Papers by Mikhail Pushkin
Erzincan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
The article covers the procedure and findings of a project investigating the issues of adaptation... more The article covers the procedure and findings of a project investigating the issues of adaptation, integration and sustainability of over 300 international students at Ağri İbrahim Çeçen University, 2020-2021. Relying on the triangulation approach to research paradigms of symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology, the research acts as a precursor to the creation of a universal standardized program aimed at integrating international students into the academic system of all Turkish universities. The findings reveal that besides the issues of financial security and foreign language knowledge, the salient issues include family situation, working conditions, health security, access to equipment and learning materials, digital literacy. International students become easy targets for the grey labour market and untransparent advertisement schemes. Some of the issues can be addressed with limited resources and procedural adjustments, others require a fundamental rethinking of the way the ...
Adaptation, Integration and Sustainability of International Students at Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, Dec 31, 2022
The article covers the procedure and findings of a project investigating the issues of adaptation... more The article covers the procedure and findings of a project investigating the issues of adaptation, integration and sustainability of over 300 international students at Ağri İbrahim Çeçen University, 2020-2021. Relying on the triangulation approach to research paradigms of symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology, the research acts as a precursor to the creation of a universal standardized program aimed at integrating international students into the academic system of all Turkish universities. The findings reveal that besides the issues of financial security and foreign language knowledge, the salient issues include family situation, working conditions, health security, access to equipment and learning materials, digital literacy. International students become easy targets for the grey labour market and untransparent advertisement schemes. Some of the issues can be addressed with limited resources and procedural adjustments, others require a fundamental rethinking of the way the higher education system is structured in the view of the international student global market attractiveness.
İmgelem, Jul 11, 2020
The questions of virtual representation and online identity are growing in salience for academici... more The questions of virtual representation and online identity are growing in salience for academicians ever since the inception of the Internet. Although the main flow of public online interaction and research into it have shifted towards social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or audiovisual environments of digital games, online forums still occupy a sizable niche for thematic and more professional or hobby-oriented communication. Current paper is analyzing one of the main visual elements used to create identity of forum users, the avatars: small (usually static) images that users choose to represent their virtual selves with. The focus of this research is on the degree of attachment and the kinds of meanings that users attribute to their avatars in online forums' asynchronous interactive environments. This research applies grounded theory approach and relies heavily on triangulation of data collection and coding. The implemented sampling strategies are typical case sampling on the forums selection level, criterion sampling on the respondents' replies level and subsequent diversity case sampling as means of collected data reduction. Coding procedures are applied consecutively as follows: open coding, selective coding, theoretical coding, resulting in 29 sets of data produced from 75 pages of raw data. The main findings suggest that key factor determining users' attitude towards their avatars is the forum thematic. As a result, although overall attitude patterns diversity is rather high, such patterns are consistent and stable within the specific microcosms of individual forums. Sanal temsil ve çevrimiçi kimlik sorunları internetin kuruluşundan bu yana akademisyenlerin dikkatini çekiyor. Herkese açık, çevrimiçi etkileşim ve araştırmanın ana akışı Facebook, Twitter ve İnstagram gibi sosyal ağlara veya dijital oyunların görsel-işitsel ortamlarına doğru kaymış olsa da, çevrimiçi forumlar hala tematik, daha da profesyonel veya hobi odaklı büyük bir niş işgal ediyor iletişim. Mevcut makale, forum kullanıcılarının kimliğini oluşturmak için kullanılan ana görsel unsurlardan birini, avatarları analiz ediyor: kullanıcıların sanal benliklerini temsil etmeyi seçtikleri küçük (genellikle statik) görüntülenir. Bu araştırmanın odak noktası, kullanıcıların çevrimiçi forumların eşzamansız etkileşimli ortamlarındaki avatarlarına atfettikleri bağlanma derecesi ve anlam türleri üzerinedir. Bu araştırma, temellendirilmiş kuram yaklaşımını uygular ve büyük ölçüde veri toplama ve kodlamanın üçgenleştirilmesine dayanır. Uygulanan örnekleme stratejileri, forum seçim düzeyinde tipik durum örneklemesi, katılımcıların yanıt düzeylerinde ölçüt örnekleme ve toplanan veri azaltma aracı olarak müteakip çeşitlilik örneklemesi kullanılmıştır. Kodlama prosedürleri ardışık olarak aşağıdaki şekilde uygulanır: açık kodlama, seçici kodlama, teorik kodlama, sonuç olarak 75 sayfa ham veriden üretilen 29 veri kümesi elde edilir. Ana bulgular, kullanıcıların avatarlarına karşı tutumunu belirleyen anahtar faktörün forum teması olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, genel tutum kalıpları çeşitliliği oldukça yüksek olmasına rağmen, bu kalıplar bireysel forumların spesifik mikrokosmos içerisinde tutarlı ve stabildir.
