Petre Guran
Historian, specialized in religious anthropology. Concerned with the role of Humanities in modern education. Started an educational project about the meaning of learning at the School of Bunesti:
Supervisors: Alain Boureau, Gilbert Dagron, and Peter Brown
Supervisors: Alain Boureau, Gilbert Dagron, and Peter Brown
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Papers by Petre Guran
The study proposes a new evaluation of the formula “Byzantine heritage” in Romanian historiographical and cultural consciousness. Starting with the reception of Byzantine history and culture in modern Romania, the
study reopens the question of the medieval awareness of a Byzantine heritage and operates several distinctions: firstly between different “Byzantine” institutional actors in Late Middle Ages, like the Empire and its aristocratic and intellectual elites and the Church and its ecclesiastical network, secondly between different “Byzantine” ideas derived from the Roman imperial idea, that circulated after the fall of Constantinople: the holy autocracy, on one hand, and the Orthodox idea, on the other hand. We owe to Iorga’s Byzance après Byzance the intuition to operate such distinctions, when he evaluates that Byzance d’Église was more successful than the other one, presumably Byzance d’Empire. Nevertheless, this medieval understanding of the „Byzantine heritage” was abandoned in the early phases of Romania’s westernization. The 20th century’s quest for a „Byzantine heritage” is linked with the nation-building process and its need to propose a distinctive and rich identity.
Irina Băncescu și Alexandru Belenyi.
The study proposes a new evaluation of the formula “Byzantine heritage” in Romanian historiographical and cultural consciousness. Starting with the reception of Byzantine history and culture in modern Romania, the
study reopens the question of the medieval awareness of a Byzantine heritage and operates several distinctions: firstly between different “Byzantine” institutional actors in Late Middle Ages, like the Empire and its aristocratic and intellectual elites and the Church and its ecclesiastical network, secondly between different “Byzantine” ideas derived from the Roman imperial idea, that circulated after the fall of Constantinople: the holy autocracy, on one hand, and the Orthodox idea, on the other hand. We owe to Iorga’s Byzance après Byzance the intuition to operate such distinctions, when he evaluates that Byzance d’Église was more successful than the other one, presumably Byzance d’Empire. Nevertheless, this medieval understanding of the „Byzantine heritage” was abandoned in the early phases of Romania’s westernization. The 20th century’s quest for a „Byzantine heritage” is linked with the nation-building process and its need to propose a distinctive and rich identity.
Irina Băncescu și Alexandru Belenyi.
ISBN : 978-2-916716-18-3
Evenimentul a avut loc la Muzeul Mitropolitan din Iași, în prezența Înaltpreasfințitului Teofan, Mitropolitul Moldovei și Bucovinei. Conceput într-un spirit interdisciplinar, destinat întâlnirii specialiștilor aparținând mai multor orizonturi culturale, Colocviul Cărţi româneşti de învăţătură (Iaşi – 1643, 1646) își propune să conjuge mai multe abordări propuse până acum în mod disjunct (și care nu au dus în domeniu decât la rezultate cel mult parțiale): istorică, filologică și teologică. La acest eveniment vor fi prezenți, pe lângă invitați din Iași, și participanți din Paris, Rouen, Chișinău, București, Cluj-Napoca și Târgoviște.
Printre cei care au luat cuvântul în prima zi a evenimentului au fost Dl. Petre Guran, Secretar de Stat în Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, Dl. Academician Alexandru Zub, Dl. Academician Demir Dragnev, Dl. Conf. Univ. Dr. Gheorghe Cojocaru și Dl. Conf. Univ. dr. Dan Ioan Mureşan de la Université de Rouen, Normandie, Franţa.
Ediția de față conține traducerea, după originalul grecesc, a celei mai ample versiuni, păstrată în manuscrisul Mosquensis Sinod. gr. 249.