
Best Looker Studio Marketing Dashboards | Blog

17 Best Looker Studio Marketing Dashboards for Data-Driven Decisions

Steve MacFeely, the Director of Data and Analytics at the WHO, once mentioned that dashboards still play a hugely important role in transmitting key messages and paving data-driven decisions. Marketers at go along with this statement since almost any decision is based on data analysis. Which keyword to target, which campaign to launch, which article to update, etc. You can have data to drive your marketing activities as well if you use the best Looker Studio marketing dashboards. 

Marketing is vast, and so are the dashboards for it. To make it simple, we have sub-categorized the Looker Studio marketing dashboards based on the data sources and their usage. So, you’ll find the best examples for analyzing PPC and social media performance, web analytics, and marketing funnel.

Best Looker Studio marketing dashboards for PPC

1. PPC multi-channel dashboard by

This PPC multi-channel dashboard is a perfect solution for marketers who run advertising campaigns on more than one platform. It’s a Looker Studio template meaning that you can start using it right away. 

PPC dashboard

The dashboard connects to multiple ad sources including Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Instagram Ads, and TikTok Ads. This way, you have an overview of all your campaigns in one place. Of course, you can only use the needed source and exclude the ones you won’t need. The setup flow takes up to 5 minutes or less if you use fewer ad data sources. 

Dashboard metrics:

  • Amount spent
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Cost-Per-Click (CPC)
  • Cost per thousand impressions (CPM), etc.

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2. Facebook Ads dashboard by

The Facebook Ads marketing dashboard for Looker Studio by provides you with a convenient way to check and share your PPC campaign performance. The dashboard template has a built-in connector to Facebook Ads. So, you won’t have to worry about exporting data and loading it to your dashboard. 

Facebook Ads

The dashboard is white-label, i.e., you can easily tune it for your brand color, add/replace metrics, and simply adjust it to your reporting requirements. It takes around 2 minutes to fork the dashboard and connect it to your Facebook Ads accounts. The template comes with instructions on how to set it up. If you need additional information to connect the tools, you can read this step-by-step guide to connecting Facebook Ads to Looker Studio.

Dashboard metrics:

  • Impressions
  • Link clicks
  • CPM
  • CPC
  • CTR
  • Frequency
  • Reach
  • Amount spend
  • Unique link clicks

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3. Google Ads dashboard by

Want to make sure that your paid ads on Google are performing well and also share the results with your managers or clients? offers a free Looker Studio dashboard for Google Ads that allows you to track your ads performance. This dashboard template provides insights about your most valuable metrics such as clicks, conversions, CPA, CPC, click-through rate, and so on.

Google Ads dashboard

The template has an integrated Google Ads connector by that makes the dashboard self-updating on a schedule you set out. Just like the dashboard for Facebook ads, the Google Ads one can be customized to your reporting needs. At the same time, if this dashboard is not enough for you or you’d like to build your own one from scratch, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to connect Google Ads to Looker Studio.

Dashboard metrics:

  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • CTR
  • Average Cost-per-Click 
  • Conversions
  • Cost per conversion
  • Cost per thousand impressions (CPM), etc.

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4. LinkedIn Ads dashboard by

This LinkedIn Ads dashboard template is a decent analytics tool to monitor the performance of your advertising campaigns on LinkedIn. The set of key metrics is similar to what the dashboards above have: amount spent, clicks, CPC, and others. However, you will also get information about leads and lead form opens.

LinkedIn Ads dashboard

Any dashboard designed by has a built-in connector. So, you’ll only need to connect your LinkedIn account and will create a data source in Looker Studio. Set a desired schedule and enjoy the up-to-date information on your marketing dashboard.

Dashboard metrics:

  • Impressions
  • CPM
  • Amount spend
  • Clicks
  • CPC
  • CTR
  • Conversions
  • Conversion rate
  • Lead form opens
  • Leads
  • And others

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5. Facebook Ads and brand awareness dashboard

Individual or multi-channel PPC dashboards are only limited to analyzing PPC campaign performance. The Facebook Ads and brand awareness dashboard is perfect for comparing PPC and brand awareness campaigns. It’s especially useful if you run awareness Facebook Ad campaigns and want to see their effect on Google SERPs. 

Facebook Ads and Brand awareness

This dashboard collects data from Facebook Ads and Google Search Console and compares results in the form of interactive bar charts. You can select specific Facebook ad campaigns to check how the overall branded impressions and clicks correlate with branded search results. It is useful for optimizing ad spend, refining strategies, and boosting brand visibility.

To use this dashboard by, follow the steps in the Readme tab.

