
Connect WooCommerce to Airtable with Uncanny Automator skip to Main Content

Connect WooCommerce to Airtable with Uncanny Automator

Create a seamless WooCommerce to Airtable integration with Uncanny Automator in just a few clicks—and even fewer minutes. Better yet, enjoy no per-automation fees!


Are you looking for a way to connect WooCommerce to Airtable? Maybe you want to track your Woo sales in an Airtable database. Or, perhaps, you’d like real-time updates on your Woo inventory.

Regardless of the reason, you’ve landed on the right page!

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to create a seamless WooCommerce to Airtable integration using Uncanny Automator. It’s a simple integration that will only take a few clicks—and even fewer minutes. That’s not even the best part.

When you create integrations with Uncanny Automator, you can say goodbye to per-automation fees!

So, without further ado, let’s get started.


This article is a start-to-finish guide for connecting WooCommerce to Airtable. If you’ve ever wanted to create this powerful integration, then keep reading.

By the end of this walkthrough, you’ll be able to:

  • track your Woo sales in Airtable,
  • track your Woo inventory in Airtable,
  • automatically update Airtable records with changes from your Woo store,
  • send automated notifications from your Woo store, and
  • integrate Woo and Airtable with 175 more integrations!

Connecting your WooCommerce store to Airtable is a time and cost saving solution for all of your data entry, inventory management and sales tracking needs. But before we can get to the “how” of it all, let’s first take a look at “what” we’ll need to get the job done.


WooCommerce is the #1 ecommerce platform for WordPress websites. As a highly-customizable digital storefront, you can sell just about anything with WooCommerce. Whether it’s geo-restricted online courses and ebooks or priceless merchandise that you ship all over the world, WooCommerce is the best platform to power your business.


Choose from countless templates, addons and integrations to improve your users’ experiences and reduce your workload. If you haven’t already, get started with WooCommerce today and give your online business that “Woo” factor.>>>


Airtable is a cloud-based collaborative relational database management system (RDBMS) service. In other words, it’s a powerful database that allows you and your team to store your data, your way.


Far more than just a simple spreadsheet, Airtable has all types of fields, ranging from images to formulas, so that you can save all kinds of information. More importantly, as a database, Airtable allows you to create relationships between different kinds of information and organize and view it however you’d like.

One of the biggest advantages of Airtable is that it is collaborative, meaning that the whole team can gain access to the data they need in one centralized location. So, what are you waiting for?

Register for your FREE Airtable account now and get organized.>>>

Uncanny Automator

Whenever you find yourself asking, “How do I connect this app or plugin to the other one?” just think of Uncanny Automator! As the #1 automation and integration plugin for WordPress websites, Automator is your one-stop solution for saving time and reducing costs.


Using simple combinations of triggers and actions, Automator integrates all of your favorite apps and plugins—such as Woo and Airtable! The best part about working with Automator, is that the more you automate, the more you save!

Unlike other integration tools out there, Automator doesn’t charge any per-automation fees. Grab your Automator Pro license now so you can follow along and capitalize on the tasty time-and-cost savings that come with the #1 integration tool on WordPress.>>>

Track WooCommerce Sales in Airtable

Automator connects your favorite apps and plugins, such as WooCommerce and Airtable, using recipes (i.e., combinations triggers and actions).


In the recipe pictured above, for example, we’re able to track our Woo sales in Airtable automatically and in real-time. And, thanks to Automator’s tokens (i.e., dynamic data from your WordPress website and from within recipes) we can keep track of just about any kind of sales data we want.

Here’s how we did it!

Step 1: Create a New Recipe

From your WordPress Admin Dashboard, navigate to Automator > Add new recipe. In the pop-up window that appears, select Logged-in users.

automator recipe type logged in users

(Note: We’ve selected this recipe type because we have configured our WooCommerce settings to require registration/login at checkout. If you allow logged-out or unregistered users to purchase from your WooCommerce store and you still want to gather all sales data, select Everyone.)

Step 2: Name Your Recipe

We’re pretty sure that you’re about to fall in love with making Automator recipes—especially because the more you make, the more you save! As such, we recommend coming up with a naming convention that makes your recipes easy to recognize at a glance.

