University of Sevilla. Spain
Transportation Engineering
A methodology to support and automate the prediction of maintenance intervention alerts in transport linear infrastructures is a very useful tool for maintenance planning and managing. This piece of work goes along this track combining... more
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
This paper describes the test performed for the optical evaluation of propagating cracks, which assess the severity of trougll cracks in composite laminates. The paper begins with the description of the experimental rig designed for... more
The paper focuses on some intrinsic problems of inertial Continuous Variable Transmissions (CVTs). Despite the large number of patents and studies, this kind of CVTs is not currently commercialised. In this paper, some explanations are... more
This paper considers a new approach for modelling the tratlic flow in dense urban areas by using a mathematical continuum model, which needs information data from a very limited number of points from the network. T’he purpose of this... more
El análisis de la movilidad en una determinada región es un aspecto esencial en las tareas de planificación del transporte, siendo vital manejar información actualizada a fin de que sus resultados sean más dinámicos y realistas.... more
This paper presents the application of BIE techniques to elastoplastic three-dimensional problems. Along with the general procedures the needed ¡ntegrations are described ¡n detail and so is the flow chart of the written program.
The need of an urban transport strategy on urban areas which solves the environmental problems derived from traffic without decreasing the trip attraction of these urban areas is taken for granted. Besides there is also a clear consensus... more
To represent the behaviour of travellers when they are deciding how they are going to get to their destination, discrete choice models, based on the random utility theory, have become one of the most widely used tools. The field in which... more