• hello i use your plugin in combination with the flatsome theme. with the help of custom action the labels are displayed properly see settings and see example.

    but if I choose to keep a vertical product loop style from the theme then the labels are not placed over the image but in the text box of the product. sample

    how can i get the labels to be placed over each product photo by default using actions/hooks or shortcodes or php functions. in addition, the theme itself also has its own badge. or is there no way to replace the labels from your plugin with those from the theme?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Mati.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author ILLID



    Please tell me – how do you create the following box – https://prnt.sc/Txs_ra_xseBd ? Are you using any special shortcodes for that?


    Thread Starter Mati


    Hello @mihail-barinov
    Thnx for your feedback!

    it is a woocommerce element from the theme builder. you can think of it as a shortcode indeed. however, it is used for all products that you see on the same homepage. because I opted for a vertical style. then the labels are not applied correctly

    but basically the labels would be placed over every photo no matter what style I choose.

    see here some more actions and filters of the theme

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Looks like I found how to fix this issue. Fix will be available with the next plugins release.

    Also – if you don’t want to wait – I can explain what custom code to use to apply needed changes right now.


    Thread Starter Mati


    thanks for your comment. super! when do you think the release is? is it possible to test it on my website to see if it is actually solved?

    Thread Starter Mati


    By the way, I noticed something else. as soon as I choose template “angle” I see a transparent line see example.
    I see this on both desktop and mobile view. and in the product loop and single product page

    Plugin Author ILLID


    New version is planned for April 17. After it will be released you will be able to test it. But I am sure that it will fix your problem.

    About label “angle” issue – please try following custom css:

    .advanced-woo-labels .awl-type-label-angle .awl-label-after {
        left: -1px;
    Thread Starter Mati


    the labels ar still not correct after update 🙂

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Please make sure that you clear your browser cache. If you are using any caching plugins – also clear their cache too.


    Thread Starter Mati


    i have cleared browser cache and i don’t use caching plugin cache. can you check it on the website what i send before?

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Please try to use following code snippet:

    add_filter( 'awl_labels_hooks', 'my_awl_labels_hooks' );
    function my_awl_labels_hooks( $hooks ) {
        $hooks['on_image']['archive']['flatsome_product_box_tools_top'] = array( 'priority' => 10, 'js' => array( '.box-image', 'append' )  );
        return $hooks;

    You need to add it somewhere outside the plugins folder. For example, inside functions.php file of your theme or use some plugin for adding code snippets.


    Thread Starter Mati


    i get a syntax error https://prnt.sc/jXWdUWvNmChH

    Plugin Author ILLID


    As I see you copied it incorrectly. Please take a look at characters like


    They must not be presented in the code snippet.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by ILLID.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by ILLID.
    Thread Starter Mati


    thnx, i have add the function, but now the badges are gone. https://prnt.sc/CrFaCyEcVhwJ

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Please also add this second code snippet:

    add_filter( 'awl_js_container_selectors', 'my_awl_js_container_selectors' );
    function my_awl_js_container_selectors( $container ) {
        $container[] = '.product-small';
        return $container;
    Thread Starter Mati


    thnx now its working! but on the single product page, the badge will pop up a half second and than removes 🙁

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