For example, we’ve named this recipe “Connect WooCommerce to Airtable: Sales” based on the integrations involved and the purpose of the recipe.

Step 3: Configure Your Trigger(s)

In the Trigger panel, from the menu of available integrations, select WooCommerce.


From the drop-down list that appears, select The user completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a product.


Automator will then prompt you to select the Trigger condition and Product. In our example, we have selected “completes” and “Any product” but you can choose the options that best suit your own workflows. When you’re finished, click Save.

Your completed trigger should look something like this:


Step 4: Configure Your Action(s) and Airtable Automation

(In this step, we’ll be configuring an Airtable Automation. We will walk you through creating the necessary Airtable Automation to connect your WooCommerce store, however if you would like to know more about this Airtable feature, click here.)

In the Actions panel, click Add action and select Airtable from the menu of available integrations.


From the drop-down list that appears, select Send data to Airtable webhook.


Automator will present you with a webhook form. The first field in that form is the URL to which Automator will send the data. This is, of course, your Airtable database.

From your Airtable account, open the table where you would like to store your WooCommerce sales. For us, that is our WooCommerce Sales > All Sales table.


In the top menu bar, click on Automations. Airtable will take you to the Automations screen. Once there, click Add trigger and select When webhook received from the drop-down list.


In the Properties panel, on the right-hand side, Copy the webhook URL.


With the URL still attached to your clipboard, return to the recipe editor and Paste it into the URL field.

Now, scroll down to the Body section of the webhook form. This is where you’re going to select the WooCommerce sales data that you want to pass along to Airtable.

We want to store the “Order ID”, “Customer First Name”, “Customer Last Name”, “Order Product(s)”, “Order Date” and “Order Time”. To create these fields, we simply click Add pair then use Automator tokens to populate the data dynamically.


As you can see in the GIF above, you can select a token by clicking on the Asterisk in the Value field. Then simply search for the token that you would like to use to populate that field. We also recommend naming the keys the same as the column headings in Airtable, using no capital letters and replacing spaces with underscores. For example, “Customer First Name” would become “customer_first_name”.

Continue adding key/value pairs until you have selected all of the WooCommerce data that you want to send to Airtable.


When you’re finished, first click Send test at the bottom of the webhook form then click Test trigger in the Properties panel of your Airtable Automation.

Once the test is complete, the Airtable Properties panel will show you the results of the test. You will need these test results to populate the Airtable records.


In the Automations panel, click Add advanced logic or action then select Create record from the drop-down list.


In the Properties panel, select the Table and Fields you want to sync with your WooCommerce store. (Note: some of the fields that you add, depending on their data type, may be set to “Static” instead of “Dynamic”. To change “Static” fields to “Dynamic”, simply click the Gear icon and select “Dynamic”).


Similar to using tokens to populate Value fields in Automator, we’re going to use the data from our test to populate the fields of our Airtable Automation. To select the relevant data, click on the Plus in each field and select the corresponding value from the webhook.


(Note: This is why we recommended using the column headings from Airtable as keys for webhook data.)

Step 5: Connect WooCommerce to Airtable!

When you’re finished configuring your fields, click Generate a preview. If the preview is successful, toggle the Automation to “On”. (If the test is not successful, try changing all of the field types to one of either “Single line text” or “Number”.)

Similarly, after a successful test, return to the recipe editor and click Save then toggle the recipe from Draft to Live.


Now, whenever one of our customers places an order in our WooCommerce store, we can capture the data in Airtable!


Now that you can track your sales in real-time, let’s look at how you can automate your other sales-related workflows.

Sync WooCommerce Inventory to Airtable

Keeping track of your sales data in Airtable will certainly help you stay on top of your KPIs. But with items flying off the shelves, you’ll need a way to keep track of your inventory.


With the recipe pictured above, we’re able to update our Airtable records every time one of our customers makes a purchase in our Woo store. Here’s how we did it.

Step 1: Create a New Recipe

From your WordPress Admin Dashboard, navigate to Automator > Add new recipe. In the pop-up window that appears, select Logged-in users.

