Medieval Archaeology by Petr Duffek
Hlavním předmětem článku je vyhodnocení záchranného výzkumu na Palackého náměstí v Počátkách prov... more Hlavním předmětem článku je vyhodnocení záchranného výzkumu na Palackého náměstí v Počátkách provedeného jihlavským pracovištěm Archaia Brno, o. p. s. Počátecko patří k málo poznaným regionům,
proto bylo souběžně s archeologickým výzkumem přikročeno k revizi historických pramenů. Nejstarší prozkoumané situace souvisely se vznikem města ve 13. století. Zkoumány byly situace spojené s několika
velkými požáry v letech 1653–1821. Nejmladší zkoumané situace pocházely z počátku 19. století, kdy došlo k uzavření starších situací na náměstí kamennou zádlažbou. Těžištěm výzkumu bylo odkrytí bývalého městského hřbitova u kostela sv. Jana Křtitele zrušeného na počátku 19. století. Vyzvednuty byly kostry 228 jedinců, které byly podrobeny antropologické analýze. Výzkum v těsné blízkosti kostela se zaměřil na odhalení starších stavebních fází. Výsledky výzkumu pomohly výrazně doplnit dějiny města.
This article seeks to assess rescue research in Palackého náměstí Square in Počátky conducted by the Jihlava branch of the Archaia Brno company. The Počátky region is among those that have yet to be studied in depth, which is why a revision of historical sources was carried out in parallel with archaeological research. The earliest investigated contexts were related to the establishment of the town in the 13th century, while further contexts were associated with several devastating fires in the years 1653–1821. The most recent contexts dated from the beginning of the 19th century when the earlier ones in the town square were closed by stone paving. The research focused on the unearthing of a former cemetery by the Church of St. John the Baptist that ceased to exist in the early 19th century. The excavations yielded skeletons of 228 individuals some of which were subjected to anthropological analysis. Research in close proximity of the church centred on its earliest building phases. The results of the research significantly contributed to the overall picture of the town’s history.
Abstrakt: Článek se zabývá archeologickými situacemi a nálezy, které je možné datovat do druhé po... more Abstrakt: Článek se zabývá archeologickými situacemi a nálezy, které je možné datovat do druhé poloviny 13. až první poloviny 14. století a lze je spojit s nejstarší historií města Počátky. V tomto období mělo město protáhlé vřetenovité centrum, které bylo nejpozději na počátku 16. století rozděleno kamennou hradbou na menší náměstí kolem kostela sv. Jana Křtitele a nechráněné jižní předměstí. Obě plochy byly postupně archeologicky zkoumány v letech 2010–2016. Hlavní část článku představuje vyhodnocení keramického souboru ze zahloubeného suterénu na Palackého náměstí. Dále jsou zde publikovány drobné soubory kera-miky z výzkumů na Mariánském náměstí, ze soukromé sbírky p. Matouška a ze sbírek muzea v Počátkách. Klíčová slova: 13. století – keramika – zahloubený suterén – Počátky – náměstí. Archaeology of the earliest horizon of the Počátky town (Pelhřimov district) Abstract: This article discusses the archaeological contexts and finds that are dated to the second half of the 13th ce...
Archeologické výzkumy na Vysočině, 2020
Findings of seals, including medieval types, have been made in recent years.
very common in rec... more Findings of seals, including medieval types, have been made in recent years.
very common in recent years. It is the result of the activities of amateur "searchers" equipped with with ever better technology. Working with found type is not easy. First of all, it is necessary to provide a detailed description of it, depending of course always on the physical condition of the artefact in question. Material analysis, which is part of the modern approach to typefaces, can also provide important information. This is followed by an attempt to identify the owner of the seal, which based on all available information. Success is by no means guaranteed. The type found at Zheliv was a notorious exception. Its quick and accurate identification as the seal of the abbots of Želiv in the early 14th century was made possible the preservation of most of the seal image and the text of the legend and the overall good condition of the matrix.
It has also been possible to trace three documents sealed by this type. They belong to two different abbots. What we don't know yet is until when the seal was it was used, or when and under what circumstances it was found.
The main subject of this article is the evaluation of rescue archaeological research during the c... more The main subject of this article is the evaluation of rescue archaeological research during the construction of “II/128 Lukavec – bypass” carried out by the Jihlava office of Archaia Brno. In the Lukavecký potok stream floodplain, a part of a tar site with unspecified production facilities, refining furnaces and a charcoal-burning platform was documented in spring 2021. The context was complemented by a textile production area with soaking facilities. The complex is dendrochronologically dated to the first half of the 13th century. The picture of the transformation of a landscape little affected by man into a cultural landscape of the high Middle Ages is completed by the evaluation of archaeobotanical samples taken from the site.
