Books by Daniel Mateo Corredor
Colección Petracos, 13, 2023
(INAPH) y Publicacions Universitat d' Alacant 1. Introducción. Hacia una caracterización del pobl... more (INAPH) y Publicacions Universitat d' Alacant 1. Introducción. Hacia una caracterización del poblamiento, la estructura territorial y el modelo económico de época romana en los paisajes rurales del sur de la Tarraconense 1. Introducción. Hacia una caracterización del poblamiento, la estructura territorial y el modelo económico de época romana en los paisajes rurales del sur de la Tarraconense 1. Introducción. Hacia una caracterización del poblamiento, la estructura territorial y el modelo económico de época romana en los paisajes rurales del sur de la Tarraconense 1. Introducción. Hacia una caracterización del poblamiento, la estructura territorial y el modelo económico de época romana en los paisajes rurales del sur de la Tarraconense
Colección Instrumenta nº 52, Universitat de Barcelona. pp. 546, ISBN: 978-84-475-4027-3, Oct 2016
Approach to Punic and Roman trade dynamics and far-reaching relations in Hispania Ulterior, from ... more Approach to Punic and Roman trade dynamics and far-reaching relations in Hispania Ulterior, from the end of the 3rd century BC to the first part of the Early Roman Empire, based on the information provided by the quantitative analysis of a high number of amphorae assemblages.
Complemento del libro "Comercio anfórico y relaciones mercantiles en Hispania Ulterior (s. II a.C... more Complemento del libro "Comercio anfórico y relaciones mercantiles en Hispania Ulterior (s. II a.C. - II d.C.)". Se presenta la caracterización arqueométrica de diferentes grupos de pastas procedentes de ánforas romanas y púnicas, que forman parte de nuestra estudio sobre el tráfico anfórico en Hispania Ulterior. Para la diferenciación de los grupos de pasta nos hemos basado en el análisis visual, complementado con diversos análisis físico-químicos. En todo caso, las atribuciones propuestas de grupos de pasta con áreas de producción deben ser valoradas con precaución, pues por las características del estudio, a partir de muestras procedentes de ámbitos de consumo, impiden ser concluyentes al respecto.
Papers by Daniel Mateo Corredor
MARQ. Arqueologia y Museos 14, 2023
The commercial spaces of archaeological... more
The commercial spaces of archaeological museums are rarely the object of research, but they are indicative of many aspects of the social image of the discipline. In this paper we address this issue through two case studies, the physical shop of the Pergamon Museum, Berlin, and the online shop of the British Museum, London. We identify the predominant themes of the products, social distinctions in the target audience and patterns of change that can be glimpsed, focusing on the role of these spaces as important repositories, as well as communicators, of messages about science and the study of the past.
Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, 2023
The Roman villa of Rufio, built on the Augustan period, was occupied until the end of the 1st-beg... more The Roman villa of Rufio, built on the Augustan period, was occupied until the end of the 1st-beginning of 2nd century AD. This paper addresses one of the most fundamental, yet frequently almost invisible, part of the architectural forms of this complex, its structures erected with earth. Their study allows to interpret that they would have been rammed earth walls. This building technique can be difficult to identify in archaeological contexts and is not among the most highlighted in Roman architecture. Even though, it is known to have been applied throughout the Empire and also in different sites of the Italian Peninsula. The characteristics shown by the architectural remains of this villa during its excavation can be linked with seismic activity, being in a territory of high seismic risk where earthen architecture, together with other building elements, could have played a role in this during Roman times. The use of massive earth walls, the adoption of other building techniques and elements and a series of damages, displacements and deformations can be interpreted in a sequence of building phases, possibly motivated by different seismic events.