Step 2: Name Your Recipe

We’ve named this recipe “Connect WooCommerce to Airtable: Inventory”.

Step 3: Configure Your Trigger(s)

In the Trigger panel, from the menu of available integrations, select WooCommerce. From the drop-down list that appears, select The user completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a product.

Just as before, Automator will prompt you to select the Trigger condition and Product. In our example, we have selected “completes” and our “University Sweater” product.

(Note: It is possible to have a single recipe to track the inventory of multiple products. However, this would require using multiple action conditions in Automator as well as several actions in Airtable. It is best to create separate recipes to track the inventory of your various products.)

When you’re finished, click Save.

Step 4: Configure Your Action(s)

In the Actions panel, click Add action and select Airtable from the menu of available integrations. From the drop-down list that appears, select Send data to Airtable webhook.

Return to your Airtable account and locate the table where you are storing your WooCommerce inventory data. (Note: This table can contain any information you want.

However, we recommend including a formula field that returns the record ID as you will need this information to update values, i.e., inventory, in the Airtable Automation. If you would like to know more about Airtable Record IDs and how to find them, click here.)


In the top menu bar, click on Automations. In the Automations screen, click Add trigger and select When webhook received from the drop-down list.

In the Properties panel, on the right-hand side, Copy the webhook URL and Paste it into the URL field of the recipe editor in WordPress.

Just as before, we’re going to add the key/value pairs for the data that we want to pass along to Airtable, so, in the Body field of the form, click Add pair.

WooCommerce stores inventory data for products under the meta key “_stock”. Automator can retrieve this data using tokens.

In the Value field, click on the Asterisk and select Advanced > Post meta. Automator will prompt you to select the Post ID; use the Product ID token for this field. Enter “_stock” in the Meta key field and click Add token.


When you’re finished, click Send test. Return to Airtable and click Test trigger. Once the test is complete, add the action Update record.


In the Properties panel, Airtable will prompt you to enter the Record ID. (If you have included the Record ID formula field in your table, simply paste that string into the Properties panel.)

Using the data fields from the test results, select the key that corresponds to the “_stock” value from the Automator recipe.


Step 5: Sync Your Inventory!

When you’re finished configuring your fields, click Generate a preview. If the preview is successful, toggle the Automation to “On”.


Similarly, after a successful test, return to the recipe editor and click Save then toggle the recipe from Draft to Live.


Now that you’ve created these two recipes to track WooCommerce sales and inventory in Airtable, we’re confident that you’re ready to tackle some recipes of your own.

More Ways to Connect Airtable to WooCommerce

As you’ve discovered, creating a seamless WooCommerce to Airtable integration is easy with Automator. So, why not explore some of Automator’s more advanced features to enhance your integration?


In the recipe pictured above, we added a second action to our inventory tracking recipe along with a filter. Now, if the product’s inventory reaches a certain threshold, we can automatically send our team or stock manager a notification in Slack!

You can also use Automator to keep track of changes to your products’ prices, featured images and more!


Really, with 175 more integrations, the sky’s the limit!


In this blog post, we showed you how to create a simple and seamless Woo to Airtable integration. As promised, you can now:

  • track your WooCommerce sales in Airtable,
  • track your WooCommerce inventory in Airtable,
  • automatically update Airtable records with changes in your WooCommerce store, such as price changes, and
  • send automated notifications from your WooCommerce store to more apps such as Slack.

We’re confident that you’re ready to start creating some amazing WooCommerce to Airtable integrations of your own. We can’t wait to hear about the cool connections you make so drop us a line in the comments section below!

Until next time, happy automating!

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Brendan Da Costa
Brendan Da Costa is a WordPress content writer with a Shakespearean-level gift of gab (his words, not ours). He left a successful career in economics to pursue his passion for writing and discovered the wonderful world of WordPress while building his own website to showcase his work. As a self-taught enthusiast who spends more time tinkering with plugins and themes than he would care to admit, Brendan writes equally for WordPress beginners and veteran developers alike. With his unique blend of expertise and creativity, he continues to elevate the digital landscape one WordPress article at a time.

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