
Botiga Changelog - aThemes

Botiga Changelog

September 19, 2024

Version 2.2.8

  • ChangedBotiga Carousel JS: Improved the code to don't return console errors when not using the Botiga mini-cart.
  • FixedCSS: Button HTML tags are not styled by the theme options.
September 2, 2024

Version 2.2.7

  • FixedCustomizer: Taking too much to load since WooCommerce 9.2.0+.
August 24, 2024

Version 2.2.6

  • FixedQuick View: Issue with big images overtaking the modal container.
  • FixedCart: Border is not consistent.
  • FixedCustomizer: Tabs control over multiple color control tooltips.
  • FixedShop Archive Categories: The category description is disappearing when pagination is active.
  • FixedMerchant Integration: Stock Scarcity module being displayed twice in the customizer single product elements sorting.
July 18, 2024

Version 2.2.5

  • AddedSupport to 'appearance-tools' (more block editor controls).
  • FixedStrong and bold tags: The bold style is not being applied in some browsers and OS's.
  • FixedSearch Page: PhotoSwiper buttons appearing in the bottom of the page when there's no results in the search.
  • FixedNotices being hide in the Appearance > Themes page.
  • FixedProduct Categories Block/Widget: PHP error when option to display only children categories is enabled.
May 23, 2024

Version 2.2.4

  • AddedHeader: New control for header mobile breakpoint.
  • ChangedReal Time Search - Search by SKU: Ensure the SKU match is the first in the results list.
  • FixedReal Time Search: Hidden products are displayed in the results.
  • FixedSome customizer styling options are not being applied to the default Woo Cart & Checkout blocks.
April 24, 2024

Version 2.2.3

  • Changed Improved menu dropdowns user experience (added hover delay).
  • Fixed Merchant integration: Customizer in some rare cases is breaking.
March 22, 2024

Version 2.2.2

  • AddedHeader Builder WooCommerce Icons Component: New option to control spacing between the icons.
  • AddedNew option do display review rating count on product archive.
  • AddedNew customizer option to disable the single product lightbox.
  • ChangedRegenerate the custom CSS file when a module is activated/deactivated.
  • ChangedDo not disable Merchant modules that are related to Botiga Pro when Botiga Pro is deactivated.
  • ChangedSingle Product: Preload main product gallery image.
  • ChangedCart: Display how many products are in stock before backorder.
  • FixedQuantity input displaying messed when product is variable and set to 'has-only-one-instock'.
  • FixedSale Tag: Transparent background color isn't working.
  • FixedBotiga sticky header logo doesn’t work with big images.
March 4, 2024

Version 2.2.1

  • AddedMerchant Compatibility: Single product modules from Merchant are now sortable via Botiga customizer options.
  • AddedQuick View: Better compatibility with Merchant plugin.
  • FixedSticky Header: Hiding coupon notices after the scrolling.
  • FixedLighthouse: Error regarding improve scrolling performance with passive listeners.
  • FixedRTL: Product title column not aligned to right in the cart page.
  • FixedRTL: Menu dropdowns rendering wrong.
  • FixedReal Time Ajax Search: 'See all products' not working with all permalink structures.
  • FixedSingle Product Hide Breadcrumb Product Title: Categories are not rendering with link.
February 9, 2024

Version 2.2.0

  • AddedShop Category List Widget: The active category is now highlighted.
  • FixedElementor Pro Theme Builder: The Elementor Pro widgets weren't rendering correctly.
  • FixedSKU Search: Search main query wasn't working correctly when the option was enabled.
January 25, 2024

Version 2.1.9

  • FixedSingle Blog Posts: Font size customizer control not working.
  • FixedSome header builder components are breaking the layout when WooCommerce plugin is deactivated.
  • FixedBlog Posts: There’s a margin-top causing layout inconcistency.
  • Fixedh1 tag it's not following customize color options.
  • FixedSorting select is not following font-family defined from customizer.
  • FixedSingle Product Ajax Add To cart: Quantity accepting empty values.
November 27, 2023

Version 2.1.8

  • FixedPayment Options: BACS isn't styled in the order thank you page.
  • FixedQuantity input: Lighthouse error - Links do not have a discernible name.
  • FixedSearch By Sku: Returning duplicated values in some cases.
November 18, 2023

Version 2.1.7

  • AddedCustomizer cart and checkout options instructions regarding WooCommerce 8.3 new cart and checkout blocks.
November 1, 2023

