Papers by Mikhail Vlasov
Vlasov, M., Sychev, O., Toropchina, O. et al. The Effects of Problematic Internet Use and Emotional Connotation on Internet Slang Processing: Evidence from a Lexical Decision Task. J Psycholinguist Res 53, 39 (2024)., 2024
Young people use slang for identifying themselves with a particular social group, gaining social ... more Young people use slang for identifying themselves with a particular social group, gaining social recognition and respect from that group, and expressing their emotional state. One feature of Internet slang is its active use by youth in online communication, which, under certain conditions, may cause problematic Internet use (PIU). We conducted two studies in young Russian speakers (n1 = 115, n2 = 106). In study 1, participants were asked to rate a set of slang and common words using Self-Assessment Manikin. The study revealed that the most reliable predictor of higher emotional ratings was word familiarity. There were no significant effects of slang vs. common words or word frequency. In study 2, we used a dual lexical decision task to reveal the effects of word characteristics and propensity for PIU on reaction time (RT) for Internet slang words in pairs with semantically related vs. unrelated common words. Study 2 did not reveal any significant semantic priming effect. Word frequency was a significant predictor of lexical decision facilitation. Common, but not slang, word valence and dominance significantly affected RT in the opposite direction. Individuals with higher cognitive preoccupation with the Internet responded significantly faster, while those more likely to use online communication for mood regulation responded significantly slower to the stimuli. Apparently, on explicit and implicit levels, in-depth knowledge of Internet slang can be one the PIU markers. The results are discussed in line with Davis’ approach to determining the general pathological Internet use.
Власов М.С., Павлов В.И., Одончимэг Т. Влияние фактора нёбного сингармонизма на визуальное распознавание слов халха-монгольского языка: пилотажное исследование // Вестник Томского государственного университета. 2023. № 492. С. 16–22. doi: 10.17223/15617793/492/2, 2023
Проведено экспериментальное исследование влияния фактора нёбного сингармонизма на скорость распоз... more Проведено экспериментальное исследование влияния фактора нёбного сингармонизма на скорость распознавания слов халха-монгольского языка в задаче лексического решения. Помимо эффекта частотности слова в качестве значимого фиксированного эффекта, определяющего скорость распознавания лексических единиц, выявлен фактор нёбного сингармонизма: «женские слова» (с палатальной гармонией гласных) распознавались значимо быстрее, чем «мужские слова» в среднем на 203 мс. Ключевые слова: нёбный сингармонизм, халха-монгольский язык, визуальное распознавание слов, задача лексического решения.
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 12(10), 1954–1964, 2019
In experimental psycholinguistics, one clue into the architecture of lexical memory comes from th... more In experimental psycholinguistics, one clue into the architecture of lexical memory comes from the presence of robust frequency effects in lexical decision task (LDT), in which subjects judge whether a written stimulus is a real word or a nonword, and processing complexity is measured by reaction time (RT). For example, in LDT the visual word recognition process is facilitated (or inhibited) by word frequency as measured from the representative corpus. Our study verifies the word frequency effect in standard ("yes/no task") LDT performed by Khalkha Mongolian subjects. The results showed strong weight of word frequency as RTs predictor (R2 = .631, F (1, 28) = 50.57, p < .000, β = .802, t = 7.111, p < .000). Our experimental results also correspond to experimental findings on word frequency effects for Japanese Katakana (syllabic) and Kanji (logographic) words in standard LDT. Such lexical decision “script moderation” could be the actual clue for further LDT experiments (e. g., relatively “deep” Mongolian script vs. "shallow” Cyrillic Mongolian).
Вестник Томского государственного университета. Филология. 2021. № 74. С. 5-27, 2021
Предлагается комплексная диагностика проблемного использования интернета с применением опросного ... more Предлагается комплексная диагностика проблемного использования интернета с применением опросного и экспериментального метода психолингвистики. На выборке русскоязычных школьников и студентов (n = 106) в возрасте от 12 до 22 лет было установлено, что значимыми предикторами времени реакции на жаргонизмы, бытующие в интернет-среде, являются когнитивная поглощенность подростков с размером эффекта-0,21 SD и регуляция настроения с размером эффекта 0,14 SD. Средняя частотность пар слов-стимулов имеет значительный эффект на сокращение времени реакции (-0,18 SD).
