University of Sevilla. Spain
Tecnología Electrónica
One of the most important sources of switching noise and power consumption in large VLSI circuits is the clock generation and distribution tree. This paper analyzes how the use of an asymmetric clock can be an important solution to reduce... more
The buffer insertion has been a mechanism widely used to increase the performances of advanced VLSI digital circuits and systems. The driver or repeater used to this purpose has effect on the timing characteristics on the signal on the... more
The objective of this paper is to explore the applicability of clock gating techniques to binary counters in order to reduce the power consumption as well as the switching noise generation. A measurement methodology to establish right... more
One of the best methods to improve the security of cryptographic systems used to exchange sensitive information is to attack them to find their vulnerabilities and to strengthen them in subsequent designs. Trivium stream cipher is one of... more
The best way to learn how to design digital systems at the RT level is to use practical examples. In addition, from a teaching point of view, the more practical they are, the more attractive to students. But for a design to be attractive,... more
The fault injection in ciphers operation is a very successful mechanism to attack them. The inclusion of elements of protection against this kind of attacks is more and more necessary. These mechanisms are usually based on introducing... more
Digital design learning at the RT level requires practical examples and as learning progresses, the examples need to become more complex. FPGAs and development boards offer a very suitable platform for the implementation of these designs.... more
The learning of digital design at the RT level by the students improves with practical work, which can be developed in teams, allow both the gradual advance of complexity as the learning progresses, and the proposal to be attractive to... more
Muchos sistemas electrónicos incorporan dispositivos criptográficos que implementan algoritmos que cifran la información almacenada. Pero aun cuando los algoritmos sean muy seguros, estos dispositivos pueden llegar a revelar cierta... more
F o rm a to 195 x 250 Páginas: 472 N o está permitida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra ni su tratamiento o transmisión por cualquier m edio o m étodo sin autorización escrita de la Editorial. D E R E C H O S RESER V AD O S (C)... more
- by Ángeles ML