
University of Sevilla. Spain | Chemical Sciences Department -
The primary objective of the proposed study is to determine the feasibility as application rocks of those associated with the vulcanogenic complexes of La Carolina, San Luis. While this district miner is indicated as a gold producer, its... more
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      Estadistica AplicadaRocas
The research aims to draw a solution to the problems generated by unplanned urbanizations developments. These investigations will be oriented to give the necessary guidelines of the degradation processes that can negatively interact with... more
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      IMPACTO AMBIENTALValoración economica de bienes y servicios ambientalesMétodos de evaluación
The Argentina shows a wide distribution of silts quaternary loess. These deposits present similar aspects, especially for the limy texture, the sequence of dark to clear brown colors of and slope about 70%. The microscopic studies of... more
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      Métodos NumericosCaracterizaciónTEFRAS
The contamination in the substrate is the physical, chemical or biological imbalance mainly due to the inadequate handling of solid and liquid waste. The toxic elements deposited on the substrate are transferred to plants and animals and... more
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      Medio AmbienteCompostaje
A statistical mineralogical method is proposed in order to evaluate the potential deterioration of the most widely used marbles in Argentina. The method is based on the evaluation of the mineralogical characteristics that most influence... more
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      Métodos NumericosMármoles
The method is based on the evaluation of the mineralogical characteristics that most influence the alteration of ornamental plates. These characteristics were also determined for White Carrara marble, in order to use these values as a... more
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In this work is applied a mineral statistical method that lets decide the use like application rock of those associated to The Carolina's volcanic complexes San Luis, Argentina. The pretertiary basement has been elevated and fractured,... more
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      IMPACTO AMBIENTALMétodos EstadísticoRocas
The subsidence and heave are one of the geotechnical problems more important associated with Córdoba loess soils. The change of the mineral internal structure in the loess soils cause volume modification that generate the potential... more
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    • Metodologías De Investigación
The subsidence and heave is one of the geotechnical problems more important associated with Córdoba loess soils. The change of the mineral internal structure in the loess soils cause volume modification that generate the potential... more
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    • Arcillas Expansivas
The objective of this work is to study the mineralogy of the sands and clays of the quaternary deposits in the San Luis Mountain, Argentina. The sands have been studied by way of the petrography microscope. A series of algorithms applied... more
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    • Mineral exploration
The object of this work is to release a detail mineral and textural statistical method in a soil of catena who is in Córdoba Province, Argentine. The mineral fraction of the 100-60 micron rates was made up by petrographical microscope.
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      Soil ScienceComparative StudySedimentary Geochemistry
The objective of the work has been the development of an easy and economic methodology for the taking of data and interpretation of the superficial ruggedness of the soil. The superficial ruggedness of the soil accelerates the eolian... more
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    • Quantitative Methods
The province of Córdoba has a wide distribution of loesic sediments. Its macromorphological features show similar aspects, especially due to the frank texture, the sequence of brown colors from dark to light and the slope of about 70%,... more
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      Environmental Soil ScienceSoil MineralogyCorrelation coefficient
The primary objective of the proposed study is to determine the feasibility as gold-bearing rocks of those associated with the volcanogenic complexes of "La Carolina", San Luis. The mining district under study is located between the... more
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      Petrología y geoquímicaGold mining
In this conference, the existence of trimorphs, such as vaterite, calcite and aragonite, in calcareous sediments is planted. The presence of these crystalline phases correlates with the thermodynamic conditions at the time of formation.... more
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      Metodologia De La InvestigacionCuaternarioCalcrete
The autochthonous carbonates come from the decomposition of the original material. While the allochthonous carbonates come from origin external, derived from air or water. Through this conference, a determinative method is proposed to... more
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      SoilsCalcreteMetodos Cuantitativos
Micromorphology studies, although are based on a bit laborious sample to achieve, are very important in studies of the genesis of carbonates in soils and sediments. These determinations are developed on samples impregnated in resins,... more
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      Soil ScienceCarbonate SedimentologyMicromorphology
This study was proposed in order to describe the pyroclastic material carried by the loesic sediments of the Cordoban plain. The soils of this wide plain develop on these sediments. The percentage variations, as well as the chemical... more
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      Soil ScienceLoessVolcanic ash
The fine sand to silt fraction (100-20µm) were concentrated without cement destruction to preserve phytolith morphology. Phytolith identifications were carried out with a polarized microscope counting 1000 grains. Two paleoenvironment... more
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      Environmental StudiesPhytolithsLoess
El texto fue escrito para aquellas personas que aman los minerales, pero carecen de formación en el tema. Es un libro escrito para introducirlos en el mundo de la mineralogía, que está ilustrado con más de 200 fotografías de minerales,... more
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      MineralogyColeccionismoNivel Inicial