Version 2.1.6

  • FixedDisplay Conditions: Conditions with user input like product and category name are not working.
October 18, 2023

Version 2.1.5

  • ChangedBotiga modules will take precedence over Merchant modules (when enabled).
  • FixedBlog Page: Displaying the 'Archive' title along with 'Blog'.
October 9, 2023

Version 2.1.4

  • AddedReal Time Ajax Search: New option to add 'See all products' button on search results.
  • ChangedReal Time Ajax Search: Include variations in the results when 'include SKU' is enabled.
  • ChangedUpdate Twitter icons to X.
  • FixedCustomizer Typography: Google fonts json file isn't loading in some servers.
  • FixedMini-cart (on header) not updating when quantity increased from cart page.
September 16, 2023

Version 2.1.3

  • FixedAdd To Cart Button Layout 3: Layout is broken when quick view is disabled.
  • FixedMenus: Some color options from customizer are not applying.
  • FixedSticky Header Logo: Sticky logo is not showing when using with header builder.
September 13, 2023

Version 2.1.2

  • AddedCustom dynamic CSS: Fallback to render the css as internal style if the CSS file is not present in the uploads folder.
  • ChangedCustom dynamic CSS: Use CSS variables to control the values (+ performance).
  • ChangedRemoved unused modules JS code from main theme JS file (+ performance).
  • FixedCustom dynamic CSS: Empty css values.
  • FixedWC blocks: Add to cart missaligned after adding to cart.
  • FixedSingle Product Gallery: Thumbnails rendering wrong when thumbs slider option is disabled.
July 2, 2023

Version 2.1.1

  • ChangedSingle Product Sale Badge: HTML rendering position.
  • FixedSingle Product + Ajax Search: The arrows from single product gallery are over the ajax search content.
  • FixedWC Blocks: Wrong alignment for add to cart button layout 4.
  • FixedTheme Dashboard License: 'key' icon breaking layout in some OS's.
June 7, 2023

Version 2.1.0

  • AddedNew 'Theme Dashboard' design.
  • ChangedBetter customizer workflow in some sections.
April 27, 2023

Version 2.0.8

  • AddedNew option to 'Hide Page Title' in the Blog Archives customizer settings.
  • ChangedRemoved Botiga metabox from the page that's defined as the 'Blog' page.
  • ChangedImprovement to headings SEO outline structure from single product related products.
  • FixedSingle Product Gallery: Some layouts with no pagination in the thumbnails.
April 12, 2023

Version 2.0.7

  • AddedNew product card button width option (auto or full-width).
  • AddedSingle Product: New option to hide title on breadcrumbs.
  • ChangedCross Sell Carousel: Allow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 columns in the JS code.
  • ChangedImprovements to admin block editor layout appearance to be more close to frontend layout.
  • ChangedWCAG improvements.
  • ChangedAutomatic focus on the search input when you click on the search icon.
  • FixedCustomizer Adobe Typekit Control: PHP Notice.
  • FixedGlobal styles (customizer) are overriding the block level styles.
March 28, 2023

Version 2.0.6

  • AddedNew customization options for store notice.
  • AddedNew option to search by SKU in the Ajax Search feature.
  • ChangedHeader Builder Customizer: Automatically switch to mobile/tablet customizer mode when 'Mobile Header' shortcut nav item is clicked.
  • FixedMobile iOS: Header search form getting rounded when we focus the input.
  • FixedHeader Builder: When WooCommerce is not being used, components are getting 'undefined' value.
March 14, 2023

Version 2.0.5

  • FixedCustomizer: Images select control conflicting with ACF plugin.
  • FixedHeader Builder (Customizer Tablet Mode): Components popup is wrong opening when you navigate trough 'Global Header' sections.
  • FixedHeader Builder Columns: Horizontal alignment media querie breakpoint adjusted from 992px to 1025px.
  • FixedCart: Quantity style issue between screen size 992px and 1024px.
  • FixedQuantity field not hiding when product is sold individually since WooCommerce 7.4.0.
February 22, 2023

Version 2.0.4

  • AddedSchema Markup. You might enable this module from Appearance > Theme dashboard > Theme Features.
  • FixedMobile Offcanvas: Some options like font-size, line-height, letter-spacing and others not working.
  • FixedMain menu dropdown direction reversing in a wrong way with large dropdowns.
  • FixedElementor Pro widget 'Archive Description' not working to render shop description.
February 3, 2023