“Historically, there have been many attempts to regard literary texts as games. As Warren Motte (... more “Historically, there have been many attempts to regard literary texts as games. As Warren Motte (1995) points out, some of these attempts can be traced back to the likes of Plato, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche and Ludwig Wittgenstein”1. Current research paper appropriates this model of thinking to contemporary state of affairs with its phenomenon – the Computer Games. The main focus of the paper is rather on Computer Games, using one of the literary forms as a basis for comparison. Daring task of the paper is to give Computer Games a chance at challenging the authority of established genre – the novel – in the field of social and academic recognition, as well as “reader’s” evaluation. Although the research topic and goal are beyond the scope of a BA thesis, the following paper still covers a broad range of comparative aspects. This thesis is constructed in such a way as to provide the reader with basic background on the history and development of Computer Games and then focus on a certain genre - survival horror, justifying the choice through the discussion of genre concept polemics in this form of media. Further on the comparative scope is narrowed to Silent Hill series, and then to game two in particular, although other games are also mentioned in the body of the work, where they are relevant to the point of comparison. Furthermore, the paper provides comparative analysis of the structure of Computer Games and novels, illustrating the points with relevant examples and then continues by looking at certain multimedia properties of this new medium. The final section is devoted to relation of Computer Games to their consumers – “gamers” and creators, establishing link to the real world, outside the Computer Games themselves. Conclusion briefly reviews the findings, suggests further research options and passes certain judgments. Among the main aspects of Computer Games covered in this paper one can highlight their eclectic nature, unprecedented capacity to include other media, ability to track the “reader’s” actions, specific management and presentation of structure, content and temporal order of events.
Current research paper explores the fleeting Russian avant-garde artistic movement of the first h... more Current research paper explores the fleeting Russian avant-garde artistic movement of the first half of the 20 th century known as Rayonism (Rayism or Luchizm). Comparative formalist and conceptual analysis with its contemporary movements and predecessors (Cubo-Futurism, Orphism, Cubism, Futurism) are chosen as the main methods of research as permitting some clarity based on the objectively observable elements while remaining aware of ideological connotations. The article opens up with the introduction of the movement and then proceeds with comparative analysis infused with relevant elements of historical and ideological context highlighting evident similarities and distinct unique features of Rayonism as art and idea. The article is concluded with discussion of possible reasons for the (inevitable) decline of the movement (trauma of the main artists, lack of provocative edge) as well as its conceptual weaknesses (lack of genuine innovation). Its role in the greater context of the artistic world evolution is attributed to the reconceptualization of the role of artist as scientist and providing a shift from objective representation towards pure abstraction.
HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Current research paper performs focused textual analysis of themes and characters of the novel Th... more Current research paper performs focused textual analysis of themes and characters of the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde intertwining the study with pertinent references to details of the author's biography thus providing essential critical insights. Peculiarity of the paper lays with it considering the novel to encompass two distinct juxtaposed genres: an autobiography (decadent values) and a parable (moral values). By synthetically combining them, the author at the same time conveys superiority of idealized artistic aesthetic worldview of reality (at times superseding conventional morality) while reinforcing fundamental if naïve good nature of humanity with both of them engaged in (endless) struggle for the reader's soul against the suffocating reality of hypocritical society.
Shifting in and out of public eye ever since its original appearance in the 1980ies, Gothic subcu... more Shifting in and out of public eye ever since its original appearance in the 1980ies, Gothic subculture, music and aesthetics in their impressive variety have become a prominent established element in global media, art and culture. However, understanding of their relation to female gender and expression of femininity remains ambiguous, strongly influenced by stereotypes. Current research critically analyses various distinct types of Gothic subculture from feminist angle, and positively identifies its environment as female-friendly and empowering despite and even with the help of its strongly sexualized aesthetics. Although visually geared towards the male gaze, Gothic subcultural environment enables women to harness, rather than repress the power of attraction generated by such aesthetics.
Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 2007
Calismamiz, Anthony Pogorelsky'nin "Lafertovo Hashas Kek Saticisi" ve Ernst Theodor... more Calismamiz, Anthony Pogorelsky'nin "Lafertovo Hashas Kek Saticisi" ve Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann'in romantik fantazmagoria turune ait "Altin Kap" eserlerinin sanatsal anlatim duzeyindeki karsilastirmali bir analizine yer vermektedir. Calismamizin merkezinde Pogorelsky'nin, Rus ahlaki duygusalliginin anahtarindaki mirascisi olan Hoffmann'in edebi geleneginin calismasi bulunmaktadir. Calisma suresince yazarlarin karakterleri, imgelemleri ve ideolojik tutumlari karsilastirilarak eserlerinin hem temel farkliliklari hem de benzerlikleri ortaya cikarilmaktadir. Calismamizin basinda, Pogorelsky’nin modern sanat uzerine katkilari verilmektedir. Ayrica yazarin biyografisi ile ilgili ayrintilara, bunun edebi onemine ve Hoffmann'in calismalarina da deginilmektedir. Birincil kaynak arastirmalarina ek olarak, karsilastirmali analizlerle beraber, literature elestirel referanslar ile makale desteklenmektedir. Rus klasik romaninin onemli eserlerinden biri...
İmgelem, 2021
Current research paper explores the fleeting Russian avant-garde artistic movement of the first h... more Current research paper explores the fleeting Russian avant-garde artistic movement of the first half of the 20 th century known as Rayonism (Rayism or Luchizm). Comparative formalist and conceptual analysis with its contemporary movements and predecessors (Cubo-Futurism, Orphism, Cubism, Futurism) are chosen as the main methods of research as permitting some clarity based on the objectively observable elements while remaining aware of ideological connotations. The article opens up with the introduction of the movement and then proceeds with comparative analysis infused with relevant elements of historical and ideological context highlighting evident similarities and distinct unique features of Rayonism as art and idea. The article is concluded with discussion of possible reasons for the (inevitable) decline of the movement (trauma of the main artists, lack of provocative edge) as well as its conceptual weaknesses (lack of genuine innovation). Its role in the greater context of the artistic world evolution is attributed to the reconceptualization of the role of artist as scientist and providing a shift from objective representation towards pure abstraction.
Leonardo electronic almanac, 2013
The origins, functions and reasoning behind morality are part of an ongoing debate, stretching th... more The origins, functions and reasoning behind morality are part of an ongoing debate, stretching through time, societies and disciplines. This paper, however, proposes a more radical stance; suggesting that with the emergence of the Internet and the connectivity that mobile and wireless technologies provide, one is not only forced to redefine, but perhaps abolish the notion of morality altogether. By subverting such basic social and personal categories as identity, community, society, religion, crime and punishment alongside the traditional materiality of human existence, the multiverse that is the Internet takes away not only tools for the enforcement of morality, but also the very need for it given the near absence of measurable ”˜good and evil’ behaviors. Both primal in its unrestrained emotional expressivity and highly sophisticated in its technological and social structure the Internet functions by its own flexible set of behavioral prescriptions. I propose a comparative analysis...
Shifting in and out of public eye ever since its original appearance in the 1980ies, Gothic subcu... more Shifting in and out of public eye ever since its original appearance in the 1980ies, Gothic subculture, music and aesthetics in their impressive variety have become a prominent established element in global media, art and culture. However, understanding of their relation to female gender and expression of femininity remains ambiguous, strongly influenced by stereotypes. Current research critically analyses various distinct types of Gothic subculture from feminist angle, and positively identifies its environment as female-friendly and empowering despite and even with the help of its strongly sexualized aesthetics. Although visually geared towards the male gaze, Gothic subcultural environment enables women to harness, rather than repress the power of attraction generated by such aesthetics.
Calismamiz, Anthony Pogorelsky'nin "Lafertovo Hashas Kek Saticisi" ve Ernst Theodor... more Calismamiz, Anthony Pogorelsky'nin "Lafertovo Hashas Kek Saticisi" ve Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann'in romantik fantazmagoria turune ait "Altin Kap" eserlerinin sanatsal anlatim duzeyindeki karsilastirmali bir analizine yer vermektedir. Calismamizin merkezinde Pogorelsky'nin, Rus ahlaki duygusalliginin anahtarindaki mirascisi olan Hoffmann'in edebi geleneginin calismasi bulunmaktadir. Calisma suresince yazarlarin karakterleri, imgelemleri ve ideolojik tutumlari karsilastirilarak eserlerinin hem temel farkliliklari hem de benzerlikleri ortaya cikarilmaktadir. Calismamizin basinda, Pogorelsky’nin modern sanat uzerine katkilari verilmektedir. Ayrica yazarin biyografisi ile ilgili ayrintilara, bunun edebi onemine ve Hoffmann'in calismalarina da deginilmektedir. Birincil kaynak arastirmalarina ek olarak, karsilastirmali analizlerle beraber, literature elestirel referanslar ile makale desteklenmektedir. Rus klasik romaninin onemli eserlerinden biri...