Semantic and Associative Factors in Lexical Processing of Polysemous Bionyms in Russian: Evidence from an Eye-Tracking Study in the Visual World Paradigm, 2021
Представлены результаты экспериментального исследования когнитивной обработки многозначных бионим... more Представлены результаты экспериментального исследования когнитивной обработки многозначных бионимов русского языка с использованием метода айтрекинга и парадигмы «Визуальный мир». Установлено, что изначально при восприятии разных референтов многозначных слов наиболее активированными становятся денотаты, отражающие прямое значение, а затем данная активация «угасает». Ассоциативные связи играют в этом процессе значимую роль, вступая во взаимодействие с другими процессами извлечения значений слов из памяти.
Исследовалось влияние эффекта просодической границы на параметры движений глаз при чтении именных... more Исследовалось влияние эффекта просодической границы на параметры движений глаз при чтении именных групп в предложениях с синтаксической неоднозначностью на втором английском языке. Установлено, что общее время чтения потенциальных вершин придаточной клаузы значимо меньше при наличии такой границы. На ранних этапах анализа активируется первая именная группа, так как увеличивается время первого прохода. Это подтверждает приоритет раннего закрытия на ранних этапах анализа, однако на поздних этапах, при интерпретации предложений, испытуемые не продемонстрировали какого-либо предпочтения в присоединении придаточной клаузы. Ключевые слова: глобальная синтаксическая неоднозначность; определительное придаточное; просодическая граница; пунктуация; чтение; движения глаз; английский язык как второй.
The aim of the study is to compare behavioral and EEG reactions in Turkic-speaking inhabitants of... more The aim of the study is to compare behavioral and EEG reactions in Turkic-speaking inhabitants of Siberia (Tuvinians and Yakuts) and Russians during the recognition of syntax errors in native and foreign languages. Sixty-three healthy aboriginals of the Tyva Republic, 29 inhabitants of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, and 55 Russians from Novosibirsk participated in the study. EEG were recorded during execution of error-recognition task in Russian and English language (in all participants) and in native languages (Tuvinian or Yakut Turkic-speaking inhabitants). Reaction time (RT) and quality of task execution were chosen as behavioral measures. Amplitude and cortical distribution of P300 and P600 peaks of ERP were used as a measure of speech-related brain activity. In Tuvinians, there were no differences in the P300 and P600 amplitudes as well as in cortical topology for Russian and Tuvinian languages, but there was a difference for English. In Yakuts, the P300 and P600 amplitudes and topology of ERP for Russian language were the same as Russians had for native language. In Yakuts, brain reactions during Yakut and English language comprehension had no difference, while the Russian language comprehension was differed from both Yakut and English. We found out that the Tuvinians recognized both Russian and Tuvinian as native languages, and English as a foreign language. The Yakuts recognized both English and Yakut as foreign languages, but Russian as a native language. According to the inquirer, both Tuvinians and Yakuts use the national language as a spoken language, whereas they do not use it for writing. It can well be a reason that Yakuts perceive the Yakut writing language as a foreign language while writing Russian as their native.
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya – Tomsk State University Journal of Philology, 2018
A great number of modern behavioral studies postulate the idea that the emotional content of verb... more A great number of modern behavioral studies postulate the idea that the emotional content of verbal stimuli affects the speed of visual word recognition in different cognitive tasks, but emotional factors (e.g., emotional valence) are still not verified in current models of word recognition. Several studies were conducted on the material of English, but there is lack of experimental studies on the material of other languages.
The present study aimed to reveal a word’s emotional valence effect in automatic lexical processing using Russian lexical database ENRuN generated by D.V. Lyusin and T.A. Sysoeva. Two lexical decision tasks were conducted in 92 Russian speakers (N=44 in yes/no LDT; N=48 in go/no-go LDT). The experimental blocks were equal in two studies and comprised 120 Russian emotional nouns retrieved from the ENRuN database that were either positive (N=40), negative (N=40) or neutral (N=40), and 120 non-words.