Archeologické výzkumy na Vysočině 6, 2015
Mineralogický a chemický rozbor strusek z Palackého náměstí v Počátkách (okr. Pelhřimov) Mineralo... more Mineralogický a chemický rozbor strusek z Palackého náměstí v Počátkách (okr. Pelhřimov) Mineralogical and chemical analysis of slags from Palackého Square in Počátky (Pelhřimov District) JAKUB TĚSNOHLÍDEK, KAREL MALÝ, PETR DUFFEK Abstrakt: Předmětem článku je vyhodnocení souboru strusek ze záchranného archeologického výzkumu na Palackého náměstí v Počátkách. Nejstarší situace souvisely se vznikem města ve 13. století. Zkoumány byly situace spojené s několika vel-kými požáry v letech 1653-1821 a nejmladší zkoumané situace pocházely z počátku 19. století, kdy došlo k uzavření starších situací na náměstí kamennou zádlažbou. U strusek byly hodnoceny jejich fyzikální vlastnosti, chemické a fázové složení. Výsledky dokládají vznik strusek při metalurgii železa, pravděpodobně při kovářství. Abstract: The article is dealing with analysis and evaluation of a collection of slags from archaeological rescue excavations at Palackého Square in Počátky. The oldest contexts were related to the origins of the town in the 13th century. The examined find contexts were associated with several conflagrations in 1653-1821 and the latest among them dated from the early 19th century when older contexts in the town square were buried under stone paving. Slags were evaluated with regard to their physical properties, chemical and phase composition. The results give evidence of the emergence of slags in iron metallurgy, probably in forging.
Post-Medieval Archaeology by Petr Duffek
Shoes in History, 2024
During a rescue archeological survey conducted by
the Department Jihlava of Archaia Brno, z.ú.,... more During a rescue archeological survey conducted by
the Department Jihlava of Archaia Brno, z.ú., at Čer
vená Řečice Castle (the district of Pelhřimov, Vysočina
Region), a medieval well was discovered. By the end of
the 17th century, it had been repurposed as a waste pit.
The well yielded a collection of archaeological finds,
including whole ceramic vessels or their fragments and
plates, wooden artifacts of various functions, and com
ponents and fragments of shoes from the early 17th
century. Among the collection are components of chil
dren’s shoes and adult shoes.
The shoes found in the well in Červená Řečice
contribute to completing the picture of material cul
ture in the environment of the rural residence of the
Prague archbishops. In the case of the two half-pairs
of adult shoes, we must consider that the analogies for
these shapes found so far date back to the 16th century,
the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. Most of the finds
in the well are dated to the late 17th century. The leather
finds were made in the lowest excavated layers at the
interface between the operational layers of the well and
layers that already belong to the horizon when the well
was used as a waste pit.
Archæologia historica 48/2023/2, 2023
A redoubt of a rectangular plan with bastions in the corners is located on the Bohemian-Moravian ... more A redoubt of a rectangular plan with bastions in the corners is located on the Bohemian-Moravian border, in the cadastre of the village of Rohozná. A road runs through the centre of the fortification, which was apparently the reason for its construction and which the fortification controlled. The article presents the existing information about the site as well as the unpublished results of archaeological research carried out in 2008. The fortification features on Müller’s map of Bohemia from 1720, and is marked there as the Alte Schanz. Based on the context of events in the region, it is hypothesised that the fortification was built by the imperial army between March 1645 and the summer (or winter) of 1647, in response to the presence of a Swedish garrison in nearby Jihlava.
Exhibitions by Petr Duffek
Výstava pojednava o výsledcich archeologickeho výzkumu na Palackeho naměsti v Pocatkach v letech ... more Výstava pojednava o výsledcich archeologickeho výzkumu na Palackeho naměsti v Pocatkach v letech 2010 a 2015. Soucasti výstavy jsou informacni panely, vhodně doplněne množstvim archeologických nalezů - keramiky 13.-19. stoleti, minci, osobnich předmětů, kachlů, devocionalii, militarii a dalsich.
Medieval Archaeology by Petr Duffek
proto bylo souběžně s archeologickým výzkumem přikročeno k revizi historických pramenů. Nejstarší prozkoumané situace souvisely se vznikem města ve 13. století. Zkoumány byly situace spojené s několika
velkými požáry v letech 1653–1821. Nejmladší zkoumané situace pocházely z počátku 19. století, kdy došlo k uzavření starších situací na náměstí kamennou zádlažbou. Těžištěm výzkumu bylo odkrytí bývalého městského hřbitova u kostela sv. Jana Křtitele zrušeného na počátku 19. století. Vyzvednuty byly kostry 228 jedinců, které byly podrobeny antropologické analýze. Výzkum v těsné blízkosti kostela se zaměřil na odhalení starších stavebních fází. Výsledky výzkumu pomohly výrazně doplnit dějiny města.
This article seeks to assess rescue research in Palackého náměstí Square in Počátky conducted by the Jihlava branch of the Archaia Brno company. The Počátky region is among those that have yet to be studied in depth, which is why a revision of historical sources was carried out in parallel with archaeological research. The earliest investigated contexts were related to the establishment of the town in the 13th century, while further contexts were associated with several devastating fires in the years 1653–1821. The most recent contexts dated from the beginning of the 19th century when the earlier ones in the town square were closed by stone paving. The research focused on the unearthing of a former cemetery by the Church of St. John the Baptist that ceased to exist in the early 19th century. The excavations yielded skeletons of 228 individuals some of which were subjected to anthropological analysis. Research in close proximity of the church centred on its earliest building phases. The results of the research significantly contributed to the overall picture of the town’s history.
very common in recent years. It is the result of the activities of amateur "searchers" equipped with with ever better technology. Working with found type is not easy. First of all, it is necessary to provide a detailed description of it, depending of course always on the physical condition of the artefact in question. Material analysis, which is part of the modern approach to typefaces, can also provide important information. This is followed by an attempt to identify the owner of the seal, which based on all available information. Success is by no means guaranteed. The type found at Zheliv was a notorious exception. Its quick and accurate identification as the seal of the abbots of Želiv in the early 14th century was made possible the preservation of most of the seal image and the text of the legend and the overall good condition of the matrix.