Testaceum I, Studi amphoraria Emilio Rodríguez Almeida dicata. Le anfore betiche Dressel 20: produzione e diffusione. Gradus, Rivista di Archeologia, 17.1, pp. 50-60., 2022
The production of olive-oil amphorae in Hispania Baetica is well known, due to the vast importanc... more The production of olive-oil amphorae in Hispania Baetica is well known, due to the vast importance it reached since the beginning of the Early Empire and, especially, with the huge production and dissemination of Dressel 20 amphorae for more than two centuries. Without any doubt, the bulk production of olive-oil amphorae was concentrated in the Guadalquivir valley, the area that has provided the most information and received the most attention. However, this does not preclude the manufacture of olive oil in other areas within the south coast of the Iberian Peninsula or the production of amphorae containers intended for long-distance trade, as it is the case of the current province of Málaga. Thus, although it would not be predominant, the existence of Roman olive-oil amphorae is known in this territory from the second half of the first century BC with ovoid forms. Dressel 20 type would be manufactured in the Early Empire and oil-amphorae will continue during the Late Empire, as shown by the production of variants of Dressel 23 from different workshops of Málaga.
Álvarez Tortosa, J.F.; Catalán González, F.J.; Mateo Corredor, D.; Ruiz Barroso, M.; Molina Vidal, J. 2022: Non-Invasive Archaeological Methodologies for the Analysis of the Port Structures of Portus Ilicitanus (Santa Pola, Alicante). Land 11, 2159., Nov 30, 2022
The traditional identification of the ancient port of Ilici with the current town of Santa Pola i... more The traditional identification of the ancient port of Ilici with the current town of Santa Pola in Alicante (Spain) has been based on a small number of punctual, unconnected, and too partial archaeological interventions. Since 2017, a program of geophysical surveys has been performed with a Stream X model multi-channel georadar IDS. This program has been focused mainly on the so-called Mercado de Viguetes, an area in which archaeological excavations have hardly been carried out. The geophysical surveys have allowed us to draw part of the urban fabric of the central core of the Portus Ilicitanus, revealing a set of structures that can be assimilated into a port area: warehouses, houses, open spaces, and decantation basins to produce salted fish, and the probable eastern boundary of the complex identified with the port dock. Altogether, two predominant alignments can be assimilated into the Early Imperial and Late Imperial construction phases. Non-invasive archaeological methodologies have become the main resource for archaeological analysis and heritage protection in view of the current impossibility of carrying out archaeological excavations in this area of Santa Pola.
Studia Historica: Historia Antigua, 2022
This paper analyses the contributions published on Antiquity studies during the last half century... more This paper analyses the contributions published on Antiquity studies during the last half century in a selection of Spanish impact journals, taking into account the sex/gender of the authorship, its proportion and its development over time. In addition, the possible existence of differences is addressed depending on whether the contributions are of one authorship or co-authorship, as well as the position of signature in the works of more than one person. Likewise, the topic of these investigations is taken into account, with which it is intended to determine whether authorships of one sex/gender or another predominate in the different thematic areas. This study shows that the proportion of female authors is low and, furthermore, that a progressive increase in female authorship can not been observed in the last decades.
Álvarez Tortosa, J. F., Cerdá Bertomeu, M. J., Mateo Corredor, D., Tejerina Antón, D., Molina Vidal, J. 2022: El Portus Ilicitanus (Santa Pola): investigacions recents i socialització del coneixement, La Rella 35, 47-71, 2022
Es presenta una síntesi de les investigacions històrico-arqueològiques dutes a terme en el Portus... more Es presenta una síntesi de les investigacions històrico-arqueològiques dutes a terme en el Portus Ilicitanus (Santa Pola), prestant especial atenció a les actuacions desenvolupades en els últims anys gràcies a la col·laboració entre el Museu de la Mar de Santa Pola i la Universitat d’Alacant. Cal destacar els treballs fets en els jaciments de la Picola, Casa Romana o la parcel·la Portus Ilicitanus, així com les campanyes de prospeccions geofísiques dutes a terme des de 2017 i que han permés aprofundir en el coneixement del port de l’antiga Ilici. A més, es presenta l’aposta realitzada per a la museïtzació dels espais arqueològics, com és el cas del museu a l’aire lliure Portus Ilicitanus. També vinculat a la socialització del coneixement, s’ha desenvolupat un conjunt de projectes de virtualització del patrimoni que permet mostrar els jaciments arqueològics del nucli portuari romà, fet que proporciona experiències interactives i dinàmiques amb diferents nivells d’immersió.