Using mixed-effects models a significant effect of a word’s emotional valence was obtained: positive words were processed much faster than negative and neutral ones and negative words were processed much slower than positive and negative ones. This result could be interpreted in terms of attentional vigilance: heightened and/or extended attention to negative stimuli which would slow any decision (such as lexical decisions) on other aspects of the stimuli. The slight effects of emotional valence × word frequency and emotional valence × subjects’ affectivity were also obtained. Positive emotional valence had stronger effect on low-frequency words than on high-frequency words. Subjects with positive affectivity had slower responses to positive words than subjects with negative affectivity. These results are close to the study conducted by V. Kuperman, Z. Estes, M. Brysbaert and A.B. Warriner on the material of English words, and give some empirical evidence from affective word processing in language other than English. Further behavioral studies of emotional valence effects could be aimed at verification of emotional valence × word frequency effects as well as other non-emotional effects in visual word recognition (e.g., age-of-acquisition, number of orthographic neighbors).
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya, 2015
РАЗРЕШЕНИЕ ГЛОБАЛЬНОЙ СИНТАКСИЧЕСКОЙ НЕОДНОЗНАЧНОСТИ ДВУЯЗЫЧНЫМИ ИСПЫТУЕМЫМИ В УСЛОВИЯХ ПСИХОЛИНГ... more РАЗРЕШЕНИЕ ГЛОБАЛЬНОЙ СИНТАКСИЧЕСКОЙ НЕОДНОЗНАЧНОСТИ ДВУЯЗЫЧНЫМИ ИСПЫТУЕМЫМИ В УСЛОВИЯХ ПСИХОЛИНГВИСТИЧЕСКОГО ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТА 1 В статье представлен краткий обзор проблем синтаксической дизамбигуации на материале русского и английского языков. Представлены результаты психолингвистического эксперимента, в ходе которого были получены поведенческие реакции двуязычных (русско-и англоязычных) носителей при разрешении синтаксической неоднозначности предложений на русском и английском языках. В качестве материала использовались сложноподчиненные предложения с определительными придаточными и тремя его возможными вершинами и отвлекающие однозначные предложения. В результате сравнения поведенческих реакций выявлены достоверные различия в скорости реакции на однозначные и неоднозначные предложения, которые в значительной степени были связаны с уровнем владения испытуемыми неродным языком. Ключевые слова: синтаксическая неоднозначность, дизамбигуация, психолингвистический эксперимент, русский язык, английский язык.
Review of European Studies, 2015
The Russian language is notorious among English speakers for its grammatical complexity. In parti... more The Russian language is notorious among English speakers for its grammatical complexity. In particular, the acquisition and usage of punctuation rules of Russian as a foreign language, as well as for native speakers, presents considerable difficulty.
Do punctuation marks facilitate sentence readability? The tasks consisting of sentences with synt... more Do punctuation marks facilitate sentence readability? The tasks consisting of sentences with syntactic ambiguity are suitable for experimental studies. In such studies the subjects deal with a specific pragmatic problem of relative clause (RC) attachment with complex noun phrase (NP) and choose early (N1 modification) or late (N2 modification) closure of ambiguous constructions in Russian. Our experiment showed that the presence or absence of a comma on a RC boundary had different effects on individual interpretation strategies of a certain sentence as well as speech tempo in reading. The experiment showed that the role of the punctuation factor in reading sentences in Russian with late closure prime was negligible. Null prime generally facilitated early closure preference, but there were no significant differences in tempo pronouncing of sentence segments. In addition, there was no correspondence between a pause and a comma on a RC boundary. Comma absence in the sentence with early closure prime caused tempo slowing in pronouncing N1 and reducing preferences of early closure from 100% to 80%. The experiment revealed gender differences in tempo pronouncing of N1 depending on the punctuation factor: females tend to read N1 slower than males. This effect becomes stronger when a comma precedes a RC.