Dashboard metrics:

  • Ads impressions
  • Ads spend
  • Ads clicks
  • Branded impressions
  • Branded clicks

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Marketing dashboards to analyze social media performance

6. Instagram dashboard for SMM reporting by

You can easily track the performance of your Instagram social media activities with this interactive social media dashboard. It provides insights into your audience demographics, profile interactions, and reach of your Instagram posts.

Instagram dashboard SMM

Since this Instagram SMM dashboard is designed by, you can start using it without any hassle. All you need is to connect your Instagram account to populate the dashboard with your data. It takes no more than 3 minutes to get a ready-to-use report at your fingertips. 

Dashboard metrics:

  • Followers
  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Comments
  • Website clicks
  • Get direction clicks
  • Phone call clicks
  • Text message clicks
  • Total number of interactions

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7. YouTube dashboard by

In our selection of the best marketing dashboards in Looker Studio, we included this YouTube dashboard template. It provides a complete overview of your YouTube channel performance and three reports for subscribers, reach, and traffic sources.  

youtube dashboard v2

The dashboard displays insightful information about video performance, viewer engagement, and content strategy. It loads data from YouTube analytics using the built-in connector. It is one of the influencer marketing dashboards by and it allows you to monitor channel dynamics, analyze audience segments, and drill down into every video’s performance on your channel. 

Dashboard metrics:

  • Views
  • Likes/dislikes
  • Shares
  • Average view duration
  • Average views per day
  • Subscribers gained/lost, etc.

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8. TikTok dashboard

If you want to grow on TikTok, this dashboard is a must-have. It visualizes every crucial TikTok metric in an intuitive and interactive way.

TikTok analytics dashboard

The TikTok dashboard highlights key metrics like watched hours, videos posted, followers, and profile views. The engagement funnel shows total views, likes, shares, and comments, resembling an acquisition funnel. This helps you understand engagement on the platform. 

The timeline graph shows which videos bring in the most followers or likes, so you can focus on similar content. These insights help to create a better content strategy and grow on the platform. 

To use this dashboard by for your TikTok account, follow the simple instructions in the Readme tab.

Dashboard metrics:

  • Total time watched 
  • Video
  • Total duration of videos
  • Followers
  • Profile views
  • Views and views by country
  • Likes, comments, and shares
  • Active days

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Web analytics dashboards in Looker Studio

9. SEO dashboard for Google Search Console by

It makes sense to have a dedicated Looker Studio dashboard for SEO to track and understand your SEO performance. For this, you can try this dashboard template for Google Search Console.

10 seo dashboard google search console

It’s designed to answer many questions such as how many indexed pages you have, which pages have clicks, what are the best and worst performing pages, etc. 

You can connect the template to your GSC account using the integrated connector and start using the dashboard right away. It will take around 2 minutes to obtain a valuable SEO report with ease. 

Dashboard metrics:

  • Indexed pages
  • Pages with clicks
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • CTR
  • Average position
  • Click dynamics
  • Best and worst performing URLs, etc. 

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10. Web Analytics dashboard by

Google Analytics is the single source of truth for all your website performance data. The Web Analytics dashboard by visualizes the data from GA4, so you can derive insights from it better.

19. Web analytics dashboard

It has four pages dedicated to different areas of website performance: Overview, Acquisition, Behavior & Audience, and Conversion. 

  • Overview: Shows overall traffic and its sources on a monthly and weekly basis.
  • Acquisition: Details the sources of your traffic, such as organic search, direct visits, and referrals.
  • Behavior & Audience Page: Displays user behavior on your site and demographic information.
  • Conversion Page: Tracks conversions, showing how users complete desired actions on your site.

This dashboard is your one-stop shop for all your web analytics needs. To use this template for your website, follow the steps in the Readme tab.

Dashboard metrics:

  • Total users and new users
  • Sessions
  • Conversions
  • Traffic
  • Conversion rate
  • Total purchases
  • Total revenue
  • Views
  • Demographics

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11. GA4 dashboard for multiple properties

The Google Analytics dashboard is perfect for managing multiple websites or apps and tracking the performance of different GA properties in one place.

google analytics for multiple properties dashboard

It tracks sessions, users, conversions, and average engagement time. You can analyze the traffic sources to see where users come from.

With this dashboard, it is easy to understand user behavior and engagement metrics to know which channels work best. You can use this template with your own data in minutes by following the steps in the Readme tab.

Dashboard metrics:

  • Total users and new users
  • Sessions
  • Traffic
  • Average engagement time per session

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12. Digital Analytics Dashboard for eCommerce by Treffsikker

How is your eCommerce performing? Discover with the help of this Looker Studio dashboard. The digital analytics dashboard provides valuable insights into the performance of your online store. Some of the metrics included in the template are Revenue, eCommerce Conversion rate, Transactions, and Sessions. 