Version 2.0.3

  • FixedMobile menu dropdowns not expanding.
February 3, 2023

Version 2.0.2

  • FixedPHP error when header builder mobile offcanvas contains some specific components.
February 2, 2023

Version 2.0.1

  • AddedNew theme dashboard 'Settings' page.
  • AddedHeader and Footer Builder: New option for add image background to the builder wrapper and rows.
  • AddedAllow Shortcodes in the default woocommerce store notice.
  • AddedSearch Page: New option to display a grid of popular products when there's no search results.
  • AddedNew theme hook to allow change product loop title (botiga_shop_loop_product_title).
  • AddedHeader/Footer Builder: More customization options to builrder wrapper, rows, columns and free components (responsive padding/margin and visibility).
  • ChangedMoved 'Load Google Fonts Locally' module from Theme Dashboard > Theme Features to Theme Dashboard > Settings > Performance.
  • FixedCSS class added to article breaking Events Calendar layout (when list view mode is active).
  • FixedShopping cart widget doesn’t show up in sidebar area.
January 10, 2023

Version 2.0.0

  • AddedElementor versions for the free demos/starters.
  • AddedSingle product Ajax add to cart functionality to single product pages.
  • Added'Canvas' page template (page with no header and footer).
  • ChangedCustomizer UI revamped.
  • ChangedSome features are now modules.
  • FixedDashboard CSS issue.
  • FixedRTL issues in the theme dashboard and customizer.
  • FixedBotiga Page Options Sidebar: Admin metabox page options images are not rendering when child theme is active.
October 18, 2022

Version 1.2.2

  • AddedHeader/Footer Builder: New color and text alignment options to HTML and Shortcode components.
  • AddedNew custom theme hook to searchform.php
  • AddedSupport to mobile anchor links (scroll to section).
  • ChangedHeader Builder: Rename 'Site Title & Logo' component to 'Site identity'.
  • ChangedChange on product quantity to make it works site wide (improves 3rd party plugins compatibility).
  • FixedShow sale badge percentage text in quick view.
  • FixedHeader/Footer Builder: Fixed JS error when rows data is empty.
  • FixedFooter Builder: Default footer credits/copyright alignment is wrong.
  • FixedColor Palettes: Some features like header/footer builder are not changing the color on customizer.
  • FixedRemoved js code that was triggering 'wc_fragment_refresh' ajax on every request.
September 26, 2022

Version 1.2.1

  • AddedDisplay Conditions. Lean more about this new feature by clicking here.
  • AddedHeader Builder: New 1:4:1 ratio 'Column Layout'.
  • AddedColor Palettes: Backward compatibility to the old class names pattern.
  • AddedNew customizer options for header menu font-size, font-weight, font-family, etc.
  • AddedNew custom theme hooks inside the quick view popup.
  • ChangedJS: Removed 'botiga.helpers.botigaDomReady' from scripts for better compatibility with caching plugins.
  • FixedBotiga AJAX Search includes products that are in draft.
  • FixedHeader Builder: Mobile bug when 'sticky header' and 'on scroll to top' effect is active.
September 19, 2024

Version 1.4.2

  • AddedProduct Filter Module: Compatibility with W3 Total Cache lazy load.
  • AddedTemplates Builder: Script to migrate v1 templates to the v3.
  • FixedProduct Filter Module: Adoptive filter not working when the first page loaded is a category.
  • FixedProduct Filter Module: Parent categories selection/filtering issue.
  • FixedExtra Checkouts: Place order button not appearing in some cases.
  • FixedInfinite Scroll Pagination: More products do not loading when the product filters module is enabled.
August 24, 2024

Version 1.4.1

  • ChangedTemplates Builder: New User Interface and User Experience.
  • FixedDemo Shoes: Layout breaking in the RTL mode.
  • FixedProduct Filters Module: The widget block isn't rendering in the customizer widgets manager.
  • FixedDisplay In Cart Quantity: Fatal error in the single product page when $product is null.
July 18, 2024