Cerdá Bertomeu, M. J., Mateo Corredor, D., Álvarez Tortosa, J. F. 2022: Educación patrimonial y aplicaciones de arqueología virtual en museos y yacimientos arqueológicos. Un estudio de caso para el Museo del Mar de Santa Pola (España). HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review 11, 1-14, 2022
The main objective of this research is to reflect on the effectiveness of virtual archaeology app... more The main objective of this research is to reflect on the effectiveness of virtual archaeology applications in school audiences for the understanding and learning of archaeological heritage. This is intended to appreciate how technologies such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality can add value to the educational proposals made by museums and archaeological sites that do not have this inclusion. The exploratory analysis of the case is carried out at the Santa Pola Sea Museum (Spain), which has developed this type of applications in the Roman archaeological site it manages, the Portus Ilicitanus.
Archivo Español de Arqueología, 2022
This paper presents the study of ... more
This paper presents the study of authorship of men and women of the research contributions published in a selection of ten Spanish Archaeology journals over the last half century. The percentage of representation of women in these high-ranking journals and its evolution during this period is analysed. It is also addressed if there are differences in the proportion of female and male authors according to single and multiple authorships, in signature positions and whether the sex/gender of the first authorship has any influence in the rest. Besides, the study tackles the subject of these contributions and also in accordance with sex/gender of the authorship. The results obtained bring to light that despite the incorporation of women in Archaeology university studies and the profession during the last 50 years, men continue to be authors of the majority of the works published in these journals. This study shows that the low proportion of female authors has been sustained over time without observing a progression to an increasing representation of women as authors of these publications.
Mateo Corredor, D., Álvarez Tortosa, J. F. 2021: Arqueología marítima del Portus Ilicitanus (Santa Pola), Canelobre 72, 141-160., 2021
Se aborda el estudio del Portus Ilicitanus, profundizando en su urbanismo y su dinámica comercial... more Se aborda el estudio del Portus Ilicitanus, profundizando en su urbanismo y su dinámica comercial. Este puerto, uno de los más relevantes del sureste en época romana, constituye un elemento clave para entender la evolución del territorium de Ilici y del Sinus Ilicitanus.
Mateo Corredor, D. 2021: El pecio Mariposa E (Alghero, Italia) y el vino de Saguntum, Canelobre 72, 249-266., 2021
The rescue excavation carried out at the plot of Edificio El Principado (Finestrat, Alicante) mad... more The rescue excavation carried out at the plot of Edificio El Principado (Finestrat, Alicante) made possible to bring to light various structures related to a craft activity and a significant ceramic assemblage of the Late Republican period. In this paper we present a typological, ceramological and quantitative study of its amphorae assemblages, deepening in the analysis of its products supply. The predominance of Italic wine imports is observed, from the Tyrrhenian area as well as from the Adriatic coast, and also of salsamenta and fish sauces coming from southern areas of the Iberian Peninsula, especially from the Bay of Cádiz and the coast of Málaga. The great majority of the material studied allows us to place the main occupation of the site between 80-60 BC and also to delve into its probable connection with the close located Tossal de la Cala, recently reinterpreted as a Sertorian castellum, showing both ceramic repertoires great similarities.
Lucentum, 2021
Este trabajo ha sido realizado en el marco de los proyectos «Figlinae Hispanae (FIGHISP). Catálog... more Este trabajo ha sido realizado en el marco de los proyectos «Figlinae Hispanae (FIGHISP). Catálogo en red de las alfarerías hispanorromanas y estudio de la comercialización de sus productos» PGC2018-099843-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), «Paisajes romanos en el sur de la provincia Tarraconense. Análisis arqueológico de la estructura territorial y modelo socioeconómico» PID2019-107264GB-I00 e «In vino veritas. Alfares y producciones comerciales en el litoral central de Hispania Tarraconense (GV/2020/060).
Scopo del presente articolo è quello di fornire nuovi dati sulla diffusione al di fuori della pen... more Scopo del presente articolo è quello di fornire nuovi dati sulla diffusione al di fuori della penisola Iberica delle anfore prodotte nel territorio di Málaga (Baetica) in epoca medio-imperiale. Attraverso uno studio archeometrico e tipologico di un frammento di Dressel 14 rinvenuto nel settore nordest del Foro di Tusculum (Monteporzio Catone, Lazio) vengono definite le caratteristiche principali della produzione. Si tratta del primo esemplare di tale provenienza individuato archeometricamente in Italia, sebbene altre fonti archeologiche ed epigrafiche facciano pensare ad un attivo commercio tra le due regioni. La mancanza di rinvenimenti è messa in relazione con un problema d’identificazione in letteratura piuttosto che con un’assenza reale delle esportazioni malacitane nel record archeologico.