7. eCommerce digital dashboard

The dashboard has 4 pages: users, traffic, behavior, and conversions. On each page, you’ll find answers to questions associated with your different marketing activities, for example, how do channels perform, which product is most visited, how are the campaigns performing, etc.

Dashboard metrics:

  • Sessions
  • Bounce rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Transactions
  • Average order value
  • Revenue

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13. Google Analytics for Firebase Report by Google

Firebase is a platform that helps you create and grow apps. At the heart of Firebase is Google Analytics which integrates across Firebase features and provides you with unlimited reporting. This Looker Studio dashboard for Firebase is designed to present some of these reports using the power Looker Studio data visualization. 

9. Firebase dashboard

The dashboard has 4 pages: dashboard, events, users, and conversions. You can easily use this dashboard template for your data since it’s equipped with a built-in native BigQuery connector. Mind that this will only work if you have linked your Firebase project to BigQuery

Dashboard metrics:

  • Active users
  • Events
  • Conversions
  • Users

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14. Site Speed Performance Dashboard by DataBloo

Did you know that 40% of visitors will leave a website if it takes longer than three seconds to load? This shows that website performance is not just about how many people visit it, but also about how fast it loads and if it has any indexing problems.  

10. website speed dashboard

If you want to make sure that your site loads at the speed of light, then you should check out this site speed performance dashboard by Data Bloo. It’s a template, so you can easily reuse it without handling the connection part yourself. It has a connector to Google Analytics which contains all the necessary information for this dashboard.

Dashboard metrics:

  • Avg. Page Load Time
  • Average Domain Lookup Time 
  • Avg. Server Connection Time
  • Avg. Page Download Time 
  • Avg. Page Load Time on Mobiles

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Marketing funnel dashboards in Looker Studio

15. Shopify marketing funnel analytics dashboard

The Shopify marketing funnel dashboard tracks your marketing efforts and sales funnel performance. It highlights key metrics like the amount spent, revenue, orders, and ROI. The acquisition funnel intuitively visualizes the journey from ad impressions to new customers. 

Ecommerce sales funnel dashboard for Shopify 1

The weekly data for impressions, clicks, total users, and new users helps you understand how ad spending translates into sales. With the insights from this Shopify dashboard, you’ll be able to make data-driven decisions and boost your ecommerce store’s performance.

You can use this template to make a dashboard with your own data. Just follow the steps in the Readme section.

Dashboard metrics:

  • Amount spend
  • Orders
  • Revenue
  • Cost per order
  • ROI
  • Avg. order amount
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Conversions

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16. Customer acquisition dashboard for Pipedrive 

The Pipedrive customer acquisition dashboard tracks your marketing funnel from ad impressions to new leads. It shows key metrics like cost per lead, impressions, clicks, and new users.

customer acquisition pipedrive dashboard

The monthly data table for impressions, clicks, total users, and new users, shows how advertising efforts translate into new leads. 

The trends in ad spend, conversion rates, and cost per lead help to keep the budget in line with performance. This dashboard is useful to make data-driven decisions, boost customer acquisition efforts, and improve ROI. 

If Pipedrive is your go-to sales and CRM tool, then use this dashboard template with your data in minutes.

Dashboard metrics:

  • CPM
  • CPC
  • Amount spend
  • Cost per lead
  • CTR
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Leads

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17. HubSpot customer acquisition dashboard

The HubSpot customer acquisition dashboard helps you track and analyze your customer acquisition process using the HubSpot data. You can see how much you spend and the cost per lead, SQL, and customer. 

hubspot customer acquisition dashboard

It displays key metrics like impressions, clicks, new users, leads, SQLs, and customers. The monthly and geographic data show you where your efforts are most effective. This dashboard is ideal for understanding your marketing performance, optimizing sales processes, and improving ROI. 

Use this dashboard template with your own data by following the simple steps in the Readme tab.

Dashboard metrics:

  • CPM
  • CPC
  • Amount spend
  • Cost per lead
  • Cost per SQL
  • CTR
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Leads
  • Conversions

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Benefits of using marketing reporting dashboards in Looker Studio

Why Looker Studio and not another option? Why use a pre-made marketing reporting dashboard? Well, because there are a lot of advantages, compared to creating your manual reports from scratch. 

