University of Sevilla. Spain
Construcciones Arquitectónicas I
Construcción en madera: infl uencia de los protectores de madera basados en sales hidrosolubles en la corrosión de herrajes metálicos Construction in wood: infl uence of the preservative wood based on hidrosolubles salts in the corrosion... more
The article outlines the creation of a method for the development of tools to incorporate sustainability criteria in the field of architectural design. The aim of the research is to provide society with scientific knowledge related to... more
This article presents a methodological proposal to address the urban issue from the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Different tools have been developed for this purpose: the Aura Method and the Aura Matrix. The... more
construccion desde tiempos remotos; ha sido insustituible en carpinteria para la fabricacion de herramientas, utillaje y mecanismos y, generalmente, para cualquier elemento resistente que necesitara una elevada capacidad resistente (sobre... more
Solar Decathlon Latin America and the Caribbean 2015 will take place in the city of Cali, Colombia. Coming from North America and after the European and Asian editions, now the competition for sustainable housing arrives Latin America.... more
espanol...ante el conjunto de edificios existentes que, por razones energeticas, historicas, esteticas o economicas, han dejado de ser considerados como eficientes desde el punto de vista de la habitabilidad contemporanea [obsoletos]...... more