Version 1.4.0

  • AddedProduct Filters module.
  • FixedMega Menu Vertical: Items are not expanding on mobile.
  • FixedTemplates Builder: Product Query BlockFilter by category not working.
  • FixedShopify / One Step Checkout: The shipping radio options to select isn’t appearing when ‘Hide shipping costs until address is entered’ option from Woo is enabled.
  • FixedMega Menu: Background color option isn't working.
  • FixedProduct Video: 'Display Controls' option isn't working with Vimeo videos.
  • FixedLoad More/Infinite Scroll Pagination: Isn't working when the number of pages is high.
  • FixedFix in cart flag PHP error on admin saving posts.
  • FixedFree Shipping Progress Bar: Non-numeric PHP error.
  • FixedMini Cart Cross Sell: Products are hidden in the first load when quantity of products to display is 1.
May 23, 2024

Version 1.3.9

  • AddedVariation Swatches: New 'botiga_variation_swatches_attribute_name' filter to attributes names.
  • AddedTemplates Builder: Load more and infinite scroll pagination compatibility to 'Products Query' component (in both Gutenberg and Elementor components).
  • AddedCustom Fonts: Compatibility with Elementor builder typography options.
  • AddedAccordion Style to lists that contains sub-items.
  • AddedShopify/One Step checkout: Compatibility with Moneris payment.
  • ChangedShop Active Filters: Improved compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter.
  • ChangedTemplates Builder: Improvements to the 'Products Query' to make it compatible with 'Filter By Attribute' widgets.
  • ChangedImage Swap: The style is now loaded in a separate stylesheet file to avoid issues with custom dynamic CSS generation.
  • FixedProduct Video: The single product lightbox icon is removed when a product contains video.
  • FixedRelated Products Slider: JS error when the page is resized.
  • FixedFree Shipping Progress Bar: It isn't displaying in the shopify/one-step checkouts.
  • FixedWooCommerce Payments returning an error on extra checkout layouts.
April 24, 2024

Version 1.3.8

  • AddedMega Menu: New 'Vertical' layout option.
  • AddedProduct Video and Audio: Support for YT embed URL's and more options for video parameters.
  • AddedTemplates Builder: 'Advanced' panel to blocks with extra options.
  • ChangedTemplates Builder Related Products Component: Render products as placeholders in the backend (editor).
  • ChangedSide Cart: Improved style when side cart is empty.
  • ChangedFilter By ACF Widget: Display message to admins whether ACF field type is not allowed.
  • FixedVariation Swatches: Terms not showing when more than one variation has the same terms with different stock status and hide out of stock items is enabled.
  • FixedRTL Single Product Navigation: Generating horizontal scroll on mobile.
March 22, 2024

Version 1.3.7

  • AddedHeader Login/Register Component: New option to display an icon instead of text.
  • AddedModal Popup: Toggle/switch in the customizer options for 'Edit Mode'.
  • ChangedWishlist: Improved workflow on single product page.
  • ChangedSingle Product Tabs (accordion style): When description is quite long the behavior isn’t working well.
  • ChangedShopify Checkout: Improved UX by scrolling to top when next step is opened.
  • ChangedImproved 'Botiga Extra Shipping Options' free shipping admin field.
  • ChangedAdd To Cart Notifications: Improve style on mobile.
  • ChangedAdvanced Reviews: Display less content in the review modal product description.
  • FixedAdvanced Reviews: PHP Fatal ValueError regarding sprintf() with Chinese language.
  • FixedProduct Swatch: Swatches breaking when 'hide out of stock products' option is enabled.
March 4, 2024

Version 1.3.6

  • AddedProduct Swatch: New option to control the 'load variations by ajax' threshold.
  • FixedACF/MetaBox Filters: Labels not displaying correctly when using 'select' or 'radio' fields.
  • FixedHeader Login/Register component: Extra plugins pages/links are not being included in the dropdown list.
  • FixedLogin Popup: Doens't show up while incorrect login.
  • FixedWishlist: Elements with visible text labels do not have matching accessible names.
  • FixedQuick View: Some pro galleries style not rendering correctly in the modal.
  • FixedCheckout 4 & 5: Compatibility with Square payment method.
February 9, 2024

Version 1.3.5

  • AddedShop Catalog Filters: New horizontal filter position.
  • AddedShop Sidebar Filter Widgets: New option for accordion style.
  • ChangedFree Shipping Hide Other Methods: Now you can select which methods to hide when free shipping is met.
January 25, 2024