  • Better data visualization: Most Looker Studio marketing reporting dashboards come with graphs, charts, and other data visualization elements that will make your report easy to understand and share with stakeholders or managers. 
  • Easy to use: All of the templates we are going to share are configured and include the most important metrics you need to monitor for each activity or channel. All you will have to do is to use your own data. This means connecting your source (Google Analytics, YouTube, Google Spreadsheets, Facebook Ads, etc.) to Looker Studio so that the data can be exported and modified. 
  • Customizable: Don’t need all of the metrics showcased? No worries, you can make changes to the marketing reporting dashboard to better suit your needs. 
  • Collaboration and Shareability: Looker Studio reporting dashboard can be shared with your manager or clients. Also, your co-workers can have access to them so that they can add their own insights and data. 
  • Free and fast: Most of these Looker Studio templates are free to use, while for some you just need to pay a monthly subscription that is budget-friendly. However, it is worth it considering that it will take you a few minutes to add your data instead of spending hours collecting and introducing data manually. 

Convinced? Let’s take a look at the best Data Studio templates.

Best practices for marketing reporting dashboards in Looker Studio

Want to use one of the examples we’ve added above? We’ve prepared a few best practices you should consider before getting started. 

  • Check the metrics: The whole meaning of using a reporting dashboard is to have a clear overview of the most important metrics and KPIs for your campaigns. While you might like the design of any of the marketing reporting dashboards presented, you will need to check and see if they include all of the metrics you want to monitor and analyze. 
  • See if the template is free: Check to see if the dashboard is free to use or if it is just a demo. Some of the dashboards are just demos, so you have limited content that you can use. 
  • Read the instructions: These dashboards usually come with a few instructions on how to use them. The dashboards from also show you how to automatically extract data from Facebook Ads or Google Ads directly to Looker Studio. This way, the report will be updated automatically, on a schedule. 
  • Customize the report: Don’t forget to add your branding assets such as your logo to the report to make it your own. It will make the report ready to share with stakeholders. 

How to create marketing reporting dashboards in Looker Studio?

Want to create your own report from scratch? No worries, we’ve prepared a short step-by-step tutorial that will help you make dashboards and reports in Looker Studio like a pro. 

  • Open Looker Studio and select the account you want to use. Then, select Blank Report.
  • Looker Studio will ask you to choose one of its connectors from which you want to import data. For this example, we are going to use to export data from Hubspot. Before we get started with the connector, let’s configure the export from Hubspot to Looker Studio so that you can schedule exports and benefit from real-time data. 
  • Please log in to your account and add a new importer. Select Hubspot as a source and Looker Studio as the destination.
  • You will need to authorize’s access to Hubspot data. Select an account and offer permissions to to allow this export. 
Tutorial 5
  • Select the data entity you want to export from Hubspot. For this example, we selected “Contacts”. 
Tutorial 6
  • You can click finish and proceed if you don’t need to add date filters and other advanced filters. Next, you will need to set up the destination. 
  • Generate an access token if you did not do that earlier and copy it. Click the button to create a data source in Looker Studio and follow the instructions.
  • Authorize Looker Studio and’s connection. After this, you will be able to complete the connection between and Looker Studio. The data you’ve selected will be added to Looker Studio. 
Tutorial 7
  • After your analytics data is pulled from Hubspot it’s time to add some scorecards. Click on Insert and a dropdown menu will appear from which you can select the scorecard. 
tutorial step8
  • Once you have selected the scorecard and placed it on your dashboard, you just need to select the right metric. For this example, we used “ID”.
Tutorial 9
  • To make data easier to analyze, you will need to add some data visualization elements like graphs. Click on Insert once again and add the chart. 
  • We’ve added a pie chart. Now, select the metric you want to display. For this example, we selected “Job Function” to see the jobs of our contacts and make a comparison.  
tutorial 11
  • It’s time to make this dashboard your own. You can style it just the way you like. To do so, you will need to click on Theme & Layout and select what you like. 
tutorial 12

That’s it! Now you can add the scorecards, graphs, and charts you need to better showcase your data. Click on View to see your dashboard. Here’s how ours looks: 

tutorial final

Also, don’t forget to give a name to your report and add all of the branding elements necessary such as a logo. Personalize the dashboard and share it with stakeholders, managers, or co-workers. 

Should you use dashboard templates or create marketing reports in Looker Studio from scratch?

If you want to make sure that your marketing efforts are not in vain, then you should monitor and analyze the most relevant metrics for your marketing campaigns. There are hundreds of ready-to-use templates that you can choose from in Looker Studio. 

The templates that we included in the article focus on the most important metrics for each marketing strategy. However, if you need an in-depth report, then you might need to create a custom dashboard. Creating a Looker Studio dashboard from scratch can be a bit challenging. However, it allows you to have a tailored report where you can include any metric you need.