The Russian language is notorious among English speakers for its grammatical complexity. In parti... more The Russian language is notorious among English speakers for its grammatical complexity. In particular, the
acquisition and usage of punctuation rules of Russian as a foreign language, as well as for native speakers, presents
considerable difficulty.
One reason for this problem is the existence of substandard uses of punctuation that deviate from standard
punctuation rules to convey particular communicative nuances. Some punctuation patterns in Russian are not
dictated by syntactic context; but instead vary according to the author`s choice of communicative style. Guidelines
for such usage are not provided in the majority of Russian textbooks and guides on orthography. General
information about such deviations can be found, for example, in the guide "Orthography and Punctuation" [Valgina
& Svetlysheva, 1993]; however, substandard use of punctuation marks in the Russian written language remains
poorly described. This presents a problem for students trying to master Russian punctuation, especially for
nonnative speakers.
This paper focuses on the essence of substandard use of punctuation marks (substandard punctuating),
in particular the use of contextually conditioned marks. I explain such punctuation by using a communicative
approach to Russian punctuation. This paper analyzes examples of sentences with identical wording but different
punctuation strategies. The examples are taken from textbooks, guides and monographs on modern Russian
Conference Presentations by Mikhail Vlasov
Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing, 2019
The current models of word recognition incorporate a broad range of lexical factors such as word ... more The current models of word recognition incorporate a broad range of lexical factors such as word frequency (Brysbaert & New, 2009) and contextual diversity (Adelman, Brown & Quesada, 2006), but emotional factors are still less studied. Regarding English language, Kuperman, Estes, Brysbaert, and Warriner (2014) showed that valence effect explained more than 2% of the variance in lexical decision latencies. To a certain extent, incorporating emotional factors improves the performance of models of word recognition (Kuperman et al., 2014). In our study, we tested whether emotional effects are equal in two experimental paradigms of lexical decision task (yes/no and go/no-go LDTs) and in a language other than English. The study presents linear mixed effects (LME) models for reaction times (RTs) to Russian nouns with different emotional valences extracted from ENRuN database (Lyusin & Sysoyeva, 2016). Results. Two visual lexical decision tasks (LDTs) in yes/no and go/no-go paradigms showed that positive Russian nouns were most quickly recognized and negative nouns were responded in the slowest way. The proportion of RT variance explained by fixed factors (valence and word frequency) turned out to be low but, howbeit, more than in similar studies in English. Only go/no-go LDT revealed the valence effect: faster responses to positive nouns in comparison with negative nouns were more typical for low-frequent items. Regarding random effects, in yes/no LDT, “slow” subjects are more biased to speed up their responses to high-frequent words, while “fast” subjects have no similar effect or the opposite effect is occurred. Also, the subjects, biased to respond slower to neutral words, give faster responses to positive words and vice versa. In go/no go LDT, the only significant difference was the fact that in this study there was no correlation between the effects of positive and neutral valence. AMLaP 2019 web-site:
Thesis Chapters by Mikhail Vlasov
Papers by Mikhail Vlasov
The present study aimed to reveal a word’s emotional valence effect in automatic lexical processing using Russian lexical database ENRuN generated by D.V. Lyusin and T.A. Sysoeva. Two lexical decision tasks were conducted in 92 Russian speakers (N=44 in yes/no LDT; N=48 in go/no-go LDT). The experimental blocks were equal in two studies and comprised 120 Russian emotional nouns retrieved from the ENRuN database that were either positive (N=40), negative (N=40) or neutral (N=40), and 120 non-words.
Using mixed-effects models a significant effect of a word’s emotional valence was obtained: positive words were processed much faster than negative and neutral ones and negative words were processed much slower than positive and negative ones. This result could be interpreted in terms of attentional vigilance: heightened and/or extended attention to negative stimuli which would slow any decision (such as lexical decisions) on other aspects of the stimuli. The slight effects of emotional valence × word frequency and emotional valence × subjects’ affectivity were also obtained. Positive emotional valence had stronger effect on low-frequency words than on high-frequency words. Subjects with positive affectivity had slower responses to positive words than subjects with negative affectivity. These results are close to the study conducted by V. Kuperman, Z. Estes, M. Brysbaert and A.B. Warriner on the material of English words, and give some empirical evidence from affective word processing in language other than English. Further behavioral studies of emotional valence effects could be aimed at verification of emotional valence × word frequency effects as well as other non-emotional effects in visual word recognition (e.g., age-of-acquisition, number of orthographic neighbors).
acquisition and usage of punctuation rules of Russian as a foreign language, as well as for native speakers, presents
considerable difficulty.
