• Resolved hamil


    After updating the Burst Statistics plugin to version 1.3.3, referrers are not displayed. Other data is displayed.
    Please advise how to fix this problem. Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    @hamil1 is your “referrers” list completely empty?

    Thread Starter hamil


    Yes, it is completely empty.

    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    I can’t reproduce any issues with this at the moment. Perhaps it is a caching issue. Can you try to add the following at the end of your url when you are viewing the statistics?

    The resulting url should look someting like:


    Thread Starter hamil


    Clearing the cache didn’t help. I used the above link. The result is a page without data. https://ibb.co/BN8sCLy After returning to the menu and clicking on “View my stats” the referrers are empty.
    I also used the WP Super Cache plugin to clear the cache. That didn’t help either. https://ibb.co/QN3s5SS
    I also use the plugin on another site. The same problem is there too.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by hamil.
    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    In response to a raised issue regarding time zones, we made a change to the time zone logic. Possibly this is the culprit. Can you check if the issue is gone if you revert to the previous version?


    Thread Starter hamil


    I went back to version 1.3.2 from the link above. I cleared the cache. The problem persists, the referrers are not showing up.

    Plugin Contributor Aert Hulsebos


    Hi @hamil1,

    How long have you been using Burst & Complianz together? What might happen is that organic visitors get the Complianz banner, and when consented the referrer will be set on your domain, not e.g. Google for example as tracking didn’t start on page load.

    If you’re using it for a short period of time, this might still be the case, until recurring visitors at least have consented before page load.

    Otherwise, we need to log what is going on. As everything seems to be tracked, but not referrers, which is pretty strange. regards Aert

    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    I have also created a branch which does not use internal caching, you can install it to check if the caching is the problem:


    Thread Starter hamil


    I installed the burst-disable-caching version and cleared the cache using WP Super Cache. The problem persists. I will revert to the current version 1.3.3.
    I have been using Burst & Complianz for a long time. Previously, the referrers were showing up.

    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    I was able to reproduce a similar issue by selecting the ‘last month’ date range. I noticed that for the internally cached data on this range, there was cached data, but it was empty. Because there is something in the cache, it doesn’t retrieve it again.

    I have now adjusted this so it will re-generate the data if the data in the cache is empty for a particular date range.

    We will be testing with this adjustments further to see if we can find any other issues, but it would be great if you can check if this also resolves your specific issue.


    Thread Starter hamil


    Yes, with the modified version the problem is solved. The referrers are displayed. Thank you.

    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    Great! Thanks for checking. It will get merged in the next update.

    Thread Starter hamil


    Hi @rogierlankhorst,
    I don’t know why, but the referrers aren’t back on today. I still have burst-cast-timestamp-to-int active. I didn’t make any changes to the site. I only recorded an update to the Easy Table of Contents plugin and published one post. After deactivating the Easy Table of Contents plugin, the referrers did not show up. That won’t be the problem.

    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    @hamil1 We’re going to drop the internal caching entirely, which should resolve the issue:


    Let me know if that helps!

    Thread Starter hamil


    The problem persists. I have activated burst-remove-caching. Cleared the cache with the WP Super Cache plugin and then with the link https://vareni.edilo.cz/wp-admin/index.php?page=burst#statistics&burst_clear_cache=1. Referrers are not showing up.

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