It has also been possible to trace three documents sealed by this type. They belong to two different abbots. What we don't know yet is until when the seal was it was used, or when and under what circumstances it was found.
Post-Medieval Archaeology by Petr Duffek
the Department Jihlava of Archaia Brno, z.ú., at Čer
vená Řečice Castle (the district of Pelhřimov, Vysočina
Region), a medieval well was discovered. By the end of
the 17th century, it had been repurposed as a waste pit.
The well yielded a collection of archaeological finds,
including whole ceramic vessels or their fragments and
plates, wooden artifacts of various functions, and com
ponents and fragments of shoes from the early 17th
century. Among the collection are components of chil
dren’s shoes and adult shoes.
The shoes found in the well in Červená Řečice
contribute to completing the picture of material cul
ture in the environment of the rural residence of the
Prague archbishops. In the case of the two half-pairs
of adult shoes, we must consider that the analogies for
these shapes found so far date back to the 16th century,
the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. Most of the finds
in the well are dated to the late 17th century. The leather
finds were made in the lowest excavated layers at the
interface between the operational layers of the well and
layers that already belong to the horizon when the well
was used as a waste pit.
Exhibitions by Petr Duffek
proto bylo souběžně s archeologickým výzkumem přikročeno k revizi historických pramenů. Nejstarší prozkoumané situace souvisely se vznikem města ve 13. století. Zkoumány byly situace spojené s několika
velkými požáry v letech 1653–1821. Nejmladší zkoumané situace pocházely z počátku 19. století, kdy došlo k uzavření starších situací na náměstí kamennou zádlažbou. Těžištěm výzkumu bylo odkrytí bývalého městského hřbitova u kostela sv. Jana Křtitele zrušeného na počátku 19. století. Vyzvednuty byly kostry 228 jedinců, které byly podrobeny antropologické analýze. Výzkum v těsné blízkosti kostela se zaměřil na odhalení starších stavebních fází. Výsledky výzkumu pomohly výrazně doplnit dějiny města.
This article seeks to assess rescue research in Palackého náměstí Square in Počátky conducted by the Jihlava branch of the Archaia Brno company. The Počátky region is among those that have yet to be studied in depth, which is why a revision of historical sources was carried out in parallel with archaeological research. The earliest investigated contexts were related to the establishment of the town in the 13th century, while further contexts were associated with several devastating fires in the years 1653–1821. The most recent contexts dated from the beginning of the 19th century when the earlier ones in the town square were closed by stone paving. The research focused on the unearthing of a former cemetery by the Church of St. John the Baptist that ceased to exist in the early 19th century. The excavations yielded skeletons of 228 individuals some of which were subjected to anthropological analysis. Research in close proximity of the church centred on its earliest building phases. The results of the research significantly contributed to the overall picture of the town’s history.
very common in recent years. It is the result of the activities of amateur "searchers" equipped with with ever better technology. Working with found type is not easy. First of all, it is necessary to provide a detailed description of it, depending of course always on the physical condition of the artefact in question. Material analysis, which is part of the modern approach to typefaces, can also provide important information. This is followed by an attempt to identify the owner of the seal, which based on all available information. Success is by no means guaranteed. The type found at Zheliv was a notorious exception. Its quick and accurate identification as the seal of the abbots of Želiv in the early 14th century was made possible the preservation of most of the seal image and the text of the legend and the overall good condition of the matrix.
It has also been possible to trace three documents sealed by this type. They belong to two different abbots. What we don't know yet is until when the seal was it was used, or when and under what circumstances it was found.
the Department Jihlava of Archaia Brno, z.ú., at Čer
vená Řečice Castle (the district of Pelhřimov, Vysočina
Region), a medieval well was discovered. By the end of
the 17th century, it had been repurposed as a waste pit.
The well yielded a collection of archaeological finds,
including whole ceramic vessels or their fragments and
plates, wooden artifacts of various functions, and com
ponents and fragments of shoes from the early 17th
century. Among the collection are components of chil
dren’s shoes and adult shoes.
The shoes found in the well in Červená Řečice
contribute to completing the picture of material cul
ture in the environment of the rural residence of the
Prague archbishops. In the case of the two half-pairs
of adult shoes, we must consider that the analogies for
these shapes found so far date back to the 16th century,
the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. Most of the finds
in the well are dated to the late 17th century. The leather
finds were made in the lowest excavated layers at the
interface between the operational layers of the well and
layers that already belong to the horizon when the well
was used as a waste pit.