Although Western academic circles have become familiar with intellectual work of Mikhail Bakhtin ... more Although Western academic circles have become familiar with intellectual work of Mikhail Bakhtin only a decade after his passing, its influence is impossible to underestimate. However, not only have his theories and concepts reached the Western academic thought indirectly via proxies of the likes of Julia Kristeva and Tzvetan Todorov, but they have also not been rigorously scrutinized for consistency and objectivity. Following postmodern nihilistic rebellion against the language itself by Jacques Derrida and the like, perceived as an instrument of hegemonic structures, it falls to current academicians to reevaluate modern thought, extract concise terms, concepts and categories to reconstitute contemporary unambiguous tools for research. It is in pursuit of such consistency that current research provides critical analysis of Bakhtin’s concept of chronotope exposing several logical inconsistencies and contradictions in its definition, constituents, origins and application, while recog...
HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
John Irving’in “Garp’a Gore Dunya” eserinde, kahramanin kitabin diegetic anlati dunyasindaki karm... more John Irving’in “Garp’a Gore Dunya” eserinde, kahramanin kitabin diegetic anlati dunyasindaki karmasik karakter sistemiyle iliskili olarak gecirdigi evrim, makaledeki analizin odak noktasini teskil etmektedir. Garp’in olgunlasmasi ve evrimi, yazar tarafindan kahramanin gelisimini desteklemek, onu kiyaslamak ve ona isik tutmak amaciyla hikâyeye ustalikla siralanmis diger karakterler karsisinda, makale boyunca sureklilikle analitik olarak olculmektedir. Anlatisal islevleri nezdinde, karakterlerin uc ana gruba ayrilmasi suretiyle bir karakter tipolojisi ortaya konulmustur: insanlar, kreasyonlar ve semboller. Tum bunlar arasindaki baglayici islevli ortak element olan kahraman, tum karakterleri birbirlerine baglamakla kalmaz ve olum sonrasi yukselisine dogru ilerlerken, bu karakterlerin rollerinden de gecer. Romana siradan bir insan olarak baslayan kahraman, kademe kademe dunyalarin ve karakterlerin yaraticisi olan bir yazar haline donusur ve sonunda, olumu uzerine yeni dunya icin bir sembol haline gelir.
HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Oct 15, 2021
Current research paper performs focused textual analysis of themes and characters of the novel Th... more Current research paper performs focused textual analysis of themes and characters of the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde intertwining the study with pertinent references to details of the author's biography thus providing essential critical insights. Peculiarity of the paper lays with it considering the novel to encompass two distinct juxtaposed genres: an autobiography (decadent values) and a parable (moral values). By synthetically combining them, the author at the same time conveys superiority of idealized artistic aesthetic worldview of reality (at times superseding conventional morality) while reinforcing fundamental if naïve good nature of humanity with both of them engaged in (endless) struggle for the reader's soul against the suffocating reality of hypocritical society.
HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Oct 15, 2019
HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Papers by Mikhail Pushkin
In all but name, the transhuman strive to overcome our natural or God given limitations has been with humanity since its inception leading to advances in technology, science, social structures, healthcare...
However, with advances, humanity has also accumulated the costs of such a progress mainly felt in the degradation, perversion and destruction of morals, religion, identity. With this presentation (and article) I would like to discuss where contemporary implementation of what can essentially be seen as transhumanist ideas has resulted in social and moral decline and consider the reasons behind such development.
Comparative exploratory analysis is applied as the research method, where transhumanist ideas and expectations are paralleled with their contemporary existing realizations in popular culture, politics and ideological narrative. I would like to address contemporary Western social developments, such as movements for social justice, equity, gender and race-related ideologies in relation to transhuman ideas as inevitable, but not necessarily unavoidable consequences of their misimplementation.
Why can humanity not step beyond self into a better future yet? Several possible reasons for such a contemporary condition are identified. Among them insufficient development of biotech, intentional misapplication and misappropriation within the public discourse, shortcomings of transhumanist ideology as such, special interest groups driving humanity towards own goals, economic and financial factors, ideological and religious conflicts stemming from implementation of transhumanist ideas in different parts of the world.
