Because phpBB is a very large product, it needs to be supported. People who have a problem/question and they come here to find an answer or solution. Have you ever looked at the support forums? If so, you might have seen that there are many many topics a day and just a few people answering the topics, which is great of course.
Why do I like supporting phpBB?
When you are supporting, it justs means that you help other people with their phpBB problems for nothing. You don’t win anything with it. But in my opinion it’s just nice to see the people thanking you and seeing that your advice helped them to come further, and that they now can enjoy phpBB more than they did before. Also, for the more difficult issues, it’s a challenge to test out solutions and finally find and answer that works correctly, and make the question asker happy.
Things you need to think of while supporting.
Of course it’s great if you want to help us in the support forums by giving support. However, you need to make sure that you give support correctly, because wrong support could break a board, and that’s not what we want of course. You also need to remember that for the more newer users, you should just be explaining very detailed, and this sometimes needs much patience, but don’t worry. It’s also just a human which want to learn and usually thanks you after helping him out. For the more experienced people you can just be a bit less precise and link to their solution, but make sure that you say stay clear to the people, so they understand what you try to mention. One extra thing you always need to remember, saying: “Search for it.” is not giving support, since everyone can do that. If you’ve found the answer, just post it to the user, because he likely has already searched but couldn’t find the answer himself.
It’s nice to be able to give support to the people who have problems, but there are some thing you need to think of. I know you can do it, and I hope to see you in the support forums!
This blog post was written by JimA (website). Thanks Jim!
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Posted by Pascal on April 6th, 2009 at 5:59 pm:
Hahaha Jim! Good blogpost!