Version 1.3.4

  • FixedShopify Checkout: 'Use different shipping address' it's requiring optional fields.
  • FixedLogin/Register dropdown display issue.
  • FixedMega Menu: JS error when trying to create a mega menu from a single item.
  • FixedBlog Share Box: Generating horizontal scroll when there’s high number of items.
  • FixedProduct Swatch: When one of the attribute is set to "Any attribute..." in all variations, the swatches are not being rendered.
  • FixedSide cart opening on page update using Elementor Builder.
  • FixedLayout issues in some demos due to recent updates from WordPress and WooCommerce.
  • FixedOld templates builder docs links are broken.
November 30, 2023

Version 1.3.3

  • ChangedTemplates Builder: Display placeholder content while previewing a template.
  • FixedTemplates Builder: Custom thank you pages not working with variable products in some cases.
  • FixedShopify and One Step Checkout: Guest account checkbox isn't working properly.
November 27, 2023

Version 1.3.2

  • AddedTemplates Builder: New 'Checkout Order Detail' and 'Checkout Thank You Nav' to build custom order thank you pages.
  • AddedNew 'Book' starter.
  • AddedHeader Builder: More two extra shortcode components.
  • ChangedRemoved .map files.
  • ChangedAdvanced Reviews: Date and time format to follow WordPress settings.
  • FixedProduct Navigation Arrows: Links do not have a discernible name.
  • FixedTemplates Builder: Single product add to cart component quantity input plus/minus colors not working.
  • FixedTemplates Builder: Products Query orderby popularity isn't ordering correctly.
  • FixedTemplates Builder Related Products: Returning wrong related products in some cases.
  • FixedModal Popup: The popup image on layout 4 isn't showing on mobile.
  • FixedFilter By Attributes Widget: Performance issue with the query that return all products.
  • FixedAdvanced Reviews: Lighthouse accessibility warning regarding 'select' without 'label'.
November 18, 2023

Version 1.3.1

  • AddedCustomizer cart and checkout options instructions regarding WooCommerce 8.3 new cart and checkout blocks.
  • FixedTemplates Builder: 'Products Query' orderby 'popularity' not working properly.
October 18, 2023

Version 1.3.0

  • ChangedBotiga modules will take precedence over Merchant modules (when enabled).
  • FixedProduct Swatches: Variation images are taking precedence over the attribute image.
  • FixedProduct Swatches on Shop Catalog; Not working in the pagination items from infinite scrolling pagination.
  • FixedProduct Swatches On Shop Catalog: Anchor href from variations rendering wrong value (which breaks the functionality).
  • FixedWidget 'Filter by attribute': Not working for variable products attributes that are not being used for variations.
  • FixedModal Popup: Improve output kses allowed tags to render forms.
  • FixedShopify/One-Step Checkout: Duplicated product count.
  • FixedCheckout Quantity Input: Duplicated nonce field ID console warning.
October 9, 2023

Version 1.2.9

  • AddedTemplates Builder: New UI and UX in the theme dashboard.
  • AddedMobile Offcanvas Menu Categories Dropdown: New options to control the 'order' and 'orderby'.
  • AddedFloating MIni Cart Icon: New option to control the visibility.
  • ChangedCustom Fonts: Added 'font-display: swap' for better rendering.
  • FixedBlog Share Box: Icons links rendering without the title attribute.
  • FixedShopify Checkout: Theme is overriding stripe gpay and apple pay hidden style.
September 16, 2023

Version 1.2.8

  • AddedFree Shipping Progress Bar: New option to include tax in the calculation.
  • ChangedCheckout Styles 4 and 5: Better compatibility with 'WooCommerce Products Bundle' plugin.
  • FixedCart: Table layout 2 quantity is not showing.
  • FixedProduct Swatches: PHP warning.
  • FixedProduct Equal Height: The option isn't working due to wrong hook initialization.
September 13, 2023

Version 1.2.7

  • AddedHeader Login/Register component: Match with woocommerce account endpoints.
  • FixedAdd To Cart Notifications: Variable products images are not being displayed.
  • FixedAdd To Cart Notifications: Simple products with attributes throwing fatal error.
  • FixedTemplates Builder: WC Products 'Grid & List' option isn't returning products correctly.
  • FixedTemplates Builder: WC Products 'Sorting' option isn't working properly.
  • FixedTemplates Builder: Some components are not being rendered in the frontend.
  • FixedTemplates Builder + Mega Menu: Product grid components conflicting with main menu HTML list elements.
  • FixedSingle Product: Product video is rendering over the size chart modal.
July 2, 2023