As modern society is supplanted by postmodern one, the grand ideas are replaced by their parodies – fragmented smaller stories of smaller identities. The dictatorships of majorities are replaced by the dictatorships of minorities. “Divide and conquer” strategy is utilized by the western leaders to exercise new form of hegemony over the electorate, where various minorities (BLM, LGBT, intersectional feminism, alt-right) are empowered and suppress the majority. Consequently, feminism, the struggle for equality of women, is transformed into intersectional feminism with cacophony of voices struggling for special status and privileges for various female identities, some of whom are not even biologically female.
This exploratory study considers contemporary media products such as computer games, movies, comic books as both a reflection of IP and its tool in the reshaping of the global society. The new image of a woman emerges through modern media with disturbing features: overweight, masculine, of non-traditional sexual orientation, promiscuous, violent, scatological and misandrist.
While the voices of minorities are now clearly heard, the voices of the majority of women become silenced, dissolved, suppressed.
Posthuman Çağ ve Posthuman’a Geçiş Aracı Olarak: Transhümanizm ve Transhuman
Ahmet DAĞ
Dijitalleşen Değerler ve Yeni Dijital Normlar: Sosyal Medya Örnek Olay İncelemesi
Alaattin ASLAN, Şevki IŞIKLI
Hijacked Transhumanism: Reality Versus Ideals
Transhumanism: A Great Challenge To Islam And Humanity
Swarm Intelligence And Learning Swarms
Mehmet Emin AYDİN
Digital Islamophobia of Artificial Intelligence
Human of Transhumanism: The philosophical dimension of
transcend humansmechanisms
Yapay Zekâ ile Dindarlığın Tahmini
Yeni Dünya Miti: Bilim Kurgu-Siberpunk
Recent Legal Developments of Artificial Intelligence: Is Artificial Intelligence
Replacing Humans?
Yapay Zeka ve Büyük Veri Bağlamında Toplumsal Değişme
Nurcihan BAHTİYAR, Mehmet MEDER
Ya Reklam Senaristi Bir Makine Olursa?
Yapay Zekâ Temalı Kurgusal Din Anlayışı: Metriksizm Örneği
Şevket ÖZCAN
Terasem Hareketi: Trans-Human’ın Trans-Dini
Lût Kavminin Transhümanist Hareketteki İzdüşümü: Cinsiyetsiz Toplum
İsmail KURT
Transhümanizm Bağlamında Siborgist İnsan Tasavvuru ve Din
Muhammed YAMAÇ
İlerlemeci Paradigma Bakışından Geleceğin Toplum Mühendisliği: 21. Yüzyıl İçin 21 Ders
Kitap İncelemesi
Ayşegül TÜRKERİ, Bahset KARSLI
Transhümanizmin Tanrısına Doğru
İsmail KURT
Durdurulamayan Kaçış: Kiliseden Transhümanizme
Mormon Transhümanizmi
Transhümanizmin Mitolojik Kökenleri: Yarı Tanrılar ve Ölümsüzlük Arayışları
Teosentrizm ve Transhümanizm Çatışması: İlahiyatta Antropolojik Bilginin İmkânı
İsmet TUNÇ
Türkiye’deki Transhümanizm ve Posthümanizm Çalışmalarının Bibliyometrik Analizi
Meryem ŞAHİN
Posthümanizmin Siyasi Teolojisi -Kozmopolitanizm Üzerine Bir Tartışma-
M. Nurullah TURAN
Transhümanizm ve Posthümanizm Kavramlarının Sevgi Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi
Muhammet ÖZDEMİR, Fethi ARSLAN
Dünya Hayatına Bağımlılığın Bir Tezahürü Olarak Transhümanizm
Transhümanizm ve ABD Transhümanist Partisi
Transhümanizm Literatüründe Posthuman ve Sportif Etkinlikler
Fethi ARSLAN, Muhammet ÖZDEMİR
Son Savunma Hattı ya da Yeni Bir Dünyanın Eşiğinde
Posthümanizm ve Transhümanizmde İrade Özgürlüğü Problemi
Tasavvufun "İnsan-ı Kâmil" Perspektifinden "Transhuman" Bir Metamorfoz Mu?
Mehmet Emin KOÇ
İslam-Fıkıh Düşünce Geleneği Ekseninde Bir Transhümanizm/Posthümanizm Değerlendirmesi
Yusra ÖZER
Yapay Zekâ Tabanlı İctihad Faaliyeti Üzerine Yeni Bir Keşif: Dijital İctihad
Mehmet Hicabi SEÇKİNER
El Yazmaları ve Yapay Zekâ
Zeynep Sena YILMAZ
Yapay Zekâ İle Birlikte Varlığın Sanal Varlığa Dönüşmesi: İbn Arabi Örneği
Rıfat ATAY, Mustafa CİĞER