
University of Sevilla. Spain | Physical Geography -
The identification of key-models for the territorial distribution of Spanish agroforestry systems would be a useful reference for natural areas planning and management at a regional level. For that purpose, a biogeographical description is... more
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      AgroforestryQuantitative MethodsBiogeographyAgroforestry Systems
The study presented in this paper takes part of a research project carried out for the past 20 years and it is, for now, its last stage. It's a global landscape valuation method focused on vegetation as a main element of different units... more
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      Qualitative methodologyBiogeography
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      BiogeographyLittoralMultidisciplinary Research
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      Research MethodologyConservationStructural DynamicsSystem Dynamics
The declaration of Protected Areas has frequently led to conflicts with local populations because of nature conservation management. In response to this reality new methods and strategies are emerging that are looking for a better... more
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      Land managementLand-use planningProtected areasCultural Landscape Management
La declaración de Espacios Naturales Protegidos ha producido con frecuencia conflictos con las poblaciones locales en la gestión de la conservación de la naturaleza. En respuesta a esta realidad han surgido nuevos métodos y estrategias... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyLand managementProtected areas
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El presente trabajo se enmarca en una labor de investigación metodológica denominada LANBIOEVA (Landscape Biogeographic Evaluation) con una trayectoria de más de 25 años y del que, de momento, es su último eslabón. Se trata de un método... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyHumanitiesVegetal Landscape
The knowledge about the migration movements of commercial species of crustaceans is of a great importance in the management of their fisheries. There is no complete technological solution for the research of detailed migration routes, but... more
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      Information TechnologyKnowledge ManagementAquacultureMarine Technology
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Although the megalithic phenomenon in southern Iberia has received attention since the mid-nineteenth century, there has been very little attention paid to the role that megalithic structures played in the organization of prehistoric... more
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      ArchaeologySpatial AnalysisLandscape ArchaeologySettlement Patterns
Se describe el diseño, desarrollo y explotación de una herramienta SIG para diferentes aspectos vinculados a la gestión del comercio en la ciudad de Sevilla (SIGCOMSE). El proyecto se enmarca en un convenio de colaboración entre la Cámara... more
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Conocer la ubicación del punto que posee la mayor cuenca visual sobre un área suele requerir la elección de una serie de localizaciones candidatas y el cálculo de su visibilidad. Si se contempla la posibilidad de considerar conjuntos de... more
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      MDEVisibilidadAnálisis de Redes
Geocoding processes of postal addresses and, therefore, their linked data (e.g. population) allows the usage of spatially disaggregated population data at maximum level. However, the level of data-disaggregation should not violate... more
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      MDEVisibilidadAnálisis de Redes
Este segundo artículo en torno a MAPA muestra los principales resultados del dictamen técnico ?Elaboración de un Índice de Perdurabilidad de sitios arqueológicos andaluces? para el proyecto Mapa Andaluz de Predicción Arqueológica, en el... more
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In recent years notable progress has been made in the characterization of stone materials from the Baetic quarries of Almadén de la Plata (Seville), both in terms of the areas of extraction and the distribution of their products. The... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman Marble trade and distributionPrehistoryArqueología
La prospección sistemática de la cuenca del Corbones, río tributario del Guadalquivir, nos ha permitido conocer, por un lado, que durante el Pleistoceno Medio y Superior, especímenes humanos recorrieron intensamente sus márgenes, dejando... more
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JOSÉ JUAN FERNÁNDEZ CARO RESUMEN Las industrias líticas del Bajo Corbones, afluente del Guadalquivir, se caracterizan por estar realizadas mayoritariamente en cuarcita, materia prima que conforma la casi totalidad de la carga de sus... more
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    • Geography