Version 1.2.6

  • AddedWidget: Filter by ACF Custom Fields.
  • AddedWidget: Filter by MetaBox (plugin) Custom Fields.
  • AddedProduct Swatches in the shop catalog: New option to display e.g '+3' when there's a lot of swatches to display.
  • AddedProduct Video Gallery: Possibility to upload thumbnails for the self-hosted videos.
  • AddedNew option to hide all others shipping methods when free shipping is available and match the conditions.
  • AddedDeclare compatibility with HPOS in the plugin.
  • ChangedProduct Swatches Images: New image size for 'image' swatch type.
  • FixedSide Mini Cart: Offcanvas Header area background color working only on customizer.
  • FixedWishlist Page: Options in the metabox 'Botiga Page Options' are not working.
  • FixedQuick View: Variations images are not working with grid gallery layouts.
  • FixedSingle Product Reasons to Buy: Checkmark icons sometimes without style.
  • FixedMulti Step Checkout: Optional shipping fields always considered as required.
June 14, 2023

Version 1.2.5

  • ChangedBetter handling of changelog requests.
June 7, 2023

Version 1.2.4

  • AddedNew 'Shoes' starter.
  • AddedNew 'Theme Dashboard' design.
  • ChangedProduct Swatch: Lazy load attribute to image swatches.
  • ChangedBetter customizer workflow in some sections.
  • FixedDuplicated checkout quantity nonce.
  • FixedFree Shipping Progress Bar: Wrong hook to inject the feature html.
May 10, 2023

Version 1.2.3

  • FixedMulti Step Checkout - Invisible required fields breaking the process.
  • FixedTemplates Builder: Templates not rendering for new templates.
April 27, 2023

Version 1.2.2

  • AddedFree Shipping Progress Bar Module.
  • AddedAdd To Cart Notifications Module.
  • AddedCheckout: Display Quantity Input.
  • AddedMega Menu Columns: Pre defined layouts for columns based on the selected number of columns.
  • ChangedQuick Links: Mobile improvements.
  • FixedSingle Product Gallery: Some layouts with no pagination in the thumbnails.
April 12, 2023

Version 1.2.1

  • Added'Buy Now' feature. As a new module at Apperance > Theme Dashboard > Theme Features.
  • AddedMobile Menu Off-Canvas: New options to display menu categories tab, which facilitates the category navigation.
  • AddedTemplates Builder: Display conditions (categories) to 'Shop Catalog'.
  • AddedTemplates Builder: Query options to filter by category in the 'Products Query' widget.
  • AddedNew option to display quantity of products in the cart as label of the add to cart button.
  • AddedNew option to display 'Continue Shopping' button in the cart page.
  • ChangedShopify Checkout - Order Received: Add missing woo hooks to ensure compatibility with extra plugins.
  • ChangedImprovements to admin block editor layout appearance to be more close to frontend layout.
  • ChangedWCAG improvements.
  • FixedShopify Checkout: Login form being displayed twice.
  • FixedProduct card quantity is not being rendered with woocommerce blocks.
  • FixedProduct card ‘stock status’ is not being rendered with woocommerce blocks.
March 28, 2023

Version 1.2.0

  • AddedProduct Swatch: New option to change product title with variation name when you select the variation.
  • AddedFilters Sidebar: New customizer styling options to control colors and spacing.
  • AddedSize Chart: New color and layout styling options as well as more icon options.
  • AddedHeader > Header Image: New checkbox option to replace the header image with category image (when at shop archive category pages).
  • AddedSingle Product/Shop Catalog: New ACF Field to elements.
  • AddedSticky Add to Cart: New option to allow third party plugins content to render inside the sticky add to cart area.
  • AddedHeader search component 'Layout Type - Search Form Visible': New option to hide search form input on mobile.
  • ChangedProduct Video Gallery: Allow videos to product variations too.
  • FixedCheckout: Layouts 4 and 5 payment getting wrong billing fields.
  • FixedSide Mini Cart Quantity: Sometimes the plus/minus icon disappear.
  • FixedProduct Swatch: Swatches are rendering the product link in the single product page.
  • FixedMega Menu: Some old mega menu structures are not working properly with new UX.
March 14, 2023

