Posted by Kellanved in Development, Modifications, Styles, Support with the tags Internet Explorer, Security, Uploads on October 25th, 2008
Recently we got many bug reports about problems with the IE8 beta browsers. The problem is that we cannot accommodate beta browsers in our software – the next beta will break our adjustments. But why have we chosen to include some other IE8 features? The answer is simple: security
This post will give you insights into one of the more obscure security implications of file uploads.
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Posted by iWisdom in Support with the tags Support on October 16th, 2008
As anyone who has spent a decent amount of time in and around the support forums knows, there are an endless amount of questions being asked, and very few people who take the time to answer them (a big thanks to those of you who do!) Because of this, the time any of us can spend there is very much worth its weight in gold. Many of us (myself included) start developing certain methodologies we use when handling support requests in order to quickly and efficiently solve the problem before us. Here’s how I do it.
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Posted by battye in Uncategorized with the tags 2002, guests, phpbb2, phpbb3, spambots on October 9th, 2008
Whether you have just opened your forum or whether you have an established community, the thought has probably crossed your mind at one point or another of opening the board to guest posters.
Obviously there can be no definitive right or wrong answer for everyone, but for most people the simple answer is “don’t do it”.
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