 4:58 am:

I like the idea. What is very remarkable about all of this is that there is a massive need for this. Community. I have more friends on the web or with whom I have more regular communication then with my friends who are busy doing other things that envolves a lot of physical travelling. Its quite a daring concept, this level of openess. The question and answer idea is excellent, I hope more companies will follow in your footsteps.

Posted by Paul on August 9th, 2009 at 11:26 am:

I trust you guys the way you’re united in that photo.

Posted by Webhostuk LTD on August 24th, 2009 at 2:31 am:


I really like the new ideas you are implementing your forum is widely used by our customers and cpanel users ..that would be an great addition.

Good luck to the team work.

Posted by Sandeep on March 23rd, 2010 at 12:01 am:

Whom should i contact if one of my friend., who was the the administrator and owner of a forum., died!!

and the Mod has gone inactive!!

The forum has been active for 2 years now., and i am a member of it also.,

this forum is really important to us., so can somebody help me with that?

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