Version 1.1.9

  • AddedNew starter/demo 'Plants'.
  • FixedShop Catalog: Display quantity on shop catalog generating wrong white space.
  • FixedProduct Swatch: Swatches are not rendering when 'Any attribute' is selected on admin.
  • FixedProduct Card Stock: When 'Manage Stock Level (quantity)' is enabled and stock is '0', it’s showing the product is in stock while it should be out of stock.
  • FixedModal Popup: Automatically scrolling to top after some seconds (mobile safari only).
  • FixedSide Mini Cart: In some mobile devices the bottom area buttons are hidden due to browser bottom address bar overlaping.
February 22, 2023

Version 1.1.8

  • AddedGoogle Autocomplete: New field for adding extra parameters in the query string from API.
  • AddedNew 'order' and 'orderby' options to products upsell, related and recently viewed.
  • ChangedProduct Swatch: Separated styling options for shop catalog and single product.
  • ChangedExtended mega menu functionality to side header layouts.
  • ChangedCustom Fonts now works with Google Fonts at the same time.
  • FixedMini cart quantity picker: Freezing sometimes and responsive issue.
February 3, 2023

Version 1.1.7

  • FixedProduct Linked Attributes: Post type metabox options not displaying.
February 2, 2023

Version 1.1.6

  • FixedHeader/Footer Builder PHP error.
February 2, 2023

Version 1.1.5

  • AddedCheckout: 'Google Address Autocomplete' to billing and shipping address fields. Added as a module at Theme Dashboard > Theme Features.
  • AddedNew quantity value min, max, step and default value control. Added as a module at Theme Dashboard > Theme Features.
  • AddedCustomize > Header Image: New metabox option inside the post, page, product post level to replace the global image.
  • AddedShop Header Style: More customization options like image background, border and border color.
  • AddedProduct Swatch: More customization options to control the swatches styling (width, height, colors, border, border color, etc).
  • AddedProduct Swatch (Color type): Possibility to have gradient and multiple colors.
  • AddedFilter Products By Attribute Widget: Added new 'Allow selecting multiple options?' option.
  • AddedHeader/Footer Builder: New responsive 'visibility' option to all components.
  • AddedSupport to dropdowns in the footer menu component.
  • AddedLogin/Register Header dropdown: New theme filter to dropdown output - botiga_header_login_register_before_first_dropdown_item, botiga_header_login_register_before_logout_dropdown_item and botiga_header_login_register_after_last_dropdown_item.
  • AddedBetter Dokan and WCFM plugin compatibility with header login/register dropdown. Now it will automatically add the vendor profile link in the dropdown.
  • ChangedFilter Products By Attribute Widget: Display only variations available in the current products query.
  • FixedBotiga Active Filters Widget not detecting some active attributes.
  • FixedShop Catalog Quantity Input: Product is added to cart even if the quantity is set to '0'.
  • FixedModal Popup: Content block not working when there’s only one template in the dropdown.
January 10, 2023

Version 1.1.4

  • AddedElementor versions for the pro demos/starters.
  • AddedTemplates Builder module (compatible with Gutenberg and Elementor). You can now build custom layouts for shop archive, single product, 404 page, mega menu dropdowns, modal popup content and hooks.
  • AddedMega Menu new content 'block' type. You might render custom templates (from templates builder) into mega menu dropdowns.
  • AddedModal Popup new content 'block' type. You might render custom templates (from templates builder) into the modal content.
  • AddedModal Popup: Possibility to have image only in the popup.
  • AddedShop Header Layouts Categories: Customizer option to toggle the display of categories terms count number.
  • AddedShop Catalog: Add 'available on backorder' message to products that are on 'backorder'.
  • AddedCheckout styles 4 and 5: Compatibility with the plugin 'Brazilian Market On WooCommerce'.
  • AddedNew option to upload and use 'Custom Fonts' for typography.
  • AddedNew search layout type for the header builder search component.
  • ChangedSome pro features are now modules.
  • FixedDisplay Conditions: 'Product Categories' plus 'specific - Category Name' not working.
  • FixedSide Mini Cart inside mobile off-canvas not working.
  • FixedFeatured Video/Audio gallery disappears after open it one time in the carousel/slider.
  • FixedMulti-Step Checkout: 'required field' issue.
  • FixedWishlist is not working inside WooCommerce shortcodes alone.
  • FixedSide Mini Cart: Safari fix simulating a scroll (only on safari) to avoid bottom area buttons hidden in some devices.
October 21, 2022

Version 1.1.3

  • FixedPayPal, Google/Apple Pay buttons not working on shopify multi-step and one-step layouts.