Hispania Antiqua. Revista de historia antigua, Nov 2019
Amphora epigraphy is a fundamental element for the study of far-reaching trade in Antiquity. It i... more Amphora epigraphy is a fundamental element for the study of far-reaching trade in Antiquity. It is presented the study of Greek and Latin amphorae epigraphy from the ancient Baria, now Villaricos (Cuevas de Almanzora, Almería). The stamps, tituli picti and graffiti analysed were found mainly in the archaeological excavation in the 8th sector and in the ancient excavations of the necropolis. The catalogue is composed by a considerable number of unpublished epigraphs and a review of several inscriptions already known. The analysis of the amphorae epigraphic assemblage from Baria allows to advance knowledge about its trade-dynamic and the role that it played within the commercial networks of the Western.
Opera fictiles. Estudios transversales sobre cerámicas antiguas de la península ibérica, Monografías Ex Officina Hispana 4, 2019
The Roman city of Lucentum, located on the current Tossal de Manisses (Alicante), has been subjec... more The Roman city of Lucentum, located on the current Tossal de Manisses (Alicante), has been subjected to a large number of archaeological excavations, which have led to improve the knowledge about this site and its stratigraphy. This paper analyses the trade dynamics in the site in the Late Republican period and the early years of the Augustan times. For that purpose, this research is based on the direct study of amphorae assemblages from the foundational levels of the Forum of the municipium and from the nearby excavations of C/Olimpo. A typological and ceramological study of both assemblages is presented and a quantitative analysis corrected through Modulus of Rupture and Average Capacity is applied. The amphorae assemblages analysed show considerable similarities and constitute a remarkable document of Lucentum commercial traffic.
Panta Rei. Revista Digital de Ciencia y Didáctica de la Historia, Sep 26, 2019
From traditional archaeology an image of Prehistory has been transmitted where activities and rol... more From traditional archaeology an image of Prehistory has been transmitted where activities and roles are attributed to women or men, frequently influenced by contemporary conceptions. In this paper we analyse the perceptions of History students about a series of statements, presented in a questionnaire based on a Likert rating scale. These statements associate activities with one sex or the other in prehistoric contexts. This research has allowed us to acknowledge the presence of some of these stereotyped visions among the students. The need of incorporating the feminist perspective into historical studies is highlighted, in order to be able to identify these stereotypes that constrain the image we have of prehistoric times.
Cuadernos de Arqueología de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020
This research study aims to approach the conceptions and knowledge of History students about diff... more This research study aims to approach the conceptions and knowledge of History students about different aspects in relation to sexual inequality in ancient Rome. By means of the elaboration and implementation of a questionnaire based on a Likert rating scale, the reactions of the students are analysed. The propositions offered to the students address aspects such as inequality in the access to political power structures, legal rights or the economic activities developed by women in the Roman period. The student’s responses reveal that these are aspects barely included in the university programmes on ancient Rome, which have been traditionally characterised by an androcentric bias as it occurs also in many other areas of knowledge. These results also highlight the necessity to continue developing knowledge about the historic inequality between women and men and also of the incorporation of this knowledge in the study programmes.
Books by Daniel Mateo Corredor
Papers by Daniel Mateo Corredor
The commercial spaces of archaeological museums are rarely the object of research, but they are indicative of many aspects of the social image of the discipline. In this paper we address this issue through two case studies, the physical shop of the Pergamon Museum, Berlin, and the online shop of the British Museum, London. We identify the predominant themes of the products, social distinctions in the target audience and patterns of change that can be glimpsed, focusing on the role of these spaces as important repositories, as well as communicators, of messages about science and the study of the past.
