
How to Export Data from WordPress on a Schedule

How to Export Data from WordPress on a Schedule

Need to extract lots of WordPress data to analyze your website performance? In that case, it’s wise to steer clear of manual reporting. Instead, automate this process and set it on a schedule. Thankfully, you can do this even without any background in coding.

Keep reading to discover how you can automatically export data from WordPress with preferred regularity.

​​Methods to export data from WordPress

Let’s begin with a summary of all the export methods available to us:

Automated data exports without coding

If you’re looking to automate and schedule WordPress data export but have nothing to do with programming, a no-code connector might suit your needs., an all-in-one reporting automation platform, enables data imports into 10+ applications. Supported destinations include widely used business intelligence (BI) tools, spreadsheet apps, data warehousing software, and others.

With, you can collect, organize, and transform data automatically, so there’s no more need for copying and pasting. Not only does it save time, but it also reduces the chances of human error. Moreover, you can automate report updates and put them on schedule to meet your reporting and analytics requirements. As a result, you’ll get a consistent flow of the most recent data aligned with variable figures from WordPress.

API integration

If you’re open to coding-related options, you can use WordPress REST API to export data from WordPress. It’s a customizable and scalable method for moving any amount of data to any destination.

While API integration offers versatility, it also requires specialized skills. You’ll manage fine if you’re comfortable with coding or have someone to guide you. Otherwise, it might not be your thing.

Manual data exports

There’s also an alternative to third-party apps or API integration – it’s manual WordPress data export. Simply download natively generated reports in .xml format and upload them to the destination. Note that this method doesn’t support automation or scheduling options.

This choice is good if you make small reports once in a while – it won’t take much time or effort then. However, if you must import vast amounts of data, you’re going to spend a lot on repetitive manual actions. Plus, it will be challenging to ensure that data is accurate.

Next, we’ll explore’s automated data export, which, if we weigh the pros and cons, is the most efficient method available.

How to set up an automated export of data from WordPress on a schedule?

To automate and schedule WordPress data export with, follow the step-by-step guide below:

Step 1: Collect WordPress data

Get started with the form below. Here, we’ve preselected WordPress as the source. You need to choose the preferred destination from the dropdown list and click Proceed:

Now, sign up to for free (no credit card required). Then, authorize your WordPress account and adjust the source settings:

  • Specify the Report name, which is the actual data you’ll export. We’ve preselected Referrers, but you have 3 other options.
  • Select the period for which you’d like to extract data: day, week, month, or year.
  • Optionally, you can choose the start date of the period selected before and the maximum results per period.
1 source

Once you’ve set up the source, proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Organize and transform your data

Now, you must preview your dataset and transform it if needed. allows you to make the following data transformations:

  • Edit, rearrange, hide, or add columns.
  • Apply different filters and sort your data.
  • Create columns with custom formulas.
  • Merge data from multiple accounts or apps.
2 transform data

When you confirm that the data is correct, proceed and follow the in-app instructions to connect to the destination. Then, move to schedule automated report updates.

Step 3: Schedule your updates

First, turn on automatic data refresh. Next, choose how often you want your report to update and, optionally, the days of the week, time slot, and time zone. If you keep everything default, your report will be refreshed daily. But if you need to, then you can set it up to update more frequently, like hourly or even every 30 or 15 minutes, so you get the latest nearly real-time data.

3 data refreshes

Lastly, save and run the importer to deliver data to the destination.

Automate data export with

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What data can be exported by from WordPress? enables you to export 4 types of WordPress data. You’ll find them conveniently presented in a dropdown list when configuring the source settings. Below, we’ve provided a clear overview to help you navigate this selection of data entities.

Data typeDescription
SummaryCollect site performance details, including total views, unique visitors, and engagement metrics. This data snapshot can help you rate overall site health, identify trends, and evaluate audience interest over time. It is a foundational reference point for assessing the efficacy of content strategies and marketing initiatives.
Top postsExport data on the most popular content based on views, likes, and comments. If you understand which posts resonate most with your audience, then you’ll be able to target content optimization efforts. Analyze topics, formats, and engagement levels to refine future content creation strategies and maximize audience engagement and retention.
ReferrersAccess insights into traffic sources, including direct, organic, social, and referral. You can tailor marketing campaigns and optimize outreach efforts if you identify where visitors originate. Discover referral patterns to cultivate strategic partnerships, enhance SEO strategies, and capitalize on high-performing traffic channels.
Outbound clicksRetrieve data on links clicked by visitors leading outside your site. Tracking outbound clicks provides valuable findings into user behavior and interests beyond the platform. Analyze click-through rates, destination URLs, and conversion metrics to optimize external linking strategies and enhance user experience. Use this data to refine content recommendations, partnerships, and affiliate marketing initiatives.

What top WordPress metrics to track

As we already know what kinds of data you can export from WordPress, let’s see the top 5 metrics it includes:

  • Views signify the number of times your content has been accessed or viewed by visitors on your WordPress website. It reflects the popularity and reach of your posts and pages.
  • Visitors are individuals who have accessed your website within a specific timeframe. If you track this metric, you’ll be able to evaluate the volume of traffic your site receives and understand its fluctuations over time.
  • Subscribers refer to individuals who have opted to receive updates or notifications from your website, typically through email subscriptions or RSS feeds. Monitor subscriber numbers to assess the growth of your audience and the effectiveness of your content in retaining interest.
  • Likes indicate the level of approval or appreciation visitors have for your website content, such as blog posts or media uploads. They can help you identify the type of content that resonates most with your audience and tailor your future posts accordingly.
  • Comments represent the interactions and feedback provided by visitors on your website. They enable you to rate user engagement, identify areas of interest or concern, and foster meaningful conversations within your community.

Next up, let’s talk about apps where we can put this data to use.

What are the supported destinations to import WordPress data?

As a user, you’ll be able to export data from WordPress to a wide diversity of applications, including:

  • Spreadsheet apps: Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel – consider these destinations if you prefer simple and quick reporting.
  • Data warehousing software: BigQuery, PostgreSQL, and Redshift will meet your needs if you want to store, query, and perform complex analysis of data.
  • BI tools: Looker Studio, Power BI, Tableau, and Qlik – these are viable choices for visual analytics purposes.
  • JSON. You can save your data as a .json file to use in applications that support this format.
  • Project management. Load your data into to leverage it as a valuable asset in workflow improvement.

How to visualize data from WordPress

Visualization improves the clarity of data in analytics, so it leads to more precise conclusions and better-informed decisions.

Here, acts as a medium for importing data from the source to your preferred BI tool. It allows you to load data into Looker Studio, Power BI, Tableau, and Qlik.

You can send your data from WordPress into these applications by following the import process outlined earlier. Once it has been delivered to the destination, you can turn it into dynamic interactive dashboards for your specific needs. To expand your data visualization toolkit, look at our dashboard templates in Looker Studio, Google Sheets, Power BI, and Tableau.

Refresher: How to export WordPress data manually

Besides the automated imports we’ve learned about, let’s discover how to load WordPress data manually. It only takes a few simple steps:

  • Sign in to your WordPress account.
  • Hover the pointer over Tools in the left panel and choose Export from the list.
4 tools
  • Choose the type of data you’d like to export and click Download Export File.
5 choose what to export
  • Save the .xml file on your device.

However, remember it’s only a suitable option if you deal with small datasets and infrequent reporting.

In contrast, is a versatile method for importing WordPress data of any size. Just connect your account, and your data will be sent to the destination after a few minutes. Additionally, the automatic refresh feature ensures your report remains accurate by continuously updating it to match the source data.

Try out for free and see how it can help with your data!

Automate data export with

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