One reason for this problem is the existence of substandard uses of punctuation that deviate from standard
punctuation rules to convey particular communicative nuances. Some punctuation patterns in Russian are not
dictated by syntactic context; but instead vary according to the author`s choice of communicative style. Guidelines
for such usage are not provided in the majority of Russian textbooks and guides on orthography. General
information about such deviations can be found, for example, in the guide "Orthography and Punctuation" [Valgina
& Svetlysheva, 1993]; however, substandard use of punctuation marks in the Russian written language remains
poorly described. This presents a problem for students trying to master Russian punctuation, especially for
nonnative speakers.
This paper focuses on the essence of substandard use of punctuation marks (substandard punctuating),
in particular the use of contextually conditioned marks. I explain such punctuation by using a communicative
approach to Russian punctuation. This paper analyzes examples of sentences with identical wording but different
punctuation strategies. The examples are taken from textbooks, guides and monographs on modern Russian
Conference Presentations by Mikhail Vlasov
Thesis Chapters by Mikhail Vlasov
The present study aimed to reveal a word’s emotional valence effect in automatic lexical processing using Russian lexical database ENRuN generated by D.V. Lyusin and T.A. Sysoeva. Two lexical decision tasks were conducted in 92 Russian speakers (N=44 in yes/no LDT; N=48 in go/no-go LDT). The experimental blocks were equal in two studies and comprised 120 Russian emotional nouns retrieved from the ENRuN database that were either positive (N=40), negative (N=40) or neutral (N=40), and 120 non-words.
Using mixed-effects models a significant effect of a word’s emotional valence was obtained: positive words were processed much faster than negative and neutral ones and negative words were processed much slower than positive and negative ones. This result could be interpreted in terms of attentional vigilance: heightened and/or extended attention to negative stimuli which would slow any decision (such as lexical decisions) on other aspects of the stimuli. The slight effects of emotional valence × word frequency and emotional valence × subjects’ affectivity were also obtained. Positive emotional valence had stronger effect on low-frequency words than on high-frequency words. Subjects with positive affectivity had slower responses to positive words than subjects with negative affectivity. These results are close to the study conducted by V. Kuperman, Z. Estes, M. Brysbaert and A.B. Warriner on the material of English words, and give some empirical evidence from affective word processing in language other than English. Further behavioral studies of emotional valence effects could be aimed at verification of emotional valence × word frequency effects as well as other non-emotional effects in visual word recognition (e.g., age-of-acquisition, number of orthographic neighbors).
acquisition and usage of punctuation rules of Russian as a foreign language, as well as for native speakers, presents
considerable difficulty.
One reason for this problem is the existence of substandard uses of punctuation that deviate from standard
punctuation rules to convey particular communicative nuances. Some punctuation patterns in Russian are not
dictated by syntactic context; but instead vary according to the author`s choice of communicative style. Guidelines
for such usage are not provided in the majority of Russian textbooks and guides on orthography. General
information about such deviations can be found, for example, in the guide "Orthography and Punctuation" [Valgina
& Svetlysheva, 1993]; however, substandard use of punctuation marks in the Russian written language remains
poorly described. This presents a problem for students trying to master Russian punctuation, especially for
nonnative speakers.
This paper focuses on the essence of substandard use of punctuation marks (substandard punctuating),
in particular the use of contextually conditioned marks. I explain such punctuation by using a communicative
approach to Russian punctuation. This paper analyzes examples of sentences with identical wording but different
punctuation strategies. The examples are taken from textbooks, guides and monographs on modern Russian