This paper presents the study of authorship of men and women of the research contributions published in a selection of ten Spanish Archaeology journals over the last half century. The percentage of representation of women in these high-ranking journals and its evolution during this period is analysed. It is also addressed if there are differences in the proportion of female and male authors according to single and multiple authorships, in signature positions and whether the sex/gender of the first authorship has any influence in the rest. Besides, the study tackles the subject of these contributions and also in accordance with sex/gender of the authorship. The results obtained bring to light that despite the incorporation of women in Archaeology university studies and the profession during the last 50 years, men continue to be authors of the majority of the works published in these journals. This study shows that the low proportion of female authors has been sustained over time without observing a progression to an increasing representation of women as authors of these publications.
The commercial spaces of archaeological museums are rarely the object of research, but they are indicative of many aspects of the social image of the discipline. In this paper we address this issue through two case studies, the physical shop of the Pergamon Museum, Berlin, and the online shop of the British Museum, London. We identify the predominant themes of the products, social distinctions in the target audience and patterns of change that can be glimpsed, focusing on the role of these spaces as important repositories, as well as communicators, of messages about science and the study of the past.
This paper presents the study of authorship of men and women of the research contributions published in a selection of ten Spanish Archaeology journals over the last half century. The percentage of representation of women in these high-ranking journals and its evolution during this period is analysed. It is also addressed if there are differences in the proportion of female and male authors according to single and multiple authorships, in signature positions and whether the sex/gender of the first authorship has any influence in the rest. Besides, the study tackles the subject of these contributions and also in accordance with sex/gender of the authorship. The results obtained bring to light that despite the incorporation of women in Archaeology university studies and the profession during the last 50 years, men continue to be authors of the majority of the works published in these journals. This study shows that the low proportion of female authors has been sustained over time without observing a progression to an increasing representation of women as authors of these publications.
others, aspects like the conceptions about women ́s domination by men in different past societies, matriarchy, patriarchy, the concept of gender or the aims of feminism are approached. In some cases, the student ́s responses reveal encouraging attitudes and degrees of knowledge. On the other hand, despite the important changes developed in university diplomas in the last years, the results also show the need to deepen and further develop historical knowledge on inequality between the sexes. Regarding the responses, more differences are observed between courses than between female and male students. This study insists on the importance of overcoming false stereotypes about feminism, which support its rejection and impede its identification with its historical claim: equality between men and women.
El río Guadalquivir, parece sin lugar a dudas, la principal vía de salida de los metales obtenidos en Sierra Morena a partir de época de Augusto, cuando Estrabón (III, 2, 3), menciona que se realizan diversas tareas de acondicionamiento que permitieron ampliar el tramo que se podría remontar río arriba, además de conseguir realizarlo con embarcaciones de mayor tamaño. Se deduce por tanto, que la navegabilidad de este río era más reducida en el periodo republicano, por lo que cabe plantearse cuál era la vía de salida preferente de estos metales en esa fase.
Partiendo de esta premisa y del análisis comparativo de diferentes conjuntos anfóricos de Hispania Ulterior y apoyándonos en fuentes numismáticas y en la información conocida sobre los antiguos caminos de este territorio, exploramos las evidencias que apuntan a que durante el periodo republicano la cuenca minera de Sierra Morena, al menos en el área cordobesa, se abasteció de manera preferente a partir de la ruta terrestre que conectaba esta zona con Malaca.
24/02/2022 Enrico Cirelli
Le produzioni di ceramica invetriata nel Mediterrano antico e medievale 28/04/2022 David Djaoui
Réflexion sur le "grand commerce" à partir de l'étude du dépotoir portuaire d'Arles 26/05/2022 Cristina Nervi
I commerci del porto di Olbia (Sardegna nord orientale) nel tardo antico
- sampling strategies and their impact on the amount of information allowing reasonable interpretation of assemblages;
- quantification of surface finds collected in field surveys and the effects of applied methodology on research results;
- applicability of diversity measurements for tracing change in the material record, craft production and consumption patterns;
- determining relative abundance: assessment of innovative and well-established mathematical models.
We encourage contributions that provide (new) quantitative frameworks to investigate the material record, engage with methodological issues in quantifying material assemblages, foster to quantitatively integrate different datasets as well as discuss